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My wireless burns seawater. Go figure.

Posted 09-12-2007 at 06:36 AM by Bullet Magnet
Updated 11-07-2007 at 05:24 PM by Bullet Magnet
Blogs. Love them, hate them, there's no denying it- they are an anagram of "globs". That may be one of the reasons they are loved and hated so, but I doubt it.

Regardless, I've seen them used for various purposes. Personal news, opinions, announcements, and (can you believe it) incoherent rambles.

Today, however, I have something to say that does not involve boasting about my new 360 or angsting about the recent births and deaths in my family.

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I hate being in withdrawl

Posted 09-11-2007 at 09:13 PM by mitsur
Yep, still going through withdrawl (apparently), and have to constantly fight a battle not to log onto WoW. Unfortunately, unless the parents either A. Forget about the ban or B. Take pity and give it back, I'll have to wait until 18 to finally log back in, which is a trifle inconvient as I'm a few months away from 16. A shame.

Anyway, I've currently been writing nonsensical short stories to kill time, which have mostly been piles of gibberish all ending with some kind of Armageddon-esqe...
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Posted 09-11-2007 at 03:30 PM by scrab queen
Updated 09-16-2007 at 01:52 PM by scrab queen
Ah, my favorite phrase. I can't use it no more, because now it's everywhere. I need a new catchphrase.
Any suggestions?
ANd, penguin belonker has already been used.

Here's your steamin pile of crap:

8bit music rules.
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Posted 09-10-2007 at 06:37 PM by Alf Shall Rise
I ate an apple. It was tastay.
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This just in, I had a mental breakdown over losing WoW

Posted 09-09-2007 at 10:08 PM by mitsur
Yep, my parents finally stepped in and booted me off WoW, prompting me to explode into hysterical tears since they had saddled on all of my shortcomings onto the game, and in my vulnerability believed it all.

The worst part is that I caught a pretty bad case o' the flu and they are now claiming the sickness is 'withdrawl'. Whatever the hell that means.

But anyway, I'm trying to piece together what to do after I get home from school. I'm sure I'll find something. It's...
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Scary Teacher

Posted 09-09-2007 at 06:47 AM by Alf Shall Rise
Yes! My science teacher, Mrs. Weiss, is a total bitch. We already have this huge packet due tomorrow, and she says she's going easy on us since it's the first week. Godammit! How the hell is she gonna be later in the year? I don't really want to know, but I do know this is suicide. Science is the only class that needs TWO notebooks and TWO folders.

.....I'm scared.
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Posted 09-09-2007 at 06:13 AM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 09-22-2008 at 03:47 AM by Mac Sirloin
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Well I just decided to have a big blubbery baby cry.

Posted 09-09-2007 at 03:19 AM by Marvak
Ok? Don't read this if you don't care for other people's whinging whining and/or boohooing (not to be confused with woohooing, you Sims2 voyeurs). Ok. Go now. Go. Shoo fly.

So I've been sick since Thursday which I've already made a blog about (which I do believe has promoted to brochitis), I've got a coldsore inside my mouth that tastes like it's constantly seeping blood, mum won't buy me another box of black hair dye for me (you can see my horrid fawny-brown...
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Orange Box=Awesomeness.

Posted 09-08-2007 at 08:17 PM by Daxter King
So, the Orange Box comes with Half Life 2, Episodes 1&2, Portal and Team Fortress 2. Half Life 2 is the sequel to Half Life, an award wining game. The 2 episodes expand the story line about 5 hours each. Portal lets you control your environment by making portals to and from places. Team Fortress 2 is an online class based FPS. Basic red team verses blue team. Oh, and my friend just pre ordered it in full for me. =D
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Bitchspace... Featuring:Call of Duty 2 MP

Posted 09-08-2007 at 05:51 PM by Fortesque13
Yeah, you heard me, take my bitching or run away. Dunno if I'll keep the blog up, but i think i need some space to extract my anger and rage upon the modern world. So what I've been wondering for the past few weeks is how much can a person play COD2. And the answer is 30 hours a week (SCHOOL WEEK). Now, don't take me wrong. COD2 is great in SP, but I've tried multiplayer and I simply don't realise how can someone just run around shooting the others for 30 hours a week.
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