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Final year project complete

Posted 05-05-2016 at 03:02 AM by Jordan
So my main project for uni has been finished. I remade Tifa's bar from FF7. I'd love it if you guys checked it out. Lemme know what you think

Hopefully I should be able to start on some new projects soon, including some Oddworld themed ones.
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I chanted to call the rain.

Posted 05-01-2016 at 12:55 PM by Xorlidyr
So this is my new song in Finnish, darlings.
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Running a Mock Election for My Own Statistical Amusement

Posted 04-29-2016 at 06:27 AM by MeechMunchie
Piqued by a recent rewatch of the pleasingly brisk "Politics in the Animal Kingdom" videos by the ever-popular C.G.P. Grey, I decided to invest some time into learning the ins and outs of a modern democracy, simulate a small voter pool, and establish first-hand just how far the numbers can bend when nudged by savvy politicians.

Things I did not do this week: Eat, drink, sleep, wash, speak. Did I mention I might...
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Sgt. Sideburns
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Hate not the man, but the weakness.

Posted 04-27-2016 at 12:11 AM by STM
I’ve always had trouble putting my thoughts down on paper. I think there’s something daunting about being faced with the blankness of an empty page; there’s an infinite number of opportunities conveyed on the face of the paper, and maybe this goes some way to explaining why it’s hard to even start to put my thoughts down to be read. Then there is—of course—the fact that although things can be crystal clear in my mind, something goes wrong in the process of explaining my thoughts and...
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It's Time

Posted 04-23-2016 at 01:00 AM by Nepsotic
I'm gonna leave, probably not forever, but just until I figure out my shit.
I like this place but it isn't really the most uplifting place to be around when your head is fucked (as everybody here knows) - not saying that I don't contribute to the misery but a turd isn't going to start smelling better by being around other turds.

See you in a bit guys, love ya
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Oddworld's best (and worst) fans.

Posted 04-20-2016 at 12:10 PM by Vlam
In my opinion, the best fans are Australians.

The worst are British.
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Now I am popular.

Posted 04-18-2016 at 08:19 AM by Xorlidyr
Now I am popular.
And hook up.
What now?

Not enjoying myself still,
But being popular is enjoyable.

Any advice?
Are my morals vile?
Should I repent my sins,
Even though I am Pagan?

My mind is no more pure.
Let me celebrate it even more.
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Gone for a Bit

Posted 04-17-2016 at 10:10 PM by STM
Just wanted to swing by and say that I'm leaving for a bit due to some personal issues. In essence, I need to sort out my relationship. I'm coming back but if I fall off the face of the earth for a few days/weeks, you know why. x
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6 Hours of Dragonslayer Armour

Posted 04-16-2016 at 08:11 PM by Nepsotic



I trained myself to just push on even though it was making me tear my hair out, but no. I started at 11, and I stopped at 5. There was sweat dripping from my controller.

I still haven't beaten him.
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Listen to this shit.

Posted 04-14-2016 at 02:50 AM by Alf Shall Rise
Hi guys, I've been a little inactive these past few days because of college and all of that fun hellish shit. But I've got a story to tell.

This happened yesterday at around one in the afternoon. I was on my computer, at home, doing my business when my dog starts barking at something outside. Now, understand that my dog barks at a ton of shit, so this was nothing new: he barks at every single dog he sees as well as plastic bags. So immediately, I assume he's just barking at some...
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