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The Return of the Son of My Dad

Posted 08-09-2012 at 06:03 AM by OddjobAbe
I went on holiday for a week to the Shetland Islands, then stayed over at a friend's for a few days after. I bet you were all wondering why old Oddjob wasn't coming around no more.

Shetland was great, but I got sick, and as soon as I got in the house (back in England), I threw up violently. God knows why, but I was rolling in pain the night before, so I can see...
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The World's Most Terrifying Penises: The Echidna

Posted 08-09-2012 at 04:02 AM by Nate
Warning: Do not watch whilst eating.

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Bittersweet Moment

Posted 08-09-2012 at 02:57 AM by JayDee
So i was searching around some sites and I got a pop up, I was about to cross it off when I noticed something unusually familiar. Here's a screenshot.

Wasn't sure whether to be happy, annoyed, or saddened. In the end I chose all three at once. "Almost Released," is abit of a stretch for Fangus..
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Windows 7 and Pagefile/Hibernation File use... Free up space on system volume!

Posted 08-07-2012 at 04:11 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 08-07-2012 at 04:14 PM by DarkHoodness
Some of you may learn from this or find it useful.

When I bought this computer I only allocated 40 GB to my system drive. Big mistake, and I've had to juggle system files a lot, but I've gotten by with it... Until today.

This week, I decided to upgrade - One upgrade was to double the size of my RAM. When booting it up after, I immediately found that my system volume was suddenly full. Disk cleanup only freed a gig, and the file sizes on the drive only added up to half...
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Posted 08-07-2012 at 01:05 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 02-15-2016 at 09:38 AM by Nepsotic
[Redacted due to cringe]
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Conversations from Work

Posted 08-06-2012 at 03:35 AM by Wil
Me: Is his bum all saggy?

Them: you tell me

Me: It's glorious.
Like silk pillows.
With a chocolate core.

Them: whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Me: Good to the last drop.
Like trying to get your money's worth out of a Choc Dip.

Them: whoa...

I might make a running feature out of this.
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How many Mobys?

Posted 08-06-2012 at 03:10 AM by Nate
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You know what we should Do?

Posted 08-05-2012 at 11:27 AM by STM
You know what we, what we should do?

Have another Oddtour. But, this one will be hosted by MM and myself. He said once he got back from holiday we could all go to his place. We'll just stay there, for like, a week. No one leaves, n9ot even to go to the bathroom.

Or London. You guys, have two weeks t book tickets. Run!

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Manco wanted a blog

Posted 08-04-2012 at 01:19 AM by enchilado
How do I know if a girl on the internet is joking when she says she thinks she'd love me more if I wanted to fuck her?

I think that one deserves a blog of its own.
I don't really have much to say that I haven't said before (although probably no one remembers), but I'd love some advice if anyone has any...

Basically: I hung out on IRC and a girl there somewhat jokingly said she loved me. She teased me a bit and seeing my distress she...
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Gone havin' fun

Posted 08-02-2012 at 03:39 AM by Varrok
From Friday to Saturday I'll be partying at the Polish version of the Woodstock Festival. I've never been to a such fest before, but I hope it'll be fun. I also hope you don't care enough to miss me for those two days It'll be nice of you if you wish me getting a signed piece of paper from the Sabaton band though. So I might blame you instead of me for not wishing me hard enough in the case I didn't get an autograph : )
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