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Posted 03-03-2015 at 04:54 PM by Phylum
I don't think i've ever felt worse than I do right now. The 8 minute walk home from the train station took closer to half an hour. I felt like just throwing myself down on the pavement and giving up at least twice. I just lost the will to move my legs any more.

So I've been back at uni. It's really stressful and has been making me very anxious, but I'm back doing things and seeing people. It's been awesome actually having a reason to get up in the morning. I've been in bed by 10pm, then waking up at 6:30am to do flute practice before I go in some days. It's been tiring, but I feel like I can actually cope with it.

So I just had my first flute lessons. I think it was the worst lesson I ever had. Anyone who actually reads these knows that i had a pretty shaky start to last year playing wise, but this just feels 100x worse. Every lesson last year I left with some id ea of what to do, but now i don't even know where to start. my teacher was specifically telling me exactly what to do in that lesson, and i couldn't do it. she told me that i need to focus hard and make sure i'm doing everything perfectly, but that i also need to be relaxed and musical in everything i do. she told me that i only passed my wind orchestra audition by the skin of my teeth because i was so rigid and unmusical, and that the conductor actually didn't want me at all. she was telling me to do things, basic things, and i just couldn't. she would tell me that i was trying too hard. that i can't make it look like and effort. but it is

i don't know where this leaves me. i couldn't do it with her literally standing over my shoulder adjusting the position of my flute as i played. i couldn't even play one note right in a practice room after 15 minutes of trying.

i saw one of my friends on my way home. i don't even remember what we talked about. all i could do was say things about that lesson. i remember she was really uncomfortable. i think i might have been almost shouting at one point. i definitely almost cried.

i don't even know what i'm doing now. i should be playing, i should be trying to fix this fucking thing. somehow. but i don't know how.

so basically i feel lost and directionless and still hate everything else in my life and feel like i'm on the verge of completely breaking down and i don't know wwhat to do. i don't know why i've gone into so many weird details here. this might be a cry for help.

i just wish i could feel good about doing something. that i could not feel awkward and uncomfortable for most of the day.

the baest part is that i only ever write these blogs for the attention. i don't actually take any of your advice. i waste all of your time by posting this shit, and then ignore the people who are decent enough to respond. it's fantastic. i really want to delete all of this now. i really really do. but i'm posting it anyway.

Total Comments 8


Bullet Magnet's Avatar
This is getting especially serious now. I don't really know what to say, all I can do is parrot useless advice that other people give me, I haven't found a way to seek help for years now, such is the imposition on free will. Maybe you just need to get someone in your life to read these. Or, hell, just give us somebody's e-mail so we can show them. Someone else needs to find you appropriate help and make you get it, because it's the nature of the disease that if you could do it yourself then you probably wouldn't be in need of that help in the first place.
Posted 03-03-2015 at 06:05 PM by Bullet Magnet

Shade667's Avatar
Dont really know why I read these. I have Zero life experience. Cant help ya. I just sit on my arse and play videogames 12 hours a day...

So, umm... Dont do what I do, I guess.
Posted 03-03-2015 at 06:35 PM by Shade667

STM's Avatar
Dude hit me up on Skype or Facebook next time you see me on, I'm on a course tomorrow until like, 4pm (gmt+0) but if you're around after that should float me a message?

Don't make me chase you down, Phy. Because I will. *shakes fist*
Posted 03-04-2015 at 01:42 PM by STM

OANST's Avatar
You need to be on anti-depressants.

I'm currently going through something that I haven't told anyone about, and will not talk about, so don't ask, and I have to tell you, the anti-depressants make a difference. A pretty huge difference, actually. The biggest difference I can see is that I no longer dwell on it all day long. It does not consume my thoughts like it was. I am now for the most part pretty damn functional. There are still bad days. Today was a bad day. But they are one out of every ten instead of ten out of ten. Get on anti-depressants, and give them time to start working. They will not really start working for about a month.
Posted 03-06-2015 at 12:21 PM by OANST

Nate's Avatar
You need to be on anti-depressants.
This is pretty much what I was thinking. But then you said that you don't take any advice from our comments, so I just didn't say anything.

Today was a bad day.
This combined with your post on Facebook today about the next comic fills me with apprehension for Monday.
Posted 03-06-2015 at 05:50 PM by Nate

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I spent Thursday drinking myself into numbness, Friday morning crying in the shower, Friday afternoon trying to dance myself sane, and today I'm going for a nice walk in the hills.

Yeah, we're all fucking nuts.
Posted 03-07-2015 at 05:31 AM by MeechMunchie

OANST's Avatar
@Nate: Noooo. Nothing to do with the comic. That was fine. Painful, but funny. The bad days are just the days when I can't shake a certain something out of my head, and I obsess about it all day long, feeling worse and worse the longer I do it. Still, the anti-depressants do a pretty damn good job of keeping me from doing that. Mostly, yesterday was perfectly fine after about 2:00. From the time I woke up until 2:00 I was so depressed that I could barely speak to anyone, but without the pills it would be 1000 times worse and it would be all day every day.
Posted 03-07-2015 at 08:45 AM by OANST

OANST's Avatar
And if you're worried about the side effects of anti-depressants, ask your doctor to try Wellbutrin. It's pretty much the only effective drug that isn't an SSRI, and doesn't come with all the side effects that SSRI's can produce. That's what I'm on, and while I'm pretty sure that being on an SSRI would work better, I refuse to take them because I'm terrified they will make my dick stop working. And that's the one thing that I'm typically pretty happy with, so yeah, I'm not taking any chances on losing that.
Posted 03-07-2015 at 08:56 AM by OANST


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