Lately, I've been noticing that it's all the little things in life that piss me off the most. Stupid, insignificant things that just make me want to sock somebody in the face, including, but not limited to:
- People who say "totes" instead of totally
- People who think their opinion is right and everyone else's is wrong
- People who have "catchphrases" like "just sayin'" and think they're SO goddamn funny for it
- People who get angry because you did something you don't approve of, such as drinking
- People Who Type Like This On Facebook Or Msn
- Ignorance
- When a really annoying person whom you didn't want to know you were having a party DOES find out and confronts you about it
- Women
- People who are really smug and think they have perfect grammar/spelling but can't tell their contractions and then/thanapart
- People who try way too hard to be funny in everything they say but ultimately fail (usually to impress a girl)
- Attention-whore-ness
- Shallow people
- Egotistical cunts
- Condescending pricks
- people who use their always put a space before their punctuation , like this .
Yeah, I get annoyed really easily. Do you?