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Oh Dear

Posted 07-18-2008 at 08:06 AM by OddjobAbe
My nephew went to my brother's farm to visit him. Unfortunately, my brother is not the sharpest tool in the shed, and taught our eleven year old nephew to use a chainsaw (according to my brother's wife).

So, as the story goes according to Louise (my brother's wife), my brother got useless furniture out of the garage and put them in the (empty) barn to let my nephew cut up (total imbecile).

Anyway, long story short, my brother's cat was in one of the cupboards that my nephew cut up. I think you can imagine what happened to it. Anyway, my brother's given me one hundred pounds as a bribery not to go tell the police that he left a minor unsupervised with a chainsaw (I didn't ask for the money, and I wasn't going to the police anyway). I'm just glad my nephew's alright.

Did I accept the bribery? Yes. It sounds like a scum-like act, but I'm putting it towards a new drumkit for him ('him' being my brother).
He does not know this.

Anyway, my nephew is to stay away from my brother's farm now.

My brother doesn't really do any farming, but he just owns the place. It's not used any more. It's more of a field with a house and a barn.
Total Comments 5


Jordan's Avatar
That's... Terrible. Poor cat! At least you're putting his money into good use.
Posted 07-18-2008 at 08:42 AM by Jordan

Wil's Avatar
Your brother left your nephew alone with a chainsaw to kill a cat, so you’re buying him a drum kit.


Got it.
Posted 07-18-2008 at 11:58 AM by Wil

OddjobAbe's Avatar
Trust me, a drum kit will keep him occupied. He loves percussion. And if he's occupied, he can't cause bother, right? Trust me, if my nephew goes there again, he'll be showing him the drum kit, not the chainsaw.
Posted 07-18-2008 at 12:03 PM by OddjobAbe

Oddsville's Avatar
Your brother left your nephew alone with a chainsaw to kill a cat, so you’re buying him a drum kit.


Got it.
The cat was obviously a spy and deserved it.
Posted 07-18-2008 at 12:06 PM by Oddsville

Wil's Avatar
Perhaps, but it might be an idea to consider providing him with fewer distractions from safeguarding minors.

As a hearty cat lover, this story makes me writhe.
Posted 07-18-2008 at 02:31 PM by Wil


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