Big Blog Fridays #3 - Three-Legged Freaks
Hi guys, it's TheManFromMudos here, and this week I'd like to talk about something which has been clearly hinted at in Oddworld Inhabitants' latest teaser image. Yes, it is the possibility of Vykkers featuring in Oddworld: Soulstorm. Now, whether you liked Munch's Oddysee or not, you can't deny that the new creatures it gave us (particularly Vykkers and Interns) were an insightful addition to the franchise. In fact, alongside Glukkons and Paramites, the Vykkers are definitely a contender for my personal favourite Oddworldian species.
So, naturally when I heard the news that we may see the Vykkers recreated in Soulstorm's own darker, more serious tone, I was... excited, to say the least. After all, Vykkers are almost synonomous with the words 'torture' and 'suffering', aren't they? It makes perfect sense to me that the Vykkers were the true mastetminds behind Soulstorm Brew (The Glukkons couldn't well have done it, what with them wandering around with their hands in their shoes all the time, could they?) But, just how important the Vykkers are to Soulstorm's tale remains to be seen for the moment.
That brings me to today's question, which is this: Do you think the Vykkers are going to play an integral role in the events of Oddworld: Soulstorm? Will we be able to see, interact with, and perhaps even possess them in game? Or will they be nothing more than a shameful plug, a quick reference to one of Oddworld Inhabitants' past titles? Let me know what you think.