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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

They were lies!
But everything else you read here is true!

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It's A Small World

Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:15 PM by JennyGenesis
Updated 03-25-2012 at 04:29 PM by JennyGenesis
I know I’m not supposed to have 2 blog posts in the top 5, but I feel the following blog is so important I have the right to bypass this rule.

Tonight, I unexpectedly I met my dad, I haven’t seen him in 6 years.

First off, bit of background regarding my biological dad.

He took off just before I was born, he used to visit after I was born, but I was very young and barely remember it, all I remember was his car, which was a gorgeous white Ford Escort XR3i.

I didn’t see him at all after I was about 3, then on my 10th birthday, I had a phone call from him, saying he wanted to see me, so at least once a week he used to take me out.

So what did I learn when I saw him again when I was 10?
Well, I had a new brother and sister, Miles who was 1 (I did meet him but he was only a baby at the time) and Sarah who was 3.

This went well for 2 years, until one day him and my mum had a big argument on the phone and I never saw him again, I always wanted to see him, but I felt awkward about it with my mum, about a year ago, I tried to get contact with him, but failed. So how did I come to meet him tonight after 6 years?

Well again, this requires a bit of background.

Those who have me as a friend on Facebook may know that I’m working on a photography project with a friend called “Blackoak University of Nightmares”.

Today, we went on a photoshoot, on the way home, a small group of us were in desperate need of the toilet, so my friend Dee said we could use the toilet in her house, but we had to go in and out because her mum said on the phone that “Your grandparents and Mike are around”.

Well, in the house, her mum shouted, “Dee, lets meet your friends”. We all walked in, I saw him there, thought it looked like him, then when I remember that it must have been this Mike her mum mentioned, I just grabbed Dee’s arm in shock and said, “That’s my dad there”. The room went silent, and everybody looked at us, suddenly I just ran to him gave him a big hug and said “Dad!”

The whole room was in utter shock when we said that we haven’t seen each other in 6 years. Dee then said to me, “Oh my god, I’ve known Mike all my life because him and mum used to be together, in fact, when I first met you, I thought you looked like him, but I thought nothing of it”.

So what was happened in the 6 years we haven’t seen each other?

Well, my dad has been married now for 4 years, I also have 2 new brothers, that are twins and 9 months old, sadly, the one is in Great Ormond Street hospital being tube fed as he cannot swallow. His wife is currently there in the hospital with their child.

Miles who is now 7 sadly was taken into care and now lives with his grandparents as his mother used to beat him.

Sarah is now 11, my dad doesn’t know much about her these days.

One think I asked was how Cyril was, Cyril is my fathers father who we used to regularly visit when we went out, sadly, Cyril passed on 2 years ago of old age which really dragged me down. A funny thing that came up was this old Skoda 125 that Cyril owned, it was a heap of a thing, my mum said that she remembers Cyril had this Skoda when she was with mike (which would have been very early 90’s).

My dads car was in for repairs one day so he had to borrow the Skoda, god what a shed it was, it broke down on us all the time! Apparently though, just before he died, Cyril sold the car to a Skoda enthusiast.

So that was all the news I had to catch up on, I told my dad that I am currently in university, I haven’t told him I’m gay, felt weary about it, but well, there was me, and 3 lesbians and my ex girlfriend who is bisexual, so there was plenty of gay present, he seemed fine with Dee kissing her girlfriend, I felt nervous and didn’t feel ready to tell him, but I feel maybe he knows now, my friend Deena (Dee’s girlfriend) was not exactly subtle in shouting out the names of boys I fancy.

We have each other’s phone numbers now, so we will remain in contact.


My friend Dee said that when she got back to her house my dad was still there, according to her she "accidentally" told him I'm gay, I'm not convinced it was an accident, anyway, he's perfectly fine with it and was apparently more worried about what my parents thought of it.

He also asked if I currently had a boyfriend and that if I did he would have like to meet him. So all is well and good
Total Comments 12


Ridg3's Avatar
My favorite part was when you told us that you're earliest memory, before you were three, was that you remember your Dad's gorgeous white Ford Escort XR3.

Nice story, though. I'll not have the same views though when it comes to my biological male parent. I'm going to feed him the finest pigeon shit that my town has to offer and piss on his shoes.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:24 PM by Ridg3

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Get it right, it was a Ford Escort XR3i.

And hey, just proves how much I love cars, in fact, we were going through all his cars I remember.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:30 PM by JennyGenesis

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Lots of complex emotional stuff that I can't really deal with. The beaten kid and baby in hospital hit me hard.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:54 PM by Bullet Magnet

STM's Avatar
Well, I hope you two are happier for finding each other! =)
Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:56 PM by STM

Dynamithix's Avatar
That's nice. And you sure know your cars.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:56 PM by Dynamithix

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Shall I list the cars in here or shall I save the time and not bore you all to death?
Posted 03-25-2012 at 02:58 PM by JennyGenesis

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
You may list one other car. Choose wisely.
Posted 03-25-2012 at 03:08 PM by Bullet Magnet

JennyGenesis's Avatar
1989 Nissan Bluebird
Posted 03-25-2012 at 03:33 PM by JennyGenesis

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Good choice.

Posted 03-25-2012 at 04:05 PM by MeechMunchie

Mudokon_Master's Avatar
Wow dude, I feel really happy for ya
Posted 03-26-2012 at 12:53 AM by Mudokon_Master

Nate's Avatar
The bit in the middle where you recognised him and called out 'Dad!' made me giggle like a small child. Thanks for telling us this story.
Posted 03-26-2012 at 03:30 AM by Nate

The. Most. Heart breaking, twist and turned story ever!

I just love it....

I wish I could meet my real Grandfather who lives in Chile.
Posted 03-27-2012 at 12:37 AM by sheridanm962


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