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My First Blog: Student Life & Fanfics

Posted 03-19-2009 at 08:42 AM by AlexFili
Ah my first blog... where to begin.

Well I joined here about a month ago after buying Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath along with a Microsