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Annual Bee keeper Appreciation Day

Posted 06-15-2011 at 12:06 PM by STM
Personally I prefer apiarist because who knows whether bee keeper is all one word or not? Certainly not the google chrome spell check.

Hopefully this will be one of my finer crafted blogs. So, recently I have been talking increasingly about bee keeping, not to sure why, I think it stemmed from the pets thread, but coincidentally it appears to be 'Annual Bee keeper Appreciation Day', (if MoxCo made this up recently then I'll look rather foolish,) so I thought I would give a little...
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Another interesting blog!

Posted 06-07-2011 at 01:24 PM by STM
I hate computer games

I love hentai

I still feel sick after spending a whole night awake

I'm a whiny fag who got banned

I'm an Ubisoft fan boy and I won't sleep for a day

We all love Metroixer

I want to make my ear look retarded

I like coffee

I hope you fucking enjoyed this interesting blog! Wasn't it great, all the most interesting news from...
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Yey my bees are back and bad ass!

Posted 05-30-2011 at 05:52 AM by STM
Updated 06-01-2011 at 07:48 AM by STM (more interesting)
FUCK YEAH! My blog has been edited because this is good news.

At the start of the year I thought both colonies had died turns out I had been wrong! Through some social manipulation and genetic selection, I have 'rebuilt' my colony as a lobotomisation of it and another one. And now they are back and bad ass! Fully productive, my bees are working in a hive that they have actually outgrown successfully, building their own comb up (which is good coz I can charge £10+ a jar for that stuff)...
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The tales of Fortwind Multsplex

Posted 05-21-2011 at 04:58 AM by STM

"Whatever you do don't pester the men from up the stairs, they're not good people, their games not fair, it's just not cricket! They gather around the Mighty Spenchforth and wail at it with unprecedented anger... one of these days they'll dislocate their hexagons and then they'll be done for."

"The time is S32:kjae&, so we must go to work. Block city waits for no man and I can't lose my job at this time of year, not when it's so cold...
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Posted 05-16-2011 at 01:56 PM by STM
Updated 05-19-2011 at 01:14 PM by STM
Sorry I know I shouldn't post two blogs in one go but I need a little support...

Hysteria removed.
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Smoking is bad m'kay!

Posted 05-13-2011 at 03:46 PM by STM
I hate it and I hate how shit it tastes in my mouth, I will never smoke again. That is all.

P.S. Weed is bollocks.

P.P.S Drink is don and I am gladfully pissed. Yawy!
; )
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Forum History

Posted 05-05-2011 at 11:41 AM by STM
I was thinking about this two weeks ago but back then blog etiquette dictated I could not post another topic here, now my blogs have cleared I wanted to post it again, only I don't reckon it's worth a spot in OT.

Anyone care to inform me on OWF history, some of the interesting stuff, I look through archives but the stuff is shady. I wanted really to know about that big schism years ago and the glass asylum. Like why Abe Babe doesn't post any more and those original members.
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Dixanadu is weird and talks to himself!

Posted 04-29-2011 at 02:51 PM by STM
Updated 04-29-2011 at 02:54 PM by STM
>_< !

Also he said Max is better than Nate!

I'm such a shit stirrer aren't I!
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I drawd sum art on my laptawp.

Posted 04-22-2011 at 12:08 PM by STM

Shall I do some more?

Also you get a bonus point if you can work out were the inspiration comes from!
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Dateless =(

Posted 04-16-2011 at 10:20 AM by STM
Oh boy,
Well it seems I'm dateless to the prom, I sort of knew this would happen since I heard about the prom last year. I know that people are going to say, 'go ask someone you dumb fuck' but I'm so shy it's unreal. Ah well, it would be worse if my friends had dates but they don't either, apart from one. Which brings up the question, have I surrounded myself with rejects for five years? Gah fuck it who cares, always next year...and then university. Bleh, I dunno why I'm...
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