No shit? Ya really. And no, the ghosts of christmas past, present and future have not come to haunt me yet over the years.
So it was Christmas right? Of course it was, we were all there for it, there's no getting around it. I, personaly, hate Christmas in every form because of the hypocricy. If we need two designated days a year to be friendly to each other then I'd say we hit the very lowest of low. Entire wars are put on HOLD because it's Christmas!
"Yea don't mind those Iraqies, it's Christmas afterall and we can't bomb them untill it's over. Christmas is a time in which we need to love each other, afterall."
It's a stupid tradition in my eyes which comes with the biggest non-sense ever created. We pretend to love each other, give each other expensive presents, invite each other to Christmas dinners where we eat food so classy we don't dare touch it. And most of us don't even like the Christmas dinner but we keep eating and smile nicely to the hostess while in reality, we keep thinking back to that frozen pizza in the back of the freezer. At the end of the night half of the food gets thrown out and ends up on the landfill and at the end of the month December we will have spent millions of dollars extra around the world on presents and food.
Yeah you go Christmas spirit. Be nice to each other, think about others, help each other out! I wonder if they have Christmas trees in Africa.