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4/20 Bag It

Posted 09-07-2014 at 04:17 AM by JayDee
As none of you may know, for the last year and a half I've been looking for a monitor for my computer. Around Spring of last year I had enough money saved up to go all out and build a decent computer, ofcourse I use "build" liberally as my involvement only extended to purchasing the parts and plugging it in when it was sent to me pre-assembled.

However in my eagerness to have a good computer, I overlooked buying a monitor. Resulting in me having used my TV connected with a HDMI in order to use it. This wouldn't have been such a problem for myself, however everytime my girlfriend came over I would have to drag the TV from my desk in the other room and move it to where it had sat prior to me getting the computer - it was a ball ache to move it and move it back again.

Until last night when a person that I wouldn't even consider an aquaintance popped up asking, "If I PC" I made a joke about using a Mac and then he proceeded to tell me he was selling his old computer stuff, including a monitor for £20. Though my pikey senses were tingling, I couldn't even afford that. When I told him of my financial situation, he told me he was "desperate for bud" and that he'd lower the price to £10. Now that's more like it.

We agreed somewhere to meet halfway and he handed me to monitor in a duffle bag, I paid him the ten pounds. On the walk home I realised that the bag alone probably cost £10, effectively making the monitor free. I also considered the fact that I just gave somebody who I somewhat knew, the means to get high but quickly discarded it.

Cheap deals.
Total Comments 7


Job McYossie's Avatar
15$ is a pretty good deal on a monitor depending but you never told us details! what size is it in inches? What resolution is it? Is it one of those CRTs with fantastic refresh rates or the old flat screens with like 30/sec?
Posted 09-07-2014 at 07:32 AM by Job McYossie

MeechMunchie's Avatar
TN or IPS?

I don't really know what either of those things mean. Mine is TN, though.
Posted 09-07-2014 at 12:22 PM by MeechMunchie

JayDee's Avatar
I'm really not sure, my internet's treading a fine line at the moment so I'm wary of even posting this comment, knowing it could end up crashing my terrible router.

It's a Samsung SyncMaster B1930, if somebody could google it and post the specs of my own monitor that would be greatly appreciated, as I don't even know them.
Posted 09-07-2014 at 03:48 PM by JayDee

Phylum's Avatar
I think it's probably an IPS, but I can't actually find the conclusive specs anywhere :s

Still, it's definitely a functional, if not good, monitor, even if it isn't top of the range.
Posted 09-07-2014 at 04:17 PM by Phylum

JayDee's Avatar
Job, from what I've found it's
Diagonal Size: 18.5" - widescreen
Max Resolution: 1366 x 768
Response Time: 5 ms

Certainly worth more than, and a bargain, at £10.
Posted 09-08-2014 at 02:03 AM by JayDee

Phylum's Avatar
Job are you specifically referencing the old Synchmaster CRTs? Because those are known to be quite good. And this isn't one of them.
Posted 09-08-2014 at 03:53 AM by Phylum

Job McYossie's Avatar
it's pretty good, assuming of course it has a nice refresh rate too. Glad for ya!
Posted 09-08-2014 at 04:00 AM by Job McYossie


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