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You're Blogging Too Much, and You're a Cunt.

Posted 05-11-2013 at 01:55 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 05-11-2013 at 02:10 PM by Nepsotic
I know, but I can't help it. This is a nicer blog that starts bad.

Okay, I have this really strange ache in my left arm. It really hurts but it isn't like a bruise or anything. It's really wierd. Also I got into a load of trouble at school for stabbing a classmate in the hand with a pen because he was throwing bits of pencil at me. I thought they were going to throw me in a mental ward or something because I heard a member of staff say "He's a little bit... Funny". But I tried my best to convince them it was an acxident, it somehow worked and I got off with a detention. I also asked the receptionist to schedule an appointment to the psychiatrist for me and she did.

But anyway, the reason for this blog isn't to moan, surprisingly. I've been working on a survival horror game with my friend. We have the story nailed, and its pretty fucking original if I do say so myself.

The thing is, we know jack-shit about programming. We plan on using the Unity engine, but we're not sure how versatile it is, we need it to be pretty flexible. My brother's cousin is a games dev who worked on LittleBigPlanet and plans on moving to Rockstar North, so I'm going to ask him if he wants to help us, I'm sure he'll be up for it.
So this is pretty good, it keeps my mind more occupied than usual and I'm enjoying working on it. It isn't really improving my mental health but so what if I'm not normal? What fun is there in being the same as everyone else? Most people are just sheep, hopping on the next bandwagon and riding it to their graves.

If anyone here knows about Unity, texturing, modelling, programming and animating models etc. I'd really appreciate more help.
Here's what we have so far if anyone's interested.

[11/05/2013 23:04] Characters:
Protagonist: Silent, unresponcive, may not exist, Could just be a manifestation of one of the antagonist's thoughts in the negative,
Most things about him will be detailed through the player's actions through the game,
Antagonist: Leader of alteration operation, has two opposing personalities and forms for each side (posative: human, considerate,
friendly, kind. / Negative: Monster, Vicious, unrelenting, Homocidal) may offer to help the player at times while he is in his "good" side,
Parallel is the negative copy of you with the opposite motives, Points to direct you but may be trying to trick you,

Concicive / interpritive plot:
Open interpritation mixed with decicivness: Alongside "negative" world. Negative world is -mostly- static.
When something changes in one it directly influences the other, Negative world is the negative reaction of the
posative, Alteration of the negative to alter the posative, Since it is opposite the mirrors are the portals to the negative,
While the posative is affected by physical activity, the negative -once inside- can be affected by thought under the correct
circumstances, if one wishes to make their alterations to the negative permanent, and by extention alter the posative then they would
require some method of vesseling the alterations to the posative, these vessels can be created out of objects, and mirrors are a good
starting point.

Assumption: If your charactor assumes objects and monsters are in the negative then they will exist there.
Twisted: Twisting and flipping mirrors to turn the room.
Moving objects physicaly in the posative to affect them in the negative.
Assuming monsters exist in the negative will mean that they will exist there in the posative as well.
"Unassumed" areas are completely black in the negative and will be effectively a cliff in the negative. Moving into the unexplored space will
cause you to fall off. The ony way to uncover this space it so find out what resides there in the posative.
It is not wise to enter an uncharted room in the negative first as you may assume that there is no floor.
(Possible: to avoid logic errors, only the room the mirrors reside in can be altered through assumption?)

Common: Acid spitter,
Undecided: Stilts,

Set pieces / Cutscenes:
Setting: (insert town name) Governmental "alteration" experiment.

Possible endings:

Best: Brings vincent's concience back together causing the two worlds to split apart and seels the breach in reality, The rift dissapears and you leave with vincent, the town is back to normal and on the way out you find a mirror and look in to it, Revealing your face for the first time.
Good: Kill vincent, Both conciences cease to exist causing the rift to fade, When you exit into the posative the city is still messed up and you find a mirror, In it you see parallel mixed with your own image, As reality has been slighty distoughted.
Ok: The town inplodes, With a time limit to escape as the two worlds are ripped apart violently causing damage to the posative but reality is still intact.
Bad: Both sides come together and both are trapped there, Neither alive or dead, In a form of hell forever, What happens to to the area is left up to the player.
Worst: Something causes the process to rupture and reality to disintigrate, Causing the rift to spread across the universe.

Track names:
Isolated World (plays when first enter the town)
Transcend Reality (
Transverse Reality (
Welcome to the Rift (Bad/Worst ending music)

Plotholes that need to be resolved: [/b]
Total Comments 17


Varrok's Avatar
You're blogging too much, and you're.... oh, you went ahead I see. (I didn't really mean that)

Um... if you don't know anything about programming... well... you won't make a game. Sorry. It's not like you can learn it while developing the game, you'd have to take a long time learning on other, simplier apps before even thinking about making a game. At least that's what I believe.
Posted 05-11-2013 at 02:25 PM by Varrok

Oddey's Avatar
It's good to see you're doing something productive like this. I don't expect you can make something this ambitious into your first game however, as Varrok said. Especially if you don't know anything about programming. Your brother's cousin will have to be a resourceful and dedicated programmer if you want to make something halfway decent. That's assuming you already have a modeler and animator, who are both relatively competent.

Not sure how much I care for your story, but then again a video game story is not meant to be told through words anyway. I will say that it's at least unique for a horror game.

