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Planet visibility

Posted 03-07-2012 at 12:36 PM by DarkHoodness
I have to keep going outside during the evenings to get firewood or to refill the cat food bowl from outside storage. Even though I live relatively close to a built-up area, the stars are quite visible here. It's something that somehow fascinates me, and having spent a few months of my life living in the middle of cities, it's something I don't take for granted.

Anyway if you're living in the northern hemisphere in Europe, now is a very good time to view Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn because they're all incredibly bright and visible at the moment.

Venus and Jupiter are close together and pretty much unmissable since Venus shines dazzlingly brightly. They both set towards the west during the early evening. To tell them apart, Venus is lower down and brighter than Jupiter.

In the east, high above the horizon you can see Mars during the evenings as well - It's a big bright orange point in the sky. If you wait until late evening you can see Saturn rising in the east too, but that's not as bright or as visible as the other planets and easy to mistake for one of the brighter stars.

Why not go take a look?
Total Comments 30


Varrok's Avatar
No shiny dots at my side of the sky as for now
Posted 03-07-2012 at 12:41 PM by Varrok

Scraby's Avatar
I saw Mars,Jupiter and Venus with mah telescope,they look cool,too bad I dont have a filter
Posted 03-07-2012 at 12:42 PM by Scraby

STM's Avatar
I've seen the moon and venus with my telescope...and the sun...yeh, not a smart move.
Posted 03-07-2012 at 02:37 PM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Do you use a braille keyboard now?
Posted 03-07-2012 at 03:12 PM by Mr. Bungle

DarkHoodness's Avatar
You can direct your telescope to project the image of the sun onto a bit of paper to view it that way - So long as you're careful not to focus it in a way that burns the paper.
Posted 03-07-2012 at 03:32 PM by DarkHoodness

Nate's Avatar
If you're not sure where any of these planets are, download Google Sky Map on to an Android phone. Possibly iOS too, I'm not sure.

It uses your GPS and accelerometer to pinpoint where you are and which direction you're pointing it and shows a realtime map of what is in the sky.
Posted 03-07-2012 at 08:56 PM by Nate

Wil's Avatar
I like using Google Sky Map to watch the sun on the opposite side of the planet.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 02:00 AM by Wil

DarkHoodness's Avatar
I prefer Stellarium myself. Open-source planetarium FTW!
Posted 03-08-2012 at 04:05 AM by DarkHoodness

Wil's Avatar
But can you put that on your smartphone and use it in the wild, unelectric wilderness.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 05:01 AM by Wil

DarkHoodness's Avatar
But can you put that on your smartphone and use it in the wild, unelectric wilderness.
Different tools for different uses. Stellarium shows a realistic view of the night sky and can show you what it looks like from any location and time (between 99999 BC and 99999 AD) on Earth or even different planets, and gives you lots of other information such as how far away individual stars/planets are.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 05:49 AM by DarkHoodness

Wil's Avatar
It would be great if it could show what the landscape looked like at any point during that timespan.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 07:30 AM by Wil

STM's Avatar
I think I saw Venus and maybe Jupiter this evening, verrrry bright.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 12:05 PM by STM

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Yep, they're pretty much seen as being next to each other at the moment. Venus is so bright you can't really miss them. :P
Posted 03-08-2012 at 12:48 PM by DarkHoodness

STM's Avatar
Thanks for creating the blog btw, I wouldn't have even bothered to stop and admire it if you hadn't. (Y) for you!!
Posted 03-08-2012 at 01:24 PM by STM

DarkHoodness's Avatar
No problem, that was the idea. Also since Venus is incredibly noticeable at the moment (and has been for the past few months), I thought that maybe people were wondering what that big bright point to the west was.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 01:41 PM by DarkHoodness

Scraby's Avatar
Hmm today I chatched a glimpse of Jupiters satelites,I could barely see them,but they are there D
Posted 03-08-2012 at 01:42 PM by Scraby

STM's Avatar
I just figured it was one of those pesky alien space ships again.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 02:06 PM by STM

Nate's Avatar
My friends bought me a telescope for my birthday. So sad that it's still on order and hasn't arrived yet!
Posted 03-08-2012 at 04:31 PM by Nate

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I've been watching them for months. Jupiter was out some time before the sky got dark in December.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 04:31 PM by Bullet Magnet

Splat's Avatar
Ah, they had me puzzled! I thought one was the I.S.S. but I was puzzled by there being two, and their being there every night. Sometimes being wrong is a nice thing I'll give them a closer look next time we get a clear night.
Posted 03-08-2012 at 05:46 PM by Splat

DarkHoodness's Avatar
I thought the same when I saw Jupiter glowing as brightly as Venus is currently doing, last year - Except it was more to the south and always static, whereas as I later found out, the I.S.S moves across the sky much more rapidly and isn't as bright unless one of its solar panels is reflecting the sun right at you.
Posted 03-09-2012 at 12:42 AM by DarkHoodness

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
My dad and I track the ISS and go out to watch it pass into or out of the Earth's shadow at night. When the orbit brings it overhead it passes through our sky three or four times every hour and a half.
Posted 03-09-2012 at 10:28 AM by Bullet Magnet

Nate's Avatar
How do you track it?
Posted 03-09-2012 at 03:47 PM by Nate

STM's Avatar
Posted 03-09-2012 at 03:51 PM by STM

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Wow, Nate's really getting TOLD a lot recently.
Posted 03-09-2012 at 04:17 PM by MeechMunchie

Nate's Avatar
Define 'TOLD' please.
Posted 03-09-2012 at 05:51 PM by Nate

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Having your queries answered by stating the obvious.
Posted 03-10-2012 at 04:58 AM by MeechMunchie

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Oh look, BBC News even has a video about this.

Apparently according to the vid and Stellarium, you can also see Mercury on the horizon briefly after the sun sets, but there's too much tree cover here for me to see that.

Venus and Jupiter will be appearing closer to each other and will eventually "cross" each other's paths in a few days time:
Posted 03-10-2012 at 07:01 AM by DarkHoodness
Updated 03-10-2012 at 07:17 AM by DarkHoodness

Nate's Avatar
Having your queries answered by stating the obvious.
In what way was my query answered? All I saw was an obvious gag.
Posted 03-10-2012 at 04:00 PM by Nate

MeechMunchie's Avatar
I never said it was a useful answer.

More to the point, this isn't the best example, just the most recent.
Posted 03-10-2012 at 04:20 PM by MeechMunchie


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