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I guess we're all posting about our dreams?

Posted 07-27-2014 at 08:55 PM by Nate
In last night's dream I had the secret ability to teleport and got called away to some emergency midway through getting changed at the gym. Once that was resolved, I couldn't return to the change room as there were people in there who'd see me pop in. So instead I went to the university common room to wash some dishes and got accused of being a pervert for not wearing any pants.
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What a strange dream

Posted 07-27-2014 at 05:27 PM by Slog Bait
I had various dreams last night, but one of them is very relevant to this forum while not being relevant at all somehow.

In said dream, I was flying somewhere, I dunno where but it was definitely somewhere. There was a break in the flight, so I had to hang out in some unknown middle eastern/southern asian country for awhile and everything was all fine and dandy. I actually question the exact location, but hey, dreams, you know?

Anyway, for weeks before I took this...
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Vats: open. Clones: everywhere.

Posted 07-27-2014 at 07:51 AM by Bullet Magnet
So I wandered blearily downstairs yesterday morning in my PJs and was very surprised to see STM sitting on my couch. It took some time for me to understand that it wasn't our STM, rather it was some vicious doppelgänger who recently moved into the area who my brother knows. I keep calling him Aiden.
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Clothes Shopping

Posted 07-26-2014 at 10:29 PM by Phylum
I thought it might be nice to get some new things before uni goes back. Some of my jumpers are looking a bit daggy, and I could do with another jacket. I'd tried to go a few times in the last 2 weeks, but I was always either too tired to make it to the shops or too tired once I got to the shops to walk around umming and ahhing.

So today I tried again. And I got to a shop. And I looked at clothes. And I came to a strange realisation. I don't want new clothes. I want to look nicer so...
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nemo est mortuus

Posted 07-26-2014 at 06:16 PM by Nemo
I can't think of how to go on with this post but basically it was going to be about how I'm worrying about my increasing fascination with death and how sometimes I feel like an animate corpse so just imagine how that would have went or don't watevs alright see ya later peepz
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doggening 2: fart harder

Posted 07-24-2014 at 05:38 PM by Mac Sirloin
I think that New and Tasty looks swell. butt(t)

I think New N Tasty is a stupid ass name

I think abe looks too cute when my dreams tell me abe is a terrifying disgusting rapist and don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes, don't close my eyes.

I think that one trailer with the really shitty song was probably the most unoddworldy thing they could've played. I understand this was in no way the fault of the people who actually made the game, but still,...
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Or not.

Posted 07-21-2014 at 04:58 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 07-24-2014 at 09:40 AM by DarkHoodness
Update: I was gonna leave OWF until PC N'n'T came out to try and avoid spoilers, but I've since realized that since I'm already familiar with the original game, after reading reviews and watching JAW's livestream earlier, there's nothing much left to spoil, and I'm being a fuckwit.

Original blog title was "*poof*".

Boring blog is boring, and I stole a few seconds of your life using the power of indecision and idiocy. You want 'em back? Tough. :P

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Posted 07-21-2014 at 12:59 PM by Scrabaniac
So i got a PS4 Today and decided to download a game which isn't that large at all. It is taking FOREVER to download and its barely on 50% and it started downloading at 4pm today.

I have a feeling that New 'n' Tasty will take even longer to download because its a large game. I probably wont be able to play it until christmas with Playstation's shitty download system and my Shitty internet :/
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V_O_T's avatar

Posted 07-21-2014 at 02:39 AM by Job McYossie
So here I am, drinking coffee, looking through threads, when suddenly this scary face comes up.

Oh and apparently it's a .GIF and likely animated. This thing is oddly uncomfortable, where the hell is it from?
I fucking swear if one of you says "oddworld" I'll throw a fit
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Ray wants a job

Posted 07-20-2014 at 02:24 PM by JennyGenesis
Do excuse me being rude and occupying two spaces in the latest blog section, but this was just too good to share.

I turn up to work tonight at Dominos and I'm told that Ray had come in to apply for a job to be a delivery driver, as in our window we are advertising vacancies for part time drivers.

This all happened hours before I started my shift, but he came in, said he wanted to apply, the person in the shop at the time gave him an application form, told him to fill...
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