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For those of you who care

Posted 11-09-2011 at 03:55 PM by Sekto Springs
Lolcow patriarch Chris-Chan has made the transition from (semi)harmless internet failure to genuine danger to society.

CWC and his insane mother arrested for trespassing, assault, and hit and run

Recap: Chris-chan went out drinking, decided to take photos of his nemesis for use as a dart board, drove to nemesis' business, creepily took pictures through the window, got spotted, slammed into some guy (twice?) trying to escape, got apprehended by police, got accused of child pornography by some woman, ranted to the police about internet trolls, somehow gets released...
To those of you not in the know, Chris's ancient father recently croaked after his millionth heart attack. He was pretty much the only one keeping the family together financially, as well as keeping them from... well, doing shit like this.

It appears Chris Chan's saga is about to go from Jerry Springer to Oz.
Total Comments 7


Dixanadu's Avatar
God damn, I hate this guy.

I find him more unbearable than funny. I hope they lock the cunt up and be sodomised forever.
Posted 11-09-2011 at 04:34 PM by Dixanadu

Ridg3's Avatar
I think he's a walking tank of lulz. But in fairness, he ain't right in the scone.
Posted 11-09-2011 at 04:36 PM by Ridg3

Sekto Springs's Avatar
God damn, I hate this guy.

I find him more unbearable than funny. I hope they lock the cunt up and be sodomised forever.
Not even the most sex-deprived prison rapist would touch dat ass.
Chris has a wonderful defense mechanism; his fecal incontinence.
Posted 11-09-2011 at 10:35 PM by Sekto Springs

Nate's Avatar
Was his nemesis underage, or were the child porn accusations seperate?

Also, how was his mother involved?
Posted 11-09-2011 at 11:13 PM by Nate

Sekto Springs's Avatar
His "nemesis" is the completely harmless owner of the local game and hobby shop, Michael Snyder. He's at least in his late 40's, and just wants to run his business in peace.

Chris had been banned from the shop on account of his multiple instances of grossly inappropriate behavior. Since it's the only place within a ten mile radius of Chris's house where he can buy his Pokemon shit, he's constantly trying to sneak back in or half-assedly reconcile with Michael.

As for the child pornography accusation, that came out of left field. Maybe because he looks so much like a pedophile? He has drawn some laughably bad pornographic images featuring characters that may or may not be under-aged, but not even the most desperate pedophile would fap to those.

His mother is almost as insane as Chris, but isn't legally retarded, so she can't hide her incompetence behind that like Chris can. After the death of her husband, she probably lost some of her shit too.
Posted 11-09-2011 at 11:19 PM by Sekto Springs
Updated 11-09-2011 at 11:22 PM by Sekto Springs

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I have to admit I'm a little tired of the CWC saga, hoping this just ends it. If he gets treatment and learns to live on his own? Wonderful. If not? Same old, same old.
Posted 11-10-2011 at 09:20 AM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 11-10-2011 at 09:22 AM by Mac Sirloin

STM's Avatar
I only know who this guy is because of this place. Can't say I give a fuck really. Good that he's going to jail for his crime though I guess.
Posted 11-10-2011 at 10:35 AM by STM


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