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Posted 07-18-2013 at 02:45 AM by Phylum
Updated 01-15-2014 at 03:16 PM by Phylum
I can't handle things the way they are any more. School is too stressful. I've felt dreadful all week knowing how far behind I am after being unwell. I've been feeling sick again. I'm going back to the doctor again again again again tomorrow, but I doubt that will change anything. I'm starting to think this is all in my head. I'm starting to think this is all me.

Trying to stay close to my friends hurts right now. They're all I have, but none of them seem to care about me much. At the end of the day I'm sad and lonely. All day, every day. Sometimes even when I'm with my friends I feel dejected. It's not worth the effort right now.

Music is good. Music is the only thing that makes me happy. Everything else is getting in the way of that right now. I need everything else to be good at music. I don't know what to do.

I want to hurt someone. I want someone to feel as bad as I do. I want to scream and yell. I want to bury myself away and never face any of this again. I'm scared of how I feel.

I need help, but I don't know where to get it. I need change.
Posted in Crappy Crap, Crap
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OddjobAbe's Avatar
Well, if you think it's a totally psychological problem, maybe you could look into seeing someone who specialises in that field (I'm assuming that when you say "doctor", you refer to a general practitioner). If you feel this way, you are obviously not healthy, and if it's so bad it's interfering with your work as well as your personal life (and how you perceive it), something needs to be done, especially if the doctors aren't finding much physically wrong with you.

Why do you feel your friends don't care about you much? If you look as tired as you say you feel, maybe they're just trying to leave you to your own devices out of consideration? I'm sure if they didn't want you around, they'd make it pretty clear.

I wish I could help, but as an ignoramus, it's hard for me to offer much genuinely useful advice that isn't just common sense.
Posted 07-18-2013 at 03:06 AM by OddjobAbe

Slog Bait's Avatar
Music is one of the greatest things ever. Drown yourself in it. Submerge yourself so deeply into the music you can never resurface.

Also, you could always go for a few therapy sessions, see how that works out for you. It's not the worst thing in the world if its "all in your head". The brain can get sick, too, and just like the rest of your body there are ways to treat it. At the very least you can see if you can get prescribed an anti-anxiety medication. That will at the very least help with the school stress.
Posted 07-18-2013 at 03:25 AM by Slog Bait

Jbot123's Avatar
I think you should go to therapy.
Posted 07-18-2013 at 09:56 AM by Jbot123

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bring this blog to your doctor. It's hard to tell them how you really feel, and I certainly found myself downplaying my problems somehow to not sound like a whiny git, but that doesn't get you the help you need.
Posted 07-18-2013 at 10:16 AM by Bullet Magnet

MA's Avatar
if your doctor isn't helping try and go above them, like Oddjob said. you could also go around them by seeing a different doctor for a second opinion, they can then refer you to someone more appropriate for your situation. to be honest a referral is what you're looking for if you believe it to be related to mental health, so seeing anyone that can refer you might be a good idea.

GP's, around here at least, sometimes lack the neccessary skills when it comes to treating psychological issues. i've met some that are pretty prejudice about it too, so never let them dictate to you what you're feeling or that there's nothing wrong, not if you know there is something wrong.

i don't know how different it is in Australia though, but i wouldn't have thought it'd be too dissimilar. having good mental health is all about coping strategies, among other things. pinpoint moments and situations throughout your day to day life that upset you and add to your general stress level, be it anger, sadness, irritability, anything.

these situations may have occurred previously, or still happen regularly, or haven't happened at all but still weigh on your mind as potential. coping strategies are what you use when you want to break a vicious cycle in your head where you think about something that makes you feel bad, and end up in a downward spiral feeling even worse. they should counter negative feelings/thoughts with positive ones. also, if you can, try to counteract the problem itself by doing something that will alleviate any distress relative to it.

one of my own coping wotsits is simply to distract myself with something else whenever i get unreasonably worked up over something trivial. that's a simple coping strategy and is only successful because i want it to be; you must be willing to help yourself, otherwise you'll just be pissing in the wind. another might be going for a walk whenever you begin to feel shitty, or writing the problem down and then burning it, or jabbing a voodoo doll with blunt needles, anything to take your mind off the shit stuff and onto the good stuff. like music. music is wonderful.

basically a coping strategy should be something that you enjoy, makes you feel safe, and/or relaxes you. doing something spontaneous (and good) is a great way to break a cycle of shit, but a better way is tackling the problems themselves. coping strategies tend to avert your eyes from the issues at hand rather than actually solve them. solving your problems and exorcising your demons are one and the same.

also, if it's any consolation, you're not alone in feeling alone, as fucked up as that sounds. i can relate, i live like a hermit. i honestly don't know if i have any friends left because i haven't seen or spoke to them for over twelve months, i think. even then they were twice my age anyway, i've never really got on with my own age group.

look after yourself and try to relax. schools in this day and age apply enough unneccessary pressure on students without the daily grind wearing you down too. the majority of what i've said here i recycled from the doctors, nurses and psychiatrists i've met over the years, i tried to remember everything they ever told me, but certain things i've forgotten or have been lost in translation. i hope it helps in some way all the same, and PM me if you're ever feeling shit or just wanna chat. i receive most of my human contact via the internet nowadays anyway, sad fuck that i am.

also apologies on gargantuan size of post, i must be trying to compensate for something.

