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Still Alive. . .

Posted 07-04-2008 at 06:55 PM by DarkHoodness
Yes, that's right. Despite seeing it being played through on YouTube and watching a friend play it through while completing half the game myself on his machine, I bought Portal.

I mean it's weird to be a big fan of a game without even owning a copy, right? This'll mean I get to do all the challenges and import other user-created maps. Playing a game is very different from watching a game anyway.



Today's 3am thoughts:

Actually it's a weird time to be buying a game considering Alector (my life partner and mentor in a way) is returning to me tomorrow (Well actually today, considering it's beyond Midnight but I haven't slept yet) after 2 and a half month's absence. . .

You know, part of me doesn't believe she's coming back. It's been such a long time. . . I'll believe it when she's within touching distance. But most of the preparations are in place and everything is nearly ready for her and BlueScrab, who she's bringing with her.

A part of my life changes with her return, which makes me feel a little odd - But by all means, it's neither a bad change or a bad feeling. The cogs have been in motion for some time anyway so it's pretty much inevitable. . .

It's just when you live in a certain way for a while, even though it's a way of life that sucks, you get used to it. Then one day it changes all of a sudden to something that's quite a bit different. Even if that new way of life is 100% better, it's still an odd feeling.

Maybe I also feel weird because there's a few things haven't quite unravelled yet, but I guess they will in time.

But never mind. Here is to the future and the weird and odd things that are about to happen.
Total Comments 3


Leto's Avatar
oh my god, I was gonna ask in this blog when she is coming back when I saw it... made me smile knowing she's home real soon

enjoy yourself. spend as much time as you can with her (even though I know you will). avoid this shithole for a few days
Posted 07-05-2008 at 12:46 AM by Leto

Laser's Avatar
Be sure to make up 2 months of sexy time!
Posted 07-05-2008 at 10:20 AM by Laser

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Wait, I'm confused, wasn't Alector your brother? The hell is wrong with me, must be confused because WALL E WAS SO AMAZING
Posted 07-05-2008 at 12:00 PM by Mac Sirloin


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