If I were you, I'd maybe just kind of put this on hold for a while, try making some much simpler games, regardless of what program you use to make them. It doesn't really matter what games you are making, even small ones can offer buckets of experience in what sort of stuff you have to do to prepare.

You can make this game, I'm sure. But it does require a lot of work. So, best of luck to you, and I hope you finish it.
Posted 05-11-2013 at 02:42 PM by Oddey

RoryF's Avatar
I learnt loads whilst making my game so far, whilst I didn't start from absolute scratch, I started writing it as soon as I started C#, so it is possible once you know basic stuff.
Posted 05-11-2013 at 03:26 PM by RoryF

Splat's Avatar
Unresponsive. Interpretation. Decisiveness. Positive. Seals. Disappears. Distorted. Implodes.

Sorry, but this nearly made my eyes bleed. Please say you're getting someone who can spell to do the writing?
Posted 05-11-2013 at 04:18 PM by Splat
Updated 05-11-2013 at 04:24 PM by Splat

Jbot123's Avatar
Try seeing if there is a handy dandy video game design summer camp in your area. I learned the basics of programming, and a designer from Valve visited (yay). Be prepared to have $400 and a t-shirt with an obscure video game reference on it. You'll be a hit with the counselers.
Posted 05-11-2013 at 04:21 PM by Jbot123

Nepsotic's Avatar
Videogames design summer camp in my area? That's definitely not happening.
Sorry, but this nearly made my eyes bleed. Please say you're getting someone who can spell to do the writing?
I wasn't the one who typed this down. Do you really think I spell like that?

Also, I just realised that ISN'T what we have so far. a lot more has been added to it and I don't know what happened to it.
Posted 05-11-2013 at 11:42 PM by Nepsotic
Updated 05-11-2013 at 11:45 PM by Nepsotic

RoryF's Avatar
To be honest, programming isn't that hard to learn. There's loads of stuff on the internet which teach you stuff, it doesn't take long to find starting tutorials on YouTube, there are some good channels on there for it.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 12:13 AM by RoryF

Nepsotic's Avatar
Well, it's how I learned to make music.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 12:24 AM by Nepsotic

Phylum's Avatar
Programming is hard to learn. It's a weird, abstract skill that takes a while to get your head around. It's not hard to google a programming tutorial and get started, but you really want to try to find something good.

I started programming with Python. It's a good place to start. It's not as silly as most OO languages, even if the whitespace syntax is annoying. You can get used to the ideas without having to fuss with silly language intricacies. After that I went to Java. After struggling to get much to happen, I was given Java Concepts by Cay Horstman as a Christmas present. It pretty much solidified the OO design ideas that I was developing into the skillset I have now. I know people my age who have been coding for a few years, and they all have shoddy coding styles from not learning properly.

Don't jump into Unity. There's so much going on that it distracts you from the actual programming. Drop the Unity idea for a while, and come back to it later. Even with my coding knowledge, which is very basic, the sheer scale of small Unity projects is fucking terrifying.

e: I should probably mention that I don't know what I'm on about here. I do have experience as a self taught hobbyist who has glanced over Unity, though, and my experiences seem relevant here.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 03:14 AM by Phylum
Updated 05-12-2013 at 03:17 AM by Phylum

Splat's Avatar
My apologies. I did register surprise that I hadn't noticed such spelling errors from you before.

Still, don't let that guy do the writing.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 08:55 AM by Splat

Vyrien's Avatar
Or if he does, re-title the game 'Cun't spill on aisle death.'
Posted 05-12-2013 at 09:10 AM by Vyrien

STM's Avatar
Will there be ponies in your game?
Posted 05-12-2013 at 11:01 AM by STM

Nepsotic's Avatar
I hadn't thought about it until now, but now that you mention it, I might add a little easter egg.

Phylum, the thing is, I don't want to learn programming. I want to make this game because I believe I have created something original here (believe me, those notes are just the start), me and my friend want to see this come to fruition. We aren't really interested in programming and all that. Don't get me wrong, I know I will be needing some skill, and I can't just find a YouTube tutorial for everything, but this is something I want to enjoy doing, and I don't think I will enjoy fully learning how to programme when I will hardly ever use it. It's really hard to explain, and when I try to it just makes me sound like a lazy fucking prick so I'd better stop.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 11:43 AM by Nepsotic

Jordan's Avatar
You need to find someone who is as interested as you both who is either willing to program or can already program. You said something about your brother's cousin, but will he have the time and enough interest in the idea to work on it? Until then, keep the idea in your mind and everything about it on paper or a word document and put it off temporarily, at least until you have more experience building games. Pretty much everyone who has an interest in producing games will always start off thinking big. You gotta start off small.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 11:57 AM by Jordan

Nepsotic's Avatar
We know that, and we aren't planning on building the game too soon, we're just going to try and get a hang of the software first, and continue with the design work and concepts.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 12:29 PM by Nepsotic

Phylum's Avatar
No, but you can't just throw something together in Unity. You need the programming background, otherwise things are going to get messy fast and the end product will either fall apart of be a piece of crap.

Also, artists?

Really think about this before you invest too much time in it.
Posted 05-12-2013 at 02:42 PM by Phylum

RoryF's Avatar
Posted 05-13-2013 at 01:51 AM by RoryF


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