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Regarding my High School Ending Exams (HSEE)

Posted 09-13-2009 at 07:45 AM by PalezQkkeli
Here in Finland we have high standards in education. The leven of education is really high, and it's really hard to get good grades. Actually you get the best grade only if you get ALL the points from a test.

In US they have the grades from A to F without the E. In Finland we have from 10 to 4, 10 being the best and 4 the worst. I've failed the Biology part of my HSEEs twice and it's the last time to try and get it through. If I don't I'll have to take all the HSEE tests again and It'll cost as I've stated in the blog before this one..

The test (varying on subject of course) consists of all that you learn in high school on that subject. For example my Biology test contains questions about everything you learn about Biology in high school. It has 12 questions and you have to answer in 8. The questions are different every year, although same subjects are used from time to time. (One theme that has almost always been in the test is to find out some individuals parents' genes when you know the genes of the children. Etc gene mapping). You have 6 hours time to answer in all of the 8 questions. If you answer in more than 8 questions, your best answer will be discarded. If you answer in less than 8, you just don't get the points..

I hope that I can pass the test tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Total Comments 4


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Good luck!'re in high school and learning gene mapping?

Holy crap.
Posted 09-13-2009 at 08:11 AM by Mac Sirloin

PalezQkkeli's Avatar
Yep that's Finland for ya
Posted 09-14-2009 at 03:30 AM by PalezQkkeli

Grandi's Avatar
Eikös tossa biologian ylioppilaskokeessa ollut tehtävä, jossa piti nimetä joitain yläasteella käytyjä kasveja ja eläimiä?
Posted 09-17-2009 at 01:14 PM by Grandi

OANST's Avatar
Posted 09-17-2009 at 01:26 PM by OANST


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