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Holy Hell

Posted 06-30-2008 at 09:23 PM by ParasiteSklent
My dad really knows how to ruin a good time.

I was at his place this past weekend. He drove me home, and for the most part, we had some good conversation...until halfway through the drive. Somehow, he changed the subject to how he and my mother met. If that isn't an awkward conversation waiting to happen, I don't know what is. The fact that they've been divorced for the last...12 or 13 years...made it a bit more awful. I really wish I would've told him to stop talking. Oh boy....
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Lack of updates, ADURR

Posted 06-23-2008 at 07:28 AM by ParasiteSklent
Meh. I haven't been updating my fanfic very often. If you've been following it (though I doubt it *shrug*), you'll notice I update about...once a week. Hm. I won't blame that on writer's block or lack of ideas, I have plenty of those. I blame it on pure lazy. I've been writing a lot of original stuff for a while, too, so I'm more focused on that. I don't mind if the fic gets forgotten, really... I like it and all, but it's not a huge priority for me, just something for the lulz. I wasn't planning...
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David Cronenberg...

Posted 06-09-2008 at 01:09 PM by ParasiteSklent
...I just don't know about his movies.

I watched Naked Lunch a few nights ago. I still can't figure out whether I enjoyed it or not. I like watching and reading surreal, original things (I AM an Oddworld fan, after all), but if it goes too far, it's more irritating than interesting (like David Lynch's Inland Empire). There's something about people and typewriters turning into giants insects that had a disturbing charm about it, though. I'm starting to think I liked the movie in a...
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Posted 06-05-2008 at 07:03 AM by ParasiteSklent
...In case you didn't know before. Yes. I'm female. But anyway...

I finally decided to go through with my crazy idea and make an Oddworld fan fiction...because I can't think of anything else to write. The only other good thing in my brain has already been done and posted in the Non-Oddworld thing yesterday. It's taking me a very long time to write it, for some reason...anxiety, maybe? Who knows.

...And sorry, Max the Mug, it involves no orgies.
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Posted 06-03-2008 at 02:40 PM by ParasiteSklent
My creative flow has come to a halt. It's making me very frustrated. Just sitting around, listening to 10 Years on my iPod for an hour, when I thought, "Hey! I think I'll try to flesh out some crack ideas for a retarded Oddworld fan fiction! FUN!"

First idea was an alternate universe kind of thing, with Oddworld basically being transformed into a more corrupt version of America. Because criticism of your own country is so fantabulous. If you've been stalking my deviantART,...
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My Newbie Commandments

Posted 06-01-2008 at 05:58 PM by ParasiteSklent
Alright. I want to get some stuff out, mainly so I can learn to stop being a moron, and maybe better myself and become a worthy member of this fine community. Here goes:

1) I will not make pointless (or already made) threads.
-I just made the mistake of making one that's already been done. I would blame my internet connection for crapping out on me when I tried to search the threads, but I mainly blame myself for being so rash.

2) I will stop apologizing...
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Waiting for inspiration...

Posted 05-31-2008 at 04:06 PM by ParasiteSklent
As I take a break from working on another Oddworld video (very ambitious for me, a huge medley with about 5 minutes worth of different songs), I'm sitting at the kitchen table at my dad's house, looking out at the woods. Actually, it's too small to be considered a forest, so I call it "mini-woods," but I'm rambling. My writer's block has been taking a huge toll on me, so I thought I'd find inspiration from the great outdoors. So far, the only thing I've thought of was printing out a SoulStorm Brew...
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Posted 05-31-2008 at 11:29 AM by ParasiteSklent
Hi there, I'm new here. I've been having an urge to talk among like-minded Oddworld fans, since not many people I know play the games...or even know they exist... Hopefully I'll find some fun in this little community. (Don't worry, just because I'm new doesn't mean I'll spam boards or act like a n00b. I lurk forums all the time, I know the score ) Also, I enjoy making Oddworld videos, and I might start a fan fiction series (can't decide between comedy or crime drama. Maybe a mix of both? HURR.)....
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