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Are girls clowns??

Posted 06-19-2009 at 11:27 AM by T-nex
Just a thought that sprung to mind lately.... This doesn't apply to everyone btw! I just noticed this pattern in alot of people.

I feel that girls have become clowns in a way.
I'm talking about the respect that the female gender has lost over time. I'm in no way a feminist, I'm neither for or against that. I just feel that guys nowadays treat girls just... As the popular word that guys cam up with: 'Cum dumpsters'.

Now.. There are alot of nice guys out there who truly respect women and want a meaningful relationship. But it's just too often that I hear about how guys lie and pretend to be friends just to get in the pants of a girl and just leave afterwards as if she was trash. The bad part is that girls get themselves into these situations too. They don't have alot of self-respect... Gosh.. why am I even saying that? If a guy did the same thing, people wouldn't say he lacked self respect.. But that he is a player or.. jsut cool.

I don't know.. These facts just depress me alot. When I think about allt he girls that get screwed over because of the lack of respect. I wouldn't go as far as saying that it was better in the past when girls had to be submissive... But somehow I feel that even though males had more rights, girls weren't treated as... well clowns... you can prove me wrong if you want.. I'm not always right.

I just don't it... And why is a vagina so intiresting anyway? It's not, and guys need to stop being obsessed... But I have a feeling not even that is true... That the only reason they fuck girls is to ridicule them afterwards and call them whores and sluts.

Why is a girl who fucks alot a slut, while a guy isn't?

Sorry about this rant, but it's one of these 'pissed-off-at-the-world' days....
Total Comments 5


Oddey's Avatar
I feel this from a different front. All the girls in my class use the fact that they are indeed a girl as an excuse for many things. It's almost like the people who gave women rights in the first place, did it in vain. What the world is coming to these days is... frightening. Of course that's not to say it wasn't long back anyway, but when you open your eyes to the evil about you, everything changes.

People lack respect from men in general if you ask me. Most men and boys just don't seem to be quite the way people think they should be. Kind and loving. Fatherly. Sadly, much of the world is depressing if this is how you expect it to be, which you must have at some point. The whole women opressing sounds more and more silly, every second you think about it. Where there is plus, there must be minus. Where there is hot, there must be cold. Where there are males, there must be females. Why we look upon men as superiors is beyond me in these days. If anything women are braver and tougher than any man could be in some aspects.

But the world doesn't listen to individuals. Well, sometimes they do, but the change eventually eases back into what it was previously. It's like trying to fill in a hole with cement that drys into a very easily broken rock. Hard to keep completely in check.

For some reason, I'm having the same kind of day.
Posted 06-19-2009 at 12:06 PM by Oddey

MA's Avatar
it might be just a stupid stage some males go through. i myself didnt go through it, it just doesn't really interest me. but some kids do and may regret it when they are older, but then again they might just carry on being a silly bastard.

i dont think these celebrities make it any better on women when they are dancing over-the-top suggestively on music videos and such, it just lowers the tone and degrades women. thats what i honestly think anyway.
Posted 06-19-2009 at 02:29 PM by MA

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I'm a feminist, and that those aspects of our culture sicken me, but at least here they are free to behave that way if they wish. I would just prefer it if they did not wish that, and it would be a simple matter to solve via a strategic strike on select targets within the media and marketing fields.

Fortunately the girls in the smoking wreckage of my social circle are far from that state.
Posted 06-19-2009 at 02:47 PM by Bullet Magnet

used:)'s Avatar
Society is almost sexist by nature. I can understand where gluttons for punishment come from though. However, at some point they should gain some self-respect and draw the line. It's sad when things turn out like that.
Posted 06-19-2009 at 07:02 PM by used:)

Munch's Master's Avatar
I can thankfully say I've never had such an attitude.
I am well aware however that if I voiced my actual attitude to people in real life, many would call me gay or whatever for a brief period.

yet I have observed (not nearly as great but still significant) numbers of girls who can be bitchy, manipulative and willing to use a guy for a quick fix/revenge shag as well.
Posted 06-20-2009 at 06:34 PM by Munch's Master


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