Are girls clowns??
Posted 06-19-2009 at 11:27 AM by T-nex
Just a thought that sprung to mind lately.... This doesn't apply to everyone btw! I just noticed this pattern in alot of people.
I feel that girls have become clowns in a way.
I'm talking about the respect that the female gender has lost over time. I'm in no way a feminist, I'm neither for or against that. I just feel that guys nowadays treat girls just... As the popular word that guys cam up with: 'Cum dumpsters'.
Now.. There are alot of nice guys out there who truly respect women and want a meaningful relationship. But it's just too often that I hear about how guys lie and pretend to be friends just to get in the pants of a girl and just leave afterwards as if she was trash. The bad part is that girls get themselves into these situations too. They don't have alot of self-respect... Gosh.. why am I even saying that? If a guy did the same thing, people wouldn't say he lacked self respect.. But that he is a player or.. jsut cool.
I don't know.. These facts just depress me alot. When I think about allt he girls that get screwed over because of the lack of respect. I wouldn't go as far as saying that it was better in the past when girls had to be submissive... But somehow I feel that even though males had more rights, girls weren't treated as... well clowns... you can prove me wrong if you want.. I'm not always right.
I just don't it... And why is a vagina so intiresting anyway? It's not, and guys need to stop being obsessed... But I have a feeling not even that is true... That the only reason they fuck girls is to ridicule them afterwards and call them whores and sluts.
Why is a girl who fucks alot a slut, while a guy isn't?
Sorry about this rant, but it's one of these 'pissed-off-at-the-world' days....