EDIT: i cun't fucking spill.
Posted 07-18-2013 at 10:20 AM by MA
Updated 07-18-2013 at 03:15 PM by MA

STM's Avatar
To second what MA said, if you're ever up for just a chat you can always send me a buzz by PM or Steam if I'm around.

I think the general consensus seems to be that seeing a specialist psychologist or psychiatrist is better than being pawned off onto a GP, and I agree with this too. nothing more to add really other than good luck, I hope you can find path towards happiness, that's something no one should be denied of.
Posted 07-18-2013 at 02:27 PM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
What they said. I can see myself in this, but to a much lesser extent, and you're definitely right about the music. Ever since my laptop was fixed I've felt loads better. Still shitty, but better.
And I've been seeing an educational psychiatrist for a while now, and while it isn't solving any problems, it just feels better to be able to talk to someone about it and let it all out, in my experience, at least. Plus, I've been referred to aental health unit at the hospital, so that's good and bad, I guess. It will probably help though.
So yeah, you might want to try seeing a therapist, like everyone else said. Also, I'd recommend not searching for a solution or diagnosis online. Everytime I go online to try to see what's wrong with me it just ends up increasing my paranoia and anxiety and makes things worse.
Like they said, I'm also up for a chat. I'm not good at conversation but I can relate to you slightly so I'm always open if you like.
Posted 07-18-2013 at 03:46 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 07-18-2013 at 03:51 PM by Nepsotic

Phylum's Avatar
MA, the unnecessary pressure of school is really what's sending me over the edge right now. I did 30 minutes of maths work yesterday. It left me feeling exhausted. I could barely keep my eyelids open. Not because I was tired, but because they were just so damn heavy. I have my midyear exam on Monday. I'm underprepared for it. I can't be arsed putting it off. That's just going to push everything back even more and put me in a place where I have to defer year 12 for a year. I'm not going back to school next year. I don't even care what happens any more. I can't put myself through this again.

OJA, it's not that my friends don't want me around. I'm not close to any of my friends. When there's a new movie or something and just a few people get together to go, I'm never invited. Within my friends everyone has their groups of 2 or 3 that they've known forever and spend lots of time with, but I don't fit in to any of those. At the end of the day I'm mismatched from my friends, but I've done the best I can from the people at school. They'd all be terribly offended to read this. They all mean well.

There is one person that I feel close enough to to talk to about this kind of stuff, but whenever I do she ignores me or doesn't even try to help me. She's the only person that I've been having regular conversations with lately, but she has a stack of people she'll talk to before me. This is the same girl I was talking about on Oddchat a few weeks back.

The thought of telling anyone about this is too hard for me. It makes me anxious. It makes me feel more stressed than anything else right now. This has all been getting worse as I've been feeling physically worse. I was doing well for a few weeks, and mentally I was leaps and bounds ahead of where I am right now. My doctor is playing with the dosage of my thyroxine supplement and I'm having more tests done in 6 weeks. I'll see how everything goes, but if I do have to say anything it won't be before then.

Thanks for the support guys. It really means a lot to know that I can get it from somewhere. At the same time, it's really depressing knowing that this is the only place I feel like I can turn for help.
Posted 07-20-2013 at 03:38 AM by Phylum
Updated 07-20-2013 at 03:45 AM by Phylum

MA's Avatar
6 weeks? that's a piss-take. if you can i should ask them to get their arses in gear and get on with it. surely it can be done faster.

also don't you dare feel depressed about asking for support here. the internet is the biggest educational tool on the planet, and that's partly due to people from all over the globe simply chatting with one another. helping each other and learning along the way, advice and support included in that. i know it's not like we're just down the road from you, but we're here all the same and we're real and we care. if you were on the same continent as me i'd bear hug the fuck out of you. you're one of my favourite members.

seriously chin up man.
Posted 07-20-2013 at 03:38 PM by MA

Phylum's Avatar
They're waiting 6 weeks because they just changed my thyroxine dosage and they won't be able to tell if it made any difference right away. Also, that test should be able to see if my iron levels have improved since I've been taking iron tablets.
Posted 07-20-2013 at 05:28 PM by Phylum


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