4/20 Bag It
Posted 09-07-2014 at 05:17 AM by JayDee
As none of you may know, for the last year and a half I've been looking for a monitor for my computer. Around Spring of last year I had enough money saved up to go all out and build a decent computer, ofcourse I use "build" liberally as my involvement only extended to purchasing the parts and plugging it in when it was sent to me pre-assembled.
However in my eagerness to have a good computer, I overlooked buying a monitor. Resulting in me having used my TV connected with a HDMI in order to use it. This wouldn't have been such a problem for myself, however everytime my girlfriend came over I would have to drag the TV from my desk in the other room and move it to where it had sat prior to me getting the computer - it was a ball ache to move it and move it back again.
Until last night when a person that I wouldn't even consider an aquaintance popped up asking, "If I PC" I made a joke about using a Mac and then he proceeded to tell me he was selling his old computer stuff, including a monitor for £20. Though my pikey senses were tingling, I couldn't even afford that. When I told him of my financial situation, he told me he was "desperate for bud" and that he'd lower the price to £10. Now that's more like it.
We agreed somewhere to meet halfway and he handed me to monitor in a duffle bag, I paid him the ten pounds. On the walk home I realised that the bag alone probably cost £10, effectively making the monitor free. I also considered the fact that I just gave somebody who I somewhat knew, the means to get high but quickly discarded it.
Cheap deals.