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Tomorrow is my first day on set...

Posted 08-05-2011 at 08:02 PM by Sekto Springs
... for The Dark Fuckin Knight Fuckin Rises!

I got an email last minute (as in five minutes ago) telling me I need to be on set tomorrow morning by 8:45am. So yeah, I dont think Ill be sleeping much tonight.

They're filming a football game between the Gotham City Rogues and the Rapid City Monuments. The football game gets interrupted by *something*, but the casting sites won't say what. They do promise lots of pyrotechnics, stunts, and other such awesomeness will be taking place.

I will be part of the crowd of what will likely be a completely filled stadium. The likelihood that I will appear on camera as little more than a speck of color in the background is slim. If by some serendipity I'm one of the crowd members that happens to appear on camera in the final film, I will of course point myself in a subsequent blog.

This is only one of potentially multiple appearances. My dad happens to be good friends with the lead casting agent on the film, so a little nepotism may go a long way.

Since this movie is so high profile, security is tight, and taking pictures on set is totally illegal. I'm not going to risk getting thrown out snapping pictures on my phone. Unfortunately, I cannot share this experience with you guys visually. BUT I will post an in-depth follow-up of my day tomorrow evening, and I won't skimp on any of the juicy details.

Wish me luck!
Total Comments 15


Daxter King's Avatar
I sorta think they might also want you to be hush even just talking about it, I dunno though. Either way, Im jealous, dont forget to break a leg!
Posted 08-05-2011 at 08:18 PM by Daxter King

Sekto Springs's Avatar
They can't expect to censor over 65,000 people (approximately how much the stadium holds). Everyone will be blogging, tweeting, facebooking about their experiences, and I'll be doing the same.
Posted 08-05-2011 at 08:28 PM by Sekto Springs

enchilado's Avatar
Yay! If the crowd has to run around screaming or something like that, try to be nearest to the cameras.

Good luck!
Posted 08-05-2011 at 08:41 PM by enchilado

moxco's Avatar
So will they actually be filling up the whole stadium? Shit that must be expensive.
Posted 08-05-2011 at 11:17 PM by moxco

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Are they actually paying you?
Posted 08-06-2011 at 01:37 AM by JennyGenesis

Mudokon_Master's Avatar
If they are, that just proves how much money and time goes into making a big film like that ...
Posted 08-06-2011 at 05:00 AM by Mudokon_Master

STM's Avatar
Tell us the ending. Oh and enjoy.
Posted 08-06-2011 at 05:59 AM by STM

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I don't think they will be paying him. It would not be financially viable.
I think that even if it would be, they would be smart enough to take advantage of the fact that a person interested in films would probably voluntarily contribute their presence just so that they could say "I was in ____".
Posted 08-06-2011 at 06:52 AM by OddjobAbe
Updated 08-06-2011 at 06:55 AM by OddjobAbe

Ridg3's Avatar
Good luck on set tomorrow.

Aren't Ench and I dicks? Also, do something onscreen, something seemingly innocuous, as a big shout out to OWF such as wiping your forehead.
Posted 08-06-2011 at 06:54 AM by Ridg3

Havoc's Avatar
They can't expect to censor over 65,000 people (approximately how much the stadium holds). Everyone will be blogging, tweeting, facebooking about their experiences, and I'll be doing the same.
I would weigh that decision against the sum of money you have to pay according to the NDA you will no doubt have to sign when you get there . And don't expect that they will actually have 65.000 people to fill the audience. If you've never been on a film set you're going to be severely disappointed by how fake just about everything is. Even more than you're already expecting. That includes turning a 300 man audience into a full stadium on screen .

Have fun though, should be an awesome experience. Tell us all about it for as much as you're allowed to!!
Posted 08-06-2011 at 07:52 AM by Havoc

Manco's Avatar
Murder Christopher Nolan, go down in history.
Posted 08-06-2011 at 03:58 PM by Manco

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I don't think they will be paying him. It would not be financially viable.
Actually I am signed on as a paid extra, and many of the people in the stadium were also paid. In fact, they need to cast 1200 paid extras for a continuation of the shoot tomorrow, but I'm not involved in that.

I actually kind of cheated. See, as a paid extra, I'm guaranteed to be in one scene and am paid for it. But about 60% of today's crowd were unpaid volunteers, including yours truly, which ensures I'll be in at least two scenes; one paid, and one not. This is actually frowned upon apparently, as they want to cast fresh faces every time to ensure they bestow the gift of being in this movie to as many people as possible.

Since I'm a sweat-caked, sun-burnt, gummy-legged mess from 12 hours of sweltering heat going on only half an hour of sleep... I'm too damn tired to write out a summary of my day in detail right now. But I will say that Bane was there, and he did some crazy shit (but his voice is 'tarded, hopefully they'll augment it somehow), there were explosions, multiple Tumblers (the batmobile), and other awesomeness.

I'll get back to you when I've showered and had some time to relax. I also managed to snap some pictures on my phone against my better judgement, but I don't feel safe sharing them publicly. If any of you want them THAT SUPER BAD, send me a PM and Ill email them to you discretely. Don't expect much though, my phone quality sucks, and I only managed to take photos when there was a lull in the action.
Posted 08-06-2011 at 06:15 PM by Sekto Springs

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I am sooooo pumped to hear more about this from you. I loves me some Batman. Riddle me this: Did Bane have a silly French/English accent?
Posted 08-06-2011 at 09:34 PM by Mac Sirloin

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Bane is canonically South American. A fictional country to be exact. Basically Cuba, though. Tom Hardy's voice as Bane was very strange. He sounded like an old man with breathing difficulties. I couldn't detect a specific accent in-character, but out-of-character he spoke with a British accent.
Posted 08-06-2011 at 09:57 PM by Sekto Springs

Strike Witch's Avatar
I look forward to your delivery.
Posted 08-07-2011 at 12:31 AM by Strike Witch


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