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Posted 03-27-2012 at 06:24 AM by enchilado
Also, I had a chest x-ray and ultrasound of the heart and apparently there's no evidence of Marfan's syndrome, which is a good thing. However, I still don't know what is wrong with me.

Also, more info on this woman I love: well, I dunno, I was on IRC, and she was just this person. I thought she was cool enough, I guess. Then one day she randomly said she loved me, and I naturally assumed she was just making a joke. When she continued to say similar things for the next week or two, though, and progressed to saying (jokingly, of course) that I hated her, I wondered if there wasn't some emotion behind it.

I also started paying more attention to her, and realised how lovely a woman she really was. My affection grew and I eventually admitted to her that I liked her a considerable amount, and since then we've had private conversation occasionally - nothing, like, of that kind, just talking about stuff. I still don't think she's really serious, but she uses all sorts of terms of endearment for me.

I've quite openly admitted that I love her now, and it's almost a running joke in one particular channel we talk most in. I should note that she's a rather well-known figure on this particular (large) IRC network.

Anyway. Today someone started discussing with me how what I felt was more infatuation than love, or something, and her attitude seemed to be that this guy was making too big a deal out of some harmless joking around.

I probably haven't explained it all that well here but it's past 2am so I don't really care. I love her terribly, although not in particularly sexual way... I don't want to be in a relationship with her or anything. But... I love her. And I still have no idea how she feels about me.

Oh, and I've not had pizza in weeks.
Total Comments 6


enchilado's Avatar
now OWF is taunting me. Honest to god, the last two 'random featured blog entries' mentioned pizza. BOTH OF THEM
Posted 03-27-2012 at 06:35 AM by enchilado

OANST's Avatar
Rape her.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 08:19 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
It does sound like infatuation. I don't want to sound unnecessarily mean but if you're not used to female contact and suddenly a girl is nice to you then you might feel you love them. It can result in love sickness but on a cynical and scientific level you'll get over it, for the most part, the human body can't sustain such powerful emotion for long because it's a drain on the system.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 08:39 AM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I used to have an infatuation for a girl on the internet. I was only 13 years old at the time, though, so it was probably much different from your situation.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 09:55 AM by Mr. Bungle

Crashpunk's Avatar
Saying "I love you" towards someone who you don't want a relationship with and your just really close friends is completely fine in my opinion. I say "love you" to my closest friends in a jokey way all the time.

However I think you should ask her how she really thinks about you. You could be leading her on by saying I love you. Unless you both know that your saying it in the jokey way then its fine.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 11:09 AM by Crashpunk

Ridg3's Avatar
I tell my girlfriend that I love her in a jokey way all the time.
Posted 03-28-2012 at 05:45 AM by Ridg3


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