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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

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The UK's President

Posted 11-07-2012 at 10:53 PM by JennyGenesis
So it is safe to bet that you are all aware that Obama won the election against Romney, well this is what a friend who lives near me (Meaning that she lives in the UK) had to say on the matter,

The comments went on further, she said that "Obama has made a name for himself" to which sombody replied "Hitler made a name for himself to". She then asked how Obama is similar to Hitler, obviously missing the point...

2 of my favorites comments is somebody posting a picture of David Cameron doing a facepalm and somebody saying "This status has made me loose faith in humanity"

For obvious reason's I went and blanked out everybody's name and picture, ENJOY!

Total Comments 11


Nate's Avatar
So basically she wants a charismatic leader and doesn't care what s/he actually does?
Posted 11-08-2012 at 01:01 AM by Nate

Jordan's Avatar
I recall someone (not sure where I heard it) saying pretty much everyone in the UK supports Obama for some reason. I don't know enough about US politics to actually have an opinion other than "Not Romney". But that facebook status was dumb, so fuckin' dumb.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 01:50 AM by Jordan

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I read on Yahoo! that British citizens prefer Obama with a ratio of 10:1. Apparently Romney pissed off the British by publicly saying that he didn't think that England was up to hosting the Olympics.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 02:27 AM by JennyGenesis

Crashpunk's Avatar
I know nothing about UK politics let alone US Politics but Obama just looks and sounds like a great president and just an all round good guy.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 04:00 AM by Crashpunk

Nepsotic's Avatar
Ouch, the grammar in that status hurt my brain.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 06:47 AM by Nepsotic

OANST's Avatar
The lack of interesting in this blog made my brain hurt.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 07:33 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
The OANST in this blog made my dick hurt.

People such as this girl need to spend a few weeks in intensive training camps to educate them on current news.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 08:40 AM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Yeah. It can end with a nice, hot carbon monoxide shower.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 12:57 PM by Mr. Bungle

STM's Avatar
And now it's a plan.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 01:46 PM by STM

moxco's Avatar
Obama won a noble peace prize purely because he's black.

Posted 11-08-2012 at 08:54 PM by moxco

Nate's Avatar
No, he won a Nobel Peace Prize because he's not George W. Bush.

That isn't a particularly good reason either, mind you.
Posted 11-08-2012 at 09:30 PM by Nate


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