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299 792 458 m·s^−1 6.67384(80)×10−11 m³·kg^−1·s−2 6.626 069 57(29) × 10^−34 J·s 1.054 571 726(47) × 10^−34 J·s 4π × 10^−7 N·A^−2 = 1.256 637 061... × 10^−6 N·A^−2 8.854 187 817... × 10^−12 F·m−1 376.730 313 461... Ω 8.987 551 787... × 109 N·m²·C^−2 1.602 176 565(35) × 10^−19 C 9.274 009 68(20) × 10^−24 J·T^−1 7.748 091 7346(25) × 10^−5 S 12 906.403 7217(42) Ω 4.835 978 70(11) × 10^14 Hz·V−1 2.067 833 758(46) × 10^−15 Wb 5.050 783 53(11) × 10^−27 J·T^−1 25 812.807 4434(84) Ω 5.291 772 1092(17) × 10^−11 m 2.817 940 3267(27) × 10^−15 m 9.109 382 91(40) × 10^−31 kg 1.166 364(5) × 10^−5 GeV^−2 7.297 352 5698(24) × 10^−3 4.359 744 34(19) × 10^−18 J 1.672 621 777(74) × 10^−27 kg 3.636 947 5520(24) × 10^−4 m² s^−1 10 973 731.568 539(55) m^−1 6.652 458 734(13) × 10^−29 m² 0.2223(21) 1.660 538 921(73) × 10^−27 kg 6.022 141 29(27) × 10^23 mol^−1

S-science? Really?

I made an art.

Posted 10-12-2011 at 02:30 PM by Bullet Magnet
Love a planet?

Lava planet!
Posted in Science, S-science?
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Day Trip to London. Thoughts, hijinks.

Posted 08-26-2011 at 03:28 PM by Bullet Magnet
Updated 08-26-2011 at 03:49 PM by Bullet Magnet
All August my friend Robert and I have been planning a trip to Hastings before the summer is out. But the title says London! I hear you cry. Patience, I'll get there.

We went to London instead. Originally we had hoped to go to the beach with a group of friends, inspired by a prior conversation about a past birthday party of mine. When everyone turned out to be working on the days we were free, the list was whittled down to two. So we settled on Hastings and planned, to among other...
Posted in Science, S-science?
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Major Environmental Catastrophe

Posted 08-11-2010 at 09:41 AM by Bullet Magnet
Millions Of Barrels Of Oil Safely Reach Port In Major Environmental Catastrophe

Disaster strikes as massive quantities of oil reach their intended destination.

PORT FOURCHON, LA—In what may be the greatest environmental disaster in the nation's history, the supertanker TI Oceania docked without incident at the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port Monday and successfully unloaded...
Posted in Science, S-science?
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Reviving an extinct human subspecies.

Posted 12-17-2009 at 07:00 AM by Bullet Magnet
A Powerpoint presentation to a pharmocology group. The media is spartan and professional, but stick with it, and consider the consequences.

Posted in Science, S-science?
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