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I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to give a damn about my life.

Posted 02-21-2010 at 08:47 AM by Nemo
Updated 02-21-2010 at 09:00 AM by Nemo

So, today, I'm just going to leave. I'm going to go to the other side of town, and walk around all day.

I'm tired with being bored. I'm tired with being unhealthy. I'm tired of being numb. I'm tired of hoping for better yet being fine with worse. I'm going to try and do at least one thing interesting, even if it's just outro material.
Total Comments 36


MA's Avatar
try doing something worthwhile with your time. this may sound harsh, but personally i reckon you need a good kick up the arse to get yourself into gear.

i'm willing to bet there are people who are a hell of a lot worse off than you. i'm not being nasty, i'm telling you to wake up and get a grip man.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:03 AM by MA

What would you have me do? Stay in my room and let my life drift away?
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:07 AM by Nemo

MA's Avatar
is staying in your room and having your life drift away very worthwhile?

i said get out there and do something worthwhile with your time, instead of dwelling on things.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:26 AM by MA

Which is exactly what I said I was doing.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:31 AM by Nemo

MA's Avatar
and "I'm going to go to the other side of town, and walk around all day" is worthwhile? and what's this about 'outro material'? you're still suggesting you're going to do something rash.

see things as they are and not how you want to see them, for god sake. have a cup of coffee or walk the dog or something. stop with the tunnel vision.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:42 AM by MA

T-nex's Avatar
Do something creative. That's worthwhile. o.o
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:43 AM by T-nex

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Nemo, I understand exactly how you feel. You probably won't belive me, but I do. Whatever you think will make you feel better, try it. Lack the energy to do something constructive? Lie in the grass and look at trees, feel air on your face, do something which you would rather do than nothing. After you do something that inspires you without a significant input of energy, you may feel good enough to do something a little bigger, which will make you feel good enough to do something a little bigger, and so on, like steps. Because the bottom line is, while I generally feel like shit, I have the dignity to not drag down everyone else with me.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:44 AM by MeechMunchie

OddjobAbe's Avatar
Try masturbating. You can simultaneously be creative if you do that, too. Your hands may not be free, but your mind is.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:44 AM by OddjobAbe

T-nex's Avatar
Really, Oddjob... That wasn't useful >: (
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:46 AM by T-nex

OddjobAbe's Avatar
Of course it wasn't. I just happen to be feeling quite facetious.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 09:49 AM by OddjobAbe

MA's Avatar
MM: this is purely motivation linked to less serious instances. i can just tell.

Nemo, if its serious, talk to a GP/doctor and get referred/receive medical help, which has been said many times. its there, there's no reason not to do it. its even on the other end of the phone. in fact, help is everywhere. you just fail to see this via your own choice. now why would you do that? tell me.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 10:04 AM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Because he's scared. Just like all of us.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 10:26 AM by MeechMunchie
Updated 02-22-2010 at 09:14 AM by MeechMunchie

MA's Avatar
what you on about?

you think if he really was scared he'd make blog after blog about it, and dutifully not take any advice?

when it gets that bad, you don't even want to talk about it, and if isn't that bad, you want to sort it. where does he fit in?
Posted 02-21-2010 at 10:27 AM by MA

Glad to know that feeling like doing something with my life means I should be medicated.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 10:30 AM by Nemo

MA's Avatar
^^perfect example of someone willing to see things as they wish to see them, and not see things as they actually are. also a good example of someone not willing to help themselves in the slightest, and yet willing to ask for help. what's going on there?

EDIT: just because its medical help, doesn't mean it actually involves medication. you may be signed off work or whatever for a while and told to 'take it easy', or perhaps therapy, or perhaps linked to others that are going through the same thing. you can only help yourself. look into it.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 10:32 AM by MA
Updated 02-21-2010 at 10:35 AM by MA

Glad to know that helping myself means I'm not willing to help myself.

Just because I don't want other people telling me how I'm feeling or what I want or need doesn't mean I'm seeing things how I want. If I saw things how I wanted, I'd see myself as a damn millionaire.

But, now that I have bus fair, ta ta.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 10:38 AM by Nemo

MA's Avatar
that post of yours is totally void, as it doesn't even make sense in conjunction to my post before it. you're suggesting that i was stating, by not taking our advice you're helping yourself, when i was saying quite clearly that that was how you don't help yourself.

i'm gonna be totally honest, and say i think this is all for attention.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 10:46 AM by MA
Updated 02-21-2010 at 10:48 AM by MA

Wil's Avatar
Having struggled with depression for just about as long as I can remember, I find myself with very little advice to give you. Partly because I'd feel like a shit for not taking half of it myself, but mainly because I've not found anything that relieves it.

But going for walks can help. Keeps your mind and body doing something at least.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 11:11 AM by Wil

shaman's Avatar
I won't pretend that your recent torrent of Angsty blogs doesn't annoy me. But what kind of shit would i be if i didn't try?

Whilst walking around all day, try and get a hobby. Something you find intresting. To collect, reaserch, read about or something. Having a nice little interest really does give you a sense of identity, and a sence of triumph if you become "That guy" With a lot of Knowledge or experience on an interesting subject

Try this, it may seem like a shit idea. But it sounds like you need something to fill the vaccum. A new interest might really help you.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 12:41 PM by shaman

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Find something and concentrate on it, stop being so self destructive.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 01:53 PM by Wings of Fire

Strike Witch's Avatar
Get a job.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 02:26 PM by Strike Witch

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Or Volunteer. Volunteering will:
-Get you out of the house.
-Teach you some marketable skills.
-Open job opportunities.
-Let you meat people.

And without the pressure of a job.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 03:28 PM by Mac Sirloin

T-nex's Avatar
And 'meating' people is surely the best part of it =D
Posted 02-21-2010 at 03:56 PM by T-nex

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Just ask abe619.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 04:07 PM by Wings of Fire

MA's Avatar
how about we don't?

and volunteering is a great idea. you're giving something to the community which makes you feel better about yourself, you're keeping busy and healthy, it puts substance and structure to your day, gives you something to get up for in the morning, you can gain new skills and experience in whatever you're doing, even earn certificates, all sorts.

basically what Kastere said, actually.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 04:08 PM by MA
Updated 02-21-2010 at 04:11 PM by MA

Wil's Avatar
Trust Kastere to start talking about 'meating' people just as soon as I change his name to Sirloin.

Nah, I'm just ribbing you.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 04:42 PM by Wil

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I'd like to avoid having a beef with anyone, honestly, so I figured I'd give an honest, clean cut suggestion.
Posted 02-21-2010 at 07:36 PM by Mac Sirloin

MA's Avatar
that was very cleaver clever.
Posted 02-22-2010 at 05:27 AM by MA

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I think someone is telling porkies.
Posted 02-22-2010 at 06:22 AM by Wings of Fire

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Ah, he wouldn't lie to you. The steaks are too high. He's just mincing around.
Because he's scared. Just like all of us.
Yeah... um, JOKE. What can I say? Nemo, it may be hard to accept help, but if you won't even acknowledge that people are trying to help you, then there's not much I can do. Read Climbing Out of Depresion by Sue Atkinson. That's got some good ideas.
Posted 02-22-2010 at 09:14 AM by MeechMunchie


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