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Teh Romaniaaa!

Posted 08-19-2011 at 05:00 AM by T-nex
Updated 08-19-2011 at 05:02 AM by T-nex
Yea yea two blogs n all that. But Im only really pushing a duplicate off anyway.

Anyway I wanted to give an update on stuff.

Specifically on my.... grandma...
Jeez. Id forgotten what it's like living at a grandmother's place ._.
I sort of cant wait till I get to Cluj and get some damn privacy.
It's not even that she's bad. She's lovely and full of life. At an age of 71(i think), she looks 50-60. She still walks around like normal. She's funny and smiles...
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ASS level results

Posted 08-18-2011 at 04:51 AM by T-nex
... what?
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Posted 08-12-2011 at 11:53 PM by T-nex
Sooo ... Today is my last day at home

I've taken up the challenge of going on an internship for 4 months..... In Romania.

I'll be doing all sorts of fun communications and programming stuff. I'll be amongst friends too.

The company I'm gonna be in consists of several guys that I've known ever since my dad worked there a few years back. He was the Project Manage boss thingy.

Anyway. I'll be going on Sunday. From Denmark to Budapest, Hungary where...
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Posted 08-11-2011 at 04:24 AM by T-nex
Weird ass game.

I do not know what to make of it. Left me with kind of a bad taste.


So whats your thought about this game? ._.
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tired x_x

Posted 08-05-2011 at 07:09 AM by T-nex
Yea... so. the day before yesterday i pulled an allnighter in order to get myself tired on the right time, so I could fix my horrible sleep schedule. Well. It was a tiny bit better at least . Woke up at half past 3 today which.. believe it or not, is an improvement.

Anyway. My question is. Have you ever been so tired that you start dreaming before you even fall asleep?
It's weird when that happen. It's almost like being high, without all the wobbliness.
Id close...
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Weird hangup about names

Posted 07-23-2011 at 10:49 PM by T-nex
Ok... So I have this weird hangup, and for some reason i feel like sharing. Perhaps someone has the same troubles. I dunno

I have many hang ups really. Such as not being able to look people in the eyes for long, or not picking up phones, or wanting to call people.

But there's another one, which i haven't quite learned to tame yet x_x

I can't call certain people by their name. It happens a bit often, but certain people, I just cant use the names of.
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Posted 06-10-2011 at 02:53 AM by T-nex
So I passed my exam yesterday... But just barely. Which kinda sucks, cos I was feeling pretty confident about the other topics.
We have like 9 topic we can randomly pick from which were all from our lessons from Security...

ANd I picked about Network security. I apparently forgot most stuff about it x_x *cry* WHich is weird.. I knew that stuff pretty well before, but I focused on the other topics which were more fun.
But I don't feel THAT bad, cos it's not like I don't...
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Making friends?

Posted 05-25-2011 at 09:41 AM by T-nex
So yea... I never thought this day would come.... But I'm fairly sure I actually made some nice friends... Friends that if I keep building up the relationships I will be able to rely on them.

They are both from school. One is a guy and the other is a girl. And they both helped me immensely getting through school unharmed.

The girl seems really interested in me. It's so nice to finally have someone where I don't have to carry the whole burden in order to keep it alive. I...
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For the first time in my life I washed money :S

Posted 03-27-2011 at 07:58 AM by T-nex
Asked my mom why she needed it washed and she told me it was dirty.

Romanian bills are made of plastic so all is well.
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I found this very good song

Posted 03-20-2011 at 07:06 AM by T-nex
I know you've all seen it.

I think I'm gonna dedicate it to OANST cos I know how much he'd love this artistic, well-written song.
I mean. The lyrics are so poetic. Very fun interpret them too, as it can hold so many meaning. The metaphors are simply amazing.
The orchestra are also doing a very good job, and I think the song is about the various aspects of life that young people fight with today.

Enjoy =)