
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > The Mistress Is Back

Hello to my dearest Oddworld Inhabitants, I haven't visited in a while. I'm supposed to be doing a SOSE assignment on music in the 1900's, but I don't really give a toss about the damned music. So, instead I'm looking up serial killers on Google. There's a nice interesting one titled "the shoe fetish slayer". Nice stuff.
Not really.
Guess what guys, I'm getting a book published!
It's titled Order of Spawn.
It's about when people discovered a whole galaxy with earth-like planets. Due to earth's bad pollution and lack of stable animals and plants (thanks to extinction) it was a global agreement to abandon earth and move over to the new planets.
However, in a city in Australia, a sister, brother and gay psychologist (quite a bizarre relationship) the three decide to stay behind.
And this is where the story starts, thousands of years after the last ship left.
Order of Spawn is all about how humans adapt to a world that has barely any water, food, and the sun is beggining to become a Red Giant. It's about how humans evolve and grow.
Basically a super duper version of spore
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Back, many years later.

Posted 09-13-2007 at 02:08 AM by Mistress of Oddworld
Updated 09-10-2011 at 04:50 AM by Mistress of Oddworld
My dear Odd I was a weird kid when I was using OWF.
Now, I am a weird woman.
Total Comments 3


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Does Dyke have the same meaning down there as in up here?

Anyway, I has a game, s'called tiny Tank and I've beat itm once, but the ending was SO satisfying.
Posted 09-13-2007 at 03:18 AM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 09-13-2007 at 03:29 AM by Mac Sirloin

Mistress of Oddworld's Avatar
yep, dyke sure does!! And that photo I've have here is really annoying me. I've GOT to change it soon!!! It's my friend kyle.

Tiny Tank, I haven't heard of it! O_o! According to my ps1 dictionary, it's rated 6/10 for ps addicts, and the average person it's rated 4/10. It says here that it's a fun platformer that can be finished within a day, not demanding more than an evening.

Sounds good, I think I'll get it!
Posted 09-14-2007 at 01:28 AM by Mistress of Oddworld

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Damn straight, its proabably the only reason I am a shooter addict now.

I want a sequel.

And all those people who rated it have brain farts.
Posted 09-14-2007 at 04:08 AM by Mac Sirloin


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