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Scene kids (could probaly be a thread discussion but meh)

Posted 03-27-2010 at 01:39 PM by Ridg3
I joined this Facebook group "I hate scene kids" and there was a post stating "What do you hate about them" I posted and thought that you would all like to know (or maybe not)

By reading all the comments above I've decided to elaborate on my "Everything" in bullet points.

1. =3 this annoys the shit out of me because we already have a perfectly apt available.

2. Black and white photos....why would you spend half your waking moments applying thick ass make-up and disgustingly bright hair dye to just make them redundant in photos.... See more

3. The next time I wanna hear "rawr" from one of those fuckers is when they're attempting to have a conversation with an extremely hungry panther.

4. Attitudes...dismount from your high horse and see that everyone (including the emos) view you as the shit on our shoes.

5. Self-harm....this is one of the biggest reason why I'm so against "scene" who the hell thought it would be cool, appropriate or fucking socially acceptable to cut/burn going to respect you until you respect yourselves...cunts.

6. I'm hating them because a vast majority isn't going to read this to try and improve.

7. Music...BFMV, BMTH and Paramore are good at best...come back to me when you listen to some real metal.

8. Fashion...Me, I'm a metalhead yet I don't walk around with greasy hair, metal coming out of every orifice I own nor do I prance around all week witht the t-shirt of my favourite all complain about being "labeled" and "generezised" but you are the ones that created this stereotype...FFS THAT'S WHAT STEREOTYPE MEANS.

9. Internet behaviour....grow cares how many people you had "s3x" with "k", you really need to either gain good trolling skills or stop altogether because it's getting boring to be called a cocksucker and/or emo...and you really only need one social network not every single fucking one available.

I know this is a totally tl;dr moment like totally but I needed to vent.
Total Comments 34


T-nex's Avatar
I'm not scene btw. But complaints like these annoy ME. No matter what label you fit in under(or don't) there are going to be fun/boring, happy/sad, stupid/smart etc people.
God.. People should just be able to put on what ever they wish. If the person is a good person underneath all that clothing, it shouldn't friggin' matter in any way. Also that complaint really had nothing to do with Scene people. Because most of thos point don't really apply to scene people as much as they apply to people in general, and sometimes other 'labels'.

Oh and the music complaint is one of the worst. People who feel that other people have to listen to a certain type of music are asshole elitists who should just stop whining about that.
If scene people like crappy music, let them enjoy it. Its not like they force anyone else to listen to it, and if they do, a good punch to the face would take care of that <.<
Posted 03-27-2010 at 02:10 PM by T-nex

Ridg3's Avatar
I was merely expressing my views on them and those views doesn't necessarily mean that other non-scene folk would view them that way. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion aren't they regardless of how wrong it may be, I'm just a guy with very strong opinions about things...including shit that I normally do.

And that whole rant was completely stereotyping the entirety of the scene culture and yes, maybe some of the stuff there was a bit "nazi-ish" but in all honesty...I don't give a fuck, if someone was to be offended by what one person thinks then that person deserves to be lynched.
Posted 03-27-2010 at 03:06 PM by Ridg3

Wil's Avatar
Posted 03-27-2010 at 03:56 PM by Wil

Wings of Fire's Avatar
=3 is a fucking amazing smiley and fuck you for being Irish you Irish cunt.
Posted 03-27-2010 at 04:01 PM by Wings of Fire

Ridg3's Avatar
Posted 03-27-2010 at 04:14 PM by Ridg3

Havoc's Avatar
Posted 03-27-2010 at 05:16 PM by Havoc

Anonyman!'s Avatar
Posted 03-27-2010 at 06:50 PM by Anonyman!

Nate's Avatar
Perhaps I'm just an old fuddy-duddy, but what the hell is 'scene'?
Posted 03-27-2010 at 07:27 PM by Nate

Wings of Fire's Avatar

She's Scene.
Posted 03-27-2010 at 09:20 PM by Wings of Fire

Phylum's Avatar
I've seen her. A-hyuck!
Posted 03-28-2010 at 12:18 AM by Phylum

Taco's Avatar
Don't they usually have those damn racoon things in their hair?
Posted 03-28-2010 at 01:16 AM by Taco

T-nex's Avatar
Personally I like the look of scene girls. But I most often assume that they are also fashion-freaks which is why I would be too intimidated to go talk to one.

The whole "alt" culture is kinda dead.

But yea.. Uh Ridg3 sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to say you're not allowed to have an opinion... But I just don't think it's fair to hate a whole group of people. I mean, I don't hate all pop-girls just cos I've met a few sour grapes amongst them. It's always a good idea to give everyone a chance.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 01:53 AM by T-nex

Wil's Avatar
Posted 03-28-2010 at 01:55 AM by Wil

Taco's Avatar
Hey there's Nate's pic
Posted 03-28-2010 at 02:22 AM by Taco

Wil's Avatar
You mean he stole it from somewhere?!
Posted 03-28-2010 at 03:12 AM by Wil

Phylum's Avatar
It's called a link.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 03:25 AM by Phylum

Nate's Avatar
It's called 'I Tried To Find An Answer Before Asking Here And Not Having Found One On Wikipedia, I Posted My Comment' - you might want to try it sometime.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 03:46 AM by Nate

MA's Avatar
to be honest, i think these daft sub-cultures are mostly just phases these kids go through to make themselves belong to a certain group, just because of their tastes in music and/or appearance, and so they can 'war' against other sub-cultures and have something to complain about. also, i reckon its mostly for attention and crying about being 'oppressed' by absolutely every other fucker in the entire universe because they all hate them waaa. yes i pointed out the obvious fuck off.


scene/emo/goth - people who enjoy constantly whinging about their apparently unfair life, use song lyrics to do all the talking for them (usually about nothing being worth it, loving someone all your life only to find out they hate you, and for a predictable finale, going on a murder spree even though it pains you inside to do such a thing, BUT THEY FORCED YOU TO DO IT, THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE PUSHED YOU, YOU LOVED THEM AND YOU GOT NOTHING IN RETURN, etc), and most probably 'turn' to the occult to 'help' them. oh and get this! these 3 groups think they're different from one another! how? because one group uses make-up that's a shade darker/lighter than the other? ahahahaha! oh, lordy. get some of The Ink Spots on your ApplePod thing!
Posted 03-28-2010 at 04:15 AM by MA
Updated 03-28-2010 at 04:19 AM by MA

Wil's Avatar
How novel and completely unlike my own 'I Tried To Find An Answer' I obviously performed to find that link.

EDIT: Curses, MA. I'm responding to Nate, obviously, but actually directing my message at anyone whose responses suggest to me they have no idea what I've just done.

ADDITIONAL EDIT: I still don't understand what "scene" is in this context. Obviously all sub-cultures have their own scene; there's an 'emo scene', the music aspect of which is a proper subset of the general 'music scene'. But everyone's using it like it's a sub-culture unto itself, as though one particular fashion style emerged and decided to call itself 'vogue', or a specific form of rock was created and christened 'music'.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 04:18 AM by Wil

MA's Avatar
i never have any idea what you're doing.

i never have any idea what anyone's doing, to be honest.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 04:29 AM by MA

Nate's Avatar
Max: I worked out what had happened and was rather amused that our thought processes had gone in such a similar fashion. My comment was directed more at Taco and Phylum. Though, to be entirely truthful, I have no idea to whom Phylum's comment was directed, nor what it was actually meant to mean.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 04:32 AM by Nate

Wil's Avatar
MA, that at least makes two of us. A number of times I've complained I don't understand anything that's being said here. Good to know I'm causing some of the confusion instead of being purely a victim.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 04:46 AM by Wil

T-nex's Avatar
I dunno exactly how scene would be subscribe. I know nothing about it except that they are kids who took elements from punk/emo/goth and super-glamourfied them. They wear really colorful-stuff and poof up their hair. Sometimes so extreme that you think they are made of hair.

But I have no idea what 'Scene' came from, and if they have some sort of underground culture, or music specifically for this group. I mostly tend to see them as colored Emos.

And yea. It's probably a phase they go through, only to get over it.

I don't care about these groups though, and I actually think they are nice to look at on the street in the city. It's definitely much more fun to look at than the normal people who's clothing I've seen a hundred times. But this goes for anyone who dresses differently. I just like variety.

But it's true that with these people there tends to follow a certain behavior which is mostly viewed as annoying by outsiders.

If they are nice/smart people though, then I don't care.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 05:02 AM by T-nex

used:)'s Avatar
I hate people who hate people.

Posted 03-28-2010 at 06:57 AM by used:)

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I like ladyboys.

That's what this thread is for, right?
Posted 03-28-2010 at 09:00 AM by Wings of Fire

Dryadri's Avatar
I don't really think you can hate a group of people for what they like, it's just the odd gits that make the rest look bad. I mean, I'm a teenager, but I'm not a rabid Robert Twattinson fan or a yob in a hoodie. I think the scene look is quite nice, if a li'l cliche, but so is any stereotype I suppose.

Also =3 is win.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 01:21 PM by Dryadri

Wil's Avatar
I'm not a rabid Robert Twattinson fan or a yob in a hoodie.
Nobody said you were. The lady doth protest too much.

Anyone care to link to some place that describes/depicts these "scene kids" well?
Posted 03-28-2010 at 02:21 PM by Wil

Alcar's Avatar
What are these scene kids you speak of?

Posted 03-28-2010 at 02:22 PM by Alcar

T-nex's Avatar
Max, all you need to do is to go to either Flickr, Deviant art, You tube or even google and type in "Scene girls" or better yet... "Scene queens"... It's really just a way of dressing.

Typical traits:

- Hello Kitty accesories
- Poofy hair
- Colorful hair and sometimes even patterns in hair.
- Layered and colorful clothes.
- Very noticeable eye shadow
- Mostly skinny girls
- Usually obsessed with cupcakes, candy and stuff like that.
- Skinny jeans

Here's a very nice description btw. It's a how to, but it describes Scene people very well.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 02:47 PM by T-nex

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I dislike all of these fucking sub-cultures. It seems to me that most people who are part of them are only part of them because they for some reason feel that they should be non-conformists for the sake of being non-conformists (ironically, they are conformists - they are most certainly conforming to a particular group, so really, the object of being in such a group is defeated just by being in that group). I think that for the most part, it's just an adolescency thing. It's a funny age to go through, and I think that these are the people who are most heavily affected by it, so I do have some sympathy.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 03:25 PM by OddjobAbe


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