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Some inner thoughts of mine. . .

Posted 06-17-2008 at 06:34 AM by DarkHoodness
Matriar posted a journal entry about what she thought about life after death. Since I'd been thinking about it recently, it spurred me to write a little essay about it that no-one will read. =P But if you're that bothered,
you can read it here.

Just some thoughts and theories of mine, from a non-religious yet open minded point of view. I'm not saying that's how things definitely work but I'd be surprised if someone doesn't flame me for it, despite this.

More questions, though. Why do some people feel so strongly about this type of thing, anyway? And why is it so hard for some to comprehend that we might not actually go anywhere when we die?
Total Comments 9


ParasiteSklent's Avatar
I think some people think that going to an afterlife of some sort is a comforting gives them reassurance. "If I'm a good person, I'll live again in heaven." I personally can accept the fact that I probably won't go anywhere when I die, but...well, if it makes other people feel better, let them believe what they want.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 07:22 AM by ParasiteSklent

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Well, if they do it harmlessly, it's no problem and normally it's alright. So long as no-one else forces anything down anyone else's throat and doesn't take it too far. But same with all relgious things, really.

IMO though, people probably ought to be good for the sake of those around them to enjoy life more, rather than for a cause that they don't know exists or not.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 07:31 AM by DarkHoodness

Wings of Fire's Avatar
As an agnostic I like to keep my mind open and not jump to conclusions about the afterlife although if there was a God and Heaven and the choices I've made in life thus far didn't lose me my place, or even worse if you have to GAIN a place, then its no Heaven I want to go to anyway.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 07:34 AM by Wings of Fire

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Well, I use the term "Conclusions" very losely and everything I say is nothing more than speculation based on stuff I've experianced. There's as much truth in what I've said as any fictional work.

But yeah, the Christianity point of view seems very made-up and unreal IMO. Thier version of Heaven doesn't seem like heaven at all to me, and some of the reasons why I think that are reasons you've mentioned.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 07:53 AM by DarkHoodness

used:)'s Avatar
Ehh, I've thought enough about that kind of stuff, but I'll read it later perhaps. I think people feel so strongly about religion and the afterlife just because it's all tied to human nature and our inherent need to survive. An afterlife is the ultimate survival when you think about it. There's no greater survival than surving your own death.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 07:59 AM by used:)

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Oh I wasn't referring to you don't worry. I read your post on Judith's journal and it was very well thought out and elaborated.

I was referring to people like Blaise Pascal and of course organised religions worldwide.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 08:01 AM by Wings of Fire

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Posted 06-17-2008 at 10:27 AM by Mac Sirloin

T-nex's Avatar
Man I really wish there is an afterlife. But for some reason the concept itself seems extremely silly.

But.. I'd love to see whats after death. At some point I was so curious I even considered.... ending it... Weird yeah, but I'm not that curious anymore :P
Posted 06-17-2008 at 11:31 AM by T-nex

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
My thoughts about life after death couldn't fill a journal. Well, I could make them fill one, if I flesh it out with general and specific philosophy, related themes and BM-style waffling. But the bones of the matter are short and concise.

I need scientific evidence to give my writing substance, dammit, and it is sorely lacking! I have to resort to the material imitation of the concept of life after death, which is evidence but overlooked. Hmm... actually I think it's better. I'll post it to Gloomy's page.

EDIT: what do you know, I proved myself wrong. It seems I can go on and on about anything at all.
Posted 06-17-2008 at 05:07 PM by Bullet Magnet
Updated 06-17-2008 at 05:24 PM by Bullet Magnet


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