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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

They were lies!
But everything else you read here is true!

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Chav Life

Posted 10-22-2012 at 09:21 AM by JennyGenesis
So I'm working an assignment from uni where basically I have to approach 20 random strangers in the street and then ask if I can take a head and shoulder photo without them smiling...

The hard part is trying to find people who will actually say yes. So I was hopelessly wandering around town being rejected by lots of people.

I was soon waiting at a crossing next to these 2 chavs who had about 5 teeth between them. The one turns to me and says "o butt, you can't go taking pictures of people like, thats jus wrong like"

I just awkwardly laugh, at this point the light turned green for us so we crossed the road, the 2 chavs walked on ahead when suddenly they turned around, walked back to me and asked if they could have their picture taken, so I said yes, they then got into this pose and shouted "THIS IS NEWPORT CHAV LIFE" as I took the photo...

I can't help but feel that a new internet meme could me made from this photo in the style of these pictures.

Total Comments 14


JayDee's Avatar
I live on a council estate. Everyday I'm awoken by the mating call of chavs with their, "Wha gwarn?" And, "pussy-'ole bled." -_-

Oh, and nice camera too.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 09:39 AM by JayDee

Jordan's Avatar
the one on the left reminds me of elijah wood, what's he doing chavving about in wales?
Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:08 AM by Jordan

STM's Avatar
Safe tings, bled. Fine cameraaa.

Fuckin' chavs.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 10:34 AM by STM

OANST's Avatar
Well, they seem......lovely.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 11:27 AM by OANST

Nepsotic's Avatar
the one on the left reminds me of elijah wood, what's he doing chavving about in wales?
Holy shit, you're right.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 11:30 AM by Nepsotic

Ridg3's Avatar
And I bet they probably are alright guys.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 01:08 PM by Ridg3

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I don't like this whole "chavs are scum" shit. It seems like something Conservatives would want you to believe, because then you begin to marginalise anyone resembling a "chav" (I loathe that term).

Of course, you're going to get shitty people anywhere in whatever culture in any part of society. I think any working man with any kind of prejudice against the poor ought to be ashamed, even those who try and fiddle the system. I don't agree with what they do, but I respect them more than bankers and such who do the same thing on a bigger scale.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 01:16 PM by OddjobAbe
Updated 10-22-2012 at 01:19 PM by OddjobAbe

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I kinda of agree with you, they seemed like a laugh to be around, but I assume that they get up to all sorts of trouble, (or is that just my shallow mind stereotyping?)
Posted 10-22-2012 at 01:51 PM by JennyGenesis

Nate's Avatar
the one on the left reminds me of elijah wood, what's he doing chavving about in wales?
I guess he decided that he preferred the chav lifestyle..

Having said that, it's a really tenuous lookalike.
Posted 10-22-2012 at 09:00 PM by Nate
Updated 10-22-2012 at 09:03 PM by Nate

Jordan's Avatar
I said elijah wood when i later realised he looks more like someone else from lotr, i can't put my finger on who though
Posted 10-23-2012 at 01:48 AM by Jordan

Nate's Avatar
I think if Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd procreated, he'd be the spawn.

Posted 10-23-2012 at 02:43 AM by Nate
Updated 10-23-2012 at 04:15 PM by Nate

Ridg3's Avatar
I kinda of agree with you, they seemed like a laugh to be around, but I assume that they get up to all sorts of trouble, (or is that just my shallow mind stereotyping?)
Of course they get up to all sorts. Probably chilling there with you with a couple grams of coke and an ounce of grass in their pockets. Oddjob's right though, and I also hate the word 'chav.'
Posted 10-23-2012 at 08:30 AM by Ridg3

Oddey's Avatar
It's Gollum.
Posted 10-23-2012 at 10:17 AM by Oddey

Jordan's Avatar
There we are!
Posted 10-23-2012 at 10:44 AM by Jordan


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