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Trolled by jobsworths.

Posted 09-11-2011 at 07:34 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 09-11-2011 at 07:39 PM by DarkHoodness
Something odd happened during my holiday in Skye which I can't get my head around.

After our fourth day spent climbing over mountains, to help us relax, me and my three friends decided to nip into Portree's local Co-Op and get ourselves some crap supermarket alcohol for the evening - As we'd done once before earlier in the week. Perfectly normal. 'cept this time we were served by two anal old ladies.

Now, in the UK, there's a bullshit law that was introduced as a half-arsed attempt to combat anti-social behaviour; If you look under 25, you have to show ID to prove that you're over 18. Shop keepers have a right to stop you buying alcohol if you can't show ID, and they can also stop other people buying alcohol for you.

One of my friends wanted to buy some groceries, a small bottle of vodka, and 4 cans of lager - 'cept that while he was allowed to buy the vodka, he was stopped from buying the lager 'cause he didn't have ID on him. The other two of my friends both had ID and offered to buy the lager, but got yelled at and dismissed by the clerks.

Normally this would be understandable according to the law, except that he was allowed to by the vodka, but not the lager. Also, neither me or my friends are under 25, nor do we look so. Three of us have dreadlocks, but we don't look untidy or likely to cause trouble. Portree is a touristy area and many types of people pass through it, so this was the last place we were expecting to be discriminated against for having a certain hairstyle.

Perplexed, my friends paid for the rest of the groceries and left the shop to wait for me, after unsuccessfully trying to persuade the clerks. I was paying for my goods separately and was three places behind them at the back of the queue for the tills - Witnessing what happened from a distance, I sneaked off and grabbed four cans of the same lager, then re-joined the queue.

When it was my turn, one of the clerks glared at me and wouldn't let me buy the four cans of lager and ignored my questions as to why I wasn't allowed to despite me being allowed to buy a bottle of (strong) cider. I offered to show my ID, lied and told them the lager was for myself - Eventually she said it was because she saw me walk next to the other guy who tried to buy lager earlier, and dismissed me too.

Rather than continuing to make a fuss by challenging her irrationality, I gave up, simply paid for the rest of my stuff, and left, but for fucks sake, if you're going to be a jobsworth you should at least stick to the law - Not stop someone from buying one type of alcohol for some bullshit reason while letting them buy another (stronger) type. And how are four people over 25 going to get drunk and paint the town red over four cans of WEAK Carlsberg?? You'd think she and her co-worker had a thing against people with dreadlocks.

We stopped off at an off-licence on the way back to our lodgings without being challenged, so it wasn't a huge inconvenience even though it was unusual enough for me to want to write a boring blog post about it, but what the hell? What's with some people?
Total Comments 12


T-nex's Avatar
The first mistake was... why the hell would you PROCEED to buy their shit when they treated you so terrible? You essentially took their dicks up your butt willingly <.<

Id have left the groceries there for them to deal with and walk out of such a ridiculous store.

The only power a consumer has over a corporation is with the wallet.
Posted 09-11-2011 at 11:25 PM by T-nex

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Maybe this is rubbing it in once, but me and two friends went into an off licence once, we all stood next to each other and selected our alcohol we wanted since one of us way paying for it all, we walked to the till together and only the friend who was paying got ID'd
Posted 09-12-2011 at 03:08 AM by JennyGenesis

T-nex's Avatar
I got IDed in USA for a tiny bottle of Sake(which I was curious to try), and although I was 21, they wouldnt let me buy it cos Chris didnt have an ID...

People in USA must be living pretty well if they dont need money.
Posted 09-12-2011 at 04:48 AM by T-nex

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I think you're missing the point there.
Posted 09-12-2011 at 04:54 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
That's very odd, especially since I can buy fags and booze in some shops without any questions asked, in fact I've only ever been turned down for cigarettes once. Booze, never. And you say you're over
Posted 09-12-2011 at 09:11 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Then the till monkeys aren't doing their jobs properly and should be fired.
Posted 09-12-2011 at 10:29 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
Perhaps, but if they generally think I'm old enough then they cannot help it. Rather it should be me who gets in trouble for knowingly taking the stuff. At the end of it there's no loser, they get money I get a drink. Though usually I just ask my dad to buy me a beer if I want one...
Posted 09-12-2011 at 11:28 AM by STM

T-nex's Avatar
No I didn't miss the point. But I do have my own friggin opinion on it.
Posted 09-12-2011 at 12:28 PM by T-nex

STM's Avatar
It doesn't count though, because Joe over-rides all.
Posted 09-12-2011 at 12:39 PM by STM

Crashpunk's Avatar
I had to prove my age at GameStation once when I tried to buy a 12+ game

I 'supose its understandable because I do look pretty young for a 17 year old but come on I don't look under 12 years old. I?
Posted 09-13-2011 at 01:19 PM by Crashpunk

STM's Avatar
It's more common for that kind of stuff to be questioned about I think, for some weird reason. Like when I was 14 and disallowed from buying a PG...
Posted 09-13-2011 at 01:27 PM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Rather it should be me who gets in trouble for knowingly taking the stuff. At the end of it there's no loser, they get money I get a drink.
And if you were a drunken hoodlum then it would be their responsibility for selling you the drink, therefore their responsibility for all you commit whilst under the influence.

Therefore it's better for people to use their heads and not sell drink to minors or people who look suspiciously minor-ish.

Also shop assistants do have the right to outright refuse service to any customer.
Posted 09-13-2011 at 03:05 PM by Wings of Fire


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