This Is Serious!
It may, in fact, make you delirious.
My Child Is An Engineering Phenom....Well, Maybe
Posted 04-07-2009 at 08:08 AM by OANST
So, I've mentioned that my daughter kicks ass at making Little Big Planet levels, while I can barely figure out how to make a ramp. But apparently these sort of things just seem to make sense to her. They just kind of click. I've been noticing more and more that her lego creations are becoming quite inventive and interesting, and then yesterday I witnessed her make the most impressive aircraft I could imagine.
I had fallen asleep on the couch while she was playing Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. I was exhausted as I had only gotten about two hours of sleep the night before, due to raccoons fighting in my attic. When I woke up it was 11:30, which is about two hours past her bed time, and there she was....still playing the game. I get up to tell her that she has got to get to bed but I am stopped short by what she is doing.
She is building (from scratch) an airplane. At first glance this doesn't sound very impressive but as I watch it gets more and more complex. For one thing, it's huge. It's about as big as you can make it in this game. It's also aerodynamic and it's engineering is sound. Now, she has seen me make vehicles for the game, but mine were always creatures of necessity. I never spent much time on looks or making them make real world sense. For instance, you don't have to connect the engines to the fuel. There only needs to be engines and fuel, so I usually just distribute them in a way that evens out the weight.
This kid has all the engines in places that make complete sense AND SHE HAS PUT IN FUEL LINES! What would even make her think to do that? Jesus christ.