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I just had the WEIRDEST boner

Posted 10-14-2011 at 09:13 PM by Sekto Springs

Ok, I'm done.
Total Comments 21


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
*Mac Sirloin likes this
Posted 10-15-2011 at 12:06 AM by Mac Sirloin

CrissCross's Avatar
*CrissCross loves this
Posted 10-15-2011 at 12:44 AM by CrissCross

STM's Avatar
*STM has this
Posted 10-15-2011 at 05:51 AM by STM

Dixanadu's Avatar
*Dixanadu has a boner
Posted 10-15-2011 at 06:04 AM by Dixanadu

STM's Avatar
...why did you copy what I just said douche?
Posted 10-15-2011 at 06:19 AM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
i have a penis too
Posted 10-15-2011 at 08:29 AM by Mr. Bungle

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I was tempted to post pictures of CWC's horribly malformed penis. But I figured even a seasoned veteran like myself couldn't duck the ban-hammer with that one.
Posted 10-15-2011 at 08:35 AM by Sekto Springs

Dynamithix's Avatar
Posted 10-15-2011 at 09:00 AM by Dynamithix

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Christian Weston Chandler aka Chris Chan.
Posted 10-15-2011 at 09:05 AM by Sekto Springs

Dynamithix's Avatar
Alright. But I'm still confused why you have pictures of his deformed penis.
Posted 10-15-2011 at 09:33 AM by Dynamithix

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
What are you talking about, everybody I know has at least a few pictures of malformed genitals. Hell, I've got an entire dedicated folder.
Posted 10-15-2011 at 09:41 AM by Mr. Bungle

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Because Chris Chan has an entire wiki dedicated to his fail, genitals included.
Posted 10-15-2011 at 11:46 AM by Sekto Springs

Nate's Avatar
Without posting images, can you explain who the hell Chris Chan is?

I'd google it, but I'm afraid that I might see something I don't want to.
Posted 10-15-2011 at 04:50 PM by Nate

Sekto Springs's Avatar
From the main page of the Wiki:

Christian Weston Chandler (né Christopher Weston Chandler on 24 February 1982), is a high-functioning autistic virgin, and creator of Sonichu, a crossover of Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu - sorry, original creation - starring in his own self-titled online comic book.

His adult life has been largely defined by his goal of developing his webcomic Sonichu into a hit video game franchise and his Love Quest to obtain a "boyfriend-free, 18-[my current age]-year old, caring, smoke-free, non-alcoholic white girl" to make into a "sweetheart from the ground-up."

In late 2007, he became Internet-famous when he caught the attention of 4chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica. The initial fascination was spurred on by his willingness to wear a homemade Sonichu medallion in public, his laughably childlike artwork about his unoriginal Sonic recolor, and his history of loitering in public places while literally holding up a sign asking women to talk to him. His reaction to the ensuing mockery led to even greater scrutiny of his life, revealing still more disturbing facts about him.
The wiki has been edited recently to be less cruel. It originally (and accurately) stated that he was also a fat, racist, bigoted, narcissistic, perverse, cross-dressing, diaper-wearing, possibly pedophilic, sociopath.

There's really way too much to talk about in one blog. If you want to get familiar with Chris and his often horrifying antics, check out the wiki. Don't worry, most of the more disturbing content is hidden for the sake of decency, and they always warn you before you enter a page that you cannot unsee.
Posted 10-15-2011 at 05:52 PM by Sekto Springs

STM's Avatar
I still ended up seeing his dick.

Gonna go die now. See you guys later.
Posted 10-16-2011 at 04:22 AM by STM

Dynamithix's Avatar
Yeah, I did too. What a small dick.
Posted 10-16-2011 at 04:35 AM by Dynamithix

Dixanadu's Avatar
You guys are faggots.

Posted 10-16-2011 at 07:37 AM by Dixanadu

STM's Avatar
SMD Dix.
Posted 10-16-2011 at 08:05 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Small and bent.
Posted 10-16-2011 at 11:20 AM by Sekto Springs

StrangerEastwood's Avatar
And don't forget he "recycles" his own cum. ie, he eats it. thats...wonderfully retarded. I'm not gonna even get into the thought process behind that...fuck.
Posted 10-16-2011 at 12:05 PM by StrangerEastwood

STM's Avatar
Not a nice thing to say about him SS, poor Dixy.
Posted 10-16-2011 at 12:05 PM by STM


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