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Less Wii Hate Please

Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:37 AM by AlexFili
Updated 11-12-2009 at 05:24 AM by AlexFili
I've had enough of these low-quality Wii ports and half assed games.

This 360/PS3 alliance is even worse. Why buy one console when the games are on the other one anyway?! It's driving me bonkers.

I love my Wii, I just don't like the negative attitude everyone else has about it.

Edited: Removed article link because that review was questionable.
Total Comments 31


Havoc's Avatar
You try to play high end titles on the Wii? Lol
Posted 11-12-2009 at 02:11 AM by Havoc

Wil's Avatar
Yeah... I think you're going to have to live with it.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 03:58 AM by Wil

Venks's Avatar
I love my Wii, but I havn't gotten a new game for it since Wii Fit. I never buy ports on the Wii. Ports in general suck on all systems, because less time is spent on each product.
Wait till New Super Mario Bros. comes out. Then be happy again. Or you could always get a 360 and Left 4 Dead 2. 360 has games.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 04:27 AM by Venks

AlexFili's Avatar
Sorry to disagree Max, but that is the same attitude that is totally crippling the Wii right now. It's not that ports of good games don't exist, it's that companies don't even bother trying. How can you look at something like Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime and complain about lack of graphical power?

Okay, so I admit that we are unlikely to get Gears of War or Grand Theft Auto on the Wii anytime soon. However, this doesn't mean every company should just completely ignore the Wii.

Look at Halo 2 and Freedom Fighters on the original Xbox. I don't see why they can't be tinkered around with to make Halo 3 / Gears of War on the Wii (or at least similar styles of games). I don't demand a 360/ps3 experience, I'd just like a bit of consideration for all the Wii users out there who feel a bit left out.

I will never buy a 360 for three reasons;
- Microsoft didn't bother to fix the overheating problem when they first discovered it. That is just morally wrong.
- Pay to play online games. I'm just not happy with that idea. DS, PSP, PS3 and Wii are all free to play. Why should Xbox be different?
- It's too late for me. The 360 bandwagon has officially gone by. If I would have gotten one, it would have been before. I'm now looking forward to the next generation instead.

Plus, to be honest... I don't have the money for a new system right now! ^_^

Stranger's Wrath would be fantastic on the Wii btw. (Sorry for the long comment!)
Posted 11-12-2009 at 05:02 AM by AlexFili
Updated 11-12-2009 at 05:24 AM by AlexFili

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Wii sucks.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 05:52 AM by Sekto Springs

Havoc's Avatar
The Wii traded in high performance for dancing around with your controller. If you want good graphics, buy a decent console.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 05:54 AM by Havoc

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Wii is for people who like games, but don't want them to be hard.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 06:27 AM by Sekto Springs

Jordan's Avatar
Basically, a Wii is not a hardcore gamer's ideal product. The 360 and the PS3 are. The Wii is primarily aimed at families, that's why you're seeing all the party games on there.
The Wii is undeniably a weak console compared to the 360 and the PS3, many games just do not work on there.

The job for it is to entertain large groups of people, and that's what it's doing at the moment. Until Nintendo drastically update it or until the newer console is released, it will never be anything more than it already is.

There's little point in trying to tell members on here not to hate the Wii. Most people on here own a more superior console and prefer that kind of gaming.

The Wii was and is a unique idea, I'm not saying it isn't, but it just appeals to different crowds than other consoles, that's all.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 06:57 AM by Jordan

OANST's Avatar
The Wii has no online play to speak of, and even the PS3's is light years behind what the 360 is doing. They provide an excellent product, and I am willing to pay money for it. I'm not picking sides, but you have to be realistic. The Wii looks like shit on an HD tv, plus Wii owners don't typically buy third party games. It's not going to get support.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:14 AM by OANST

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Wii is probably more of a mainstream console than Playstation or Xbox in the sense that it makes the kind of games anyone can play. Games that don't focus on plot or graphics, and simply serve to entertain those who are too cheap or lazy to go to Chuck E. Cheese for a game of skee-ball.

Putting action/adventure titles on the Wii, in my opinion, is a flop move. Sometimes it can be fun to feel more 'into' it with the idea that you have to actually swing your remote to control your character's sword/melee and whathaveyou. This can get annoying fast though, and the sketchiness of the nunchuk sensors ensure that you will probably repeat the same stupid arm motion three or four times before you succeed at whatever task the game is asking of you.

This is why games like Dead Space and Resident Evil should not be on the Wii. The experience isn't enhanced in any way by the ability to jiggle your controller. What you're left with is the same game that would have been released on PS3 or 360, only with shittier graphics and watered down gameplay that adheres to the poor control the Wiimote offers.

Kinda like the whole Mac vs PC argument. Mac may look pretty and have unique handling, but PC is... well you see where I'm going with this.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:16 AM by Sekto Springs
Updated 11-12-2009 at 07:20 AM by Sekto Springs

OANST's Avatar
Also, I felt like they stole money from me with the motion plus device. Does it make the Wiimote more accurate? Yes. Now if only they could make it so that I didn't have to set it face down on my table every thirty seconds so it can recalibrate. That thing was not ready to be sold.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:55 AM by OANST

AlexFili's Avatar
So what do you say to games like Madworld and No More Heroes 2? The developers are trying, just not hard enough.

Oh and superior consoles? Right... tell me that when you 360 decides to fry its own motherboard. Yup, REALLY superior there. I have few qualms with the PS3, since they actually support their consumers and deal with whatever problems come up.

Superior graphics? Yes. Superior gameplay? Hardly.

With all due respect OANST, that calibration thing is only in Wii Sports. In Red Steel 2 that probably won't happen often (if at all).
Posted 11-12-2009 at 10:16 AM by AlexFili

OANST's Avatar
Madworld and No More Heroes 2? Nobody bought them. I'm not saying that the games are bad because nobody bought them. I'm saying that third party developers aren't going to bother continuing to make games for the Wii when the user base just doesn't care. That's why it won't get better.

I appreciate the Wii for what it is. My Wii is still hooked up and I play it every once in a while. It just can't compete for the majority of my attention.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 10:40 AM by OANST

AlexFili's Avatar
I'd rather buy a PC than a 360 or a PS3, especially for FPS games. Regardless, there are plenty of free online games which contain many of the features of commercial games.

Well, I'm hoping for Wii HD. Which should happen in a few years time.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 11:52 AM by AlexFili

OANST's Avatar
Honestly, I'm tired of waggling. It was fun at first, but I really only play the games that don't force the motion controls on me now.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 11:57 AM by OANST

AlexFili's Avatar
Yep, I agree. Same goes for the touch-heavy DS games. Zelda? Okami? I prefer Advance Wars anyday.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 12:14 PM by AlexFili

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Well, I'm hoping for Wii HD. Which should happen in a few years time.
I'm hoping for Dreamcast HD.
Should happen any day now...
Any day...
Posted 11-12-2009 at 03:21 PM by Sekto Springs

mr.odd's Avatar
Alex, you are asking people to stop criticizing the wii, when you are doing the same criticizing the xbox/Ps3. also, Ps3 and Xbox both have their own exclusive games, which is why people tend to buy both.

People have their own opinions about these consoles, you will just have to live it.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 04:12 PM by mr.odd

Wil's Avatar
Why is so much discussion in blogs and spam in posts?

Posted 11-12-2009 at 05:24 PM by Wil

Venks's Avatar
360 red rings. It happens. Doesn't stop it from having the greatest selection of games and best online service though.

Wii. I love my Smash bros Brawl. But that's all it has. I don't want crappy ports for the Wii. Try playing GhostBusters on the 360 and then the Wii. That'll give you a good explanation as to why Wii ports suck and shouldn't be attempted. Either make a game for the Wii or don't.

PS3. I plan on getting one for Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. I love my Squaresoft RPGs.

Poor people whine and complain about other consoles cus they can only afford one. Gentleman own every console and have no need to be biased.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:51 PM by Venks

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Which Gentleman?
Posted 11-12-2009 at 08:41 PM by Wings of Fire

scrab queen's Avatar

I honestly don't choose a side when it comes to consoles and games.

My only complaint is that they're watering down everything for casual gamers and such. They just don't TRY anymore, and that kinda makes me sad. It's getting harder for me to find a good challenge. That's why I find myself buying at Vintage Stock rather than Gamestop.

But otherwise, I'm all for equality. "It's okay until it makes me want to suicide. Or if I cream in my pants."
Posted 11-12-2009 at 11:33 PM by scrab queen

Strike Witch's Avatar
Nintendo realized that shovelware family games = monay, so they abandoned their testy manchild fanbase.

Ubisoft has been doing it for years.
Posted 11-13-2009 at 12:28 AM by Strike Witch

AlexFili's Avatar
"360 red rings. It happens."
- So you would buy a sports car, even if you had to keep replacing the engine every 6 months? Doesn't anyone realise that they're spending a lot of money to replace their Xbox? (Unless everyone gets it sent for repairs).

At the end of the day, they should have fixed their problems earlier on.

Look, I'm not going to pretend that the Wii is the best console. I'm just saying the PS3 and Xbox360 aren't perfect. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Thanks for posting so far.

By the way, have we seen enough Apocolypse games yet?
Posted 11-13-2009 at 01:10 AM by AlexFili

OANST's Avatar
It isn't that easy. You can't just say 'Problem fixed', and call it a day. Do you think that they didn't want the problem fixed? Of course, they did. They were losing money over the situation.

And it isn't the same as having a car that constantly breaks down. Microsoft fixes red rings for free.

Also, in the three years that I've had it, it has red ringed once.
Posted 11-13-2009 at 06:40 AM by OANST
Updated 11-13-2009 at 06:58 AM by OANST

Venks's Avatar
My 360 has Red ringed twice. Once when I first started playing Gears of War 1 and again when I tried to play Gears of War 2. And hey would you look at that... that's not every 6 months... that was 2 years. Fancy that.
Despite owning both the Wii and 360 I've used my 360 about 30 times the amount of time I've used my Wii. Which is quite scary cus I have 700 hours in Smash Bros Brawl alone. So in case you didn't notice even with the 360 'constantly' Red-ringing it gets plenty of play.
My Wii would get more play if it had more fun party games. That's all I use it for. I got Brawl and well I love that game more then any man should. It has Bomberman, but I have to say I prefer Super Bomberman 2 on my Snes. It has Mario Kart, but again I prefer Mario Kart Double Dash on the Game Cube. I do get some good play in with Mario Party 8, but Mario Party 9 is so over due. The same mini games are getting tiresome. I play WiiFit but this time still pales to my use of my 360. It would be higher if say there was a new Pikmin game or a Star Fox game.

My 360 gets waaaay too much time from Left 4 Dead alone. I play versus like a crack addict. Been spending days just playing the Left 4 Dead 2 demo. I can already tell I'll be losing hundreds of hours of my life to that one. I also continually return to Halo 3. Seems everyone hates that game, but what ever I love it. Dead Rising was my first game on the system. I can't tell you how much time I can spend contently killing zombies. Especially with orange juice cartons. Thats just awesome. I played both the Gears of War and played Horde mode for a good few months. DLC wise I played Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers, and Marvel vs Capcom 2 all a good deal. I wish the Wii had more good games on its WiiWare service, but seeing as I like online multiplayers that's not really possible. :/

Oh man Street Fighter 4. That was my game. I could only play one character cus I never bothered to learn the others, but oh how I raped with Sakura. People always assume I suck cus she has low damage output and low health but she combo'd so well. Just predict the Shoryuken(they always shoryuken), low kick into EX Hurrican Kick into Sakura's Otoshi. That's just the easiest way to combo into that. So many different ways. Can't wait till Super Street Fighter IV comes out. Gonna pull out s'more rape. But man that game is only fun because of its online battles. I can't imagine trying to ask everyone for friend codes before every battle like in Brawl. Ug.
Posted 11-13-2009 at 08:00 AM by Venks

Oddey's Avatar
When my uncle gets red rings on his Xbox, (I've never had a red ring) he gets it repaired for free and is even given a free subscription to Xbox live.

I like my Wii. I just use it when I feel a little too out of shape.
Posted 11-13-2009 at 12:55 PM by Oddey

AlexFili's Avatar
In Brawl you can just play with random strangers.
I agree, the Wii needs more of the games that people like. Hopefully 2010 will be a better year for Wii games.
Posted 11-13-2009 at 02:05 PM by AlexFili

Venks's Avatar
lol play with random strangers in Brawl. That definitely is a 10 minute search to go against complete noobs. Freakin putting in 3 other people's friend requests doesn't take that long.
I really wish Brawl would of had match making. But Nintendo was all like, "If people go against people they can never win against they'll get sad."
Despite the fact that all the casuals stopped playing Brawl after barely a month of play. Screw all the loyal fan base still playing the game today. Nintendo decided who their target audience was and as long as they get money from them no one, not even fans that have been there since the Nes, matter.
Posted 11-13-2009 at 02:18 PM by Venks

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I didn't sell my Wii for the sole reason that I still have hope for the next Zelda game, that is all.
Posted 11-13-2009 at 02:35 PM by Wings of Fire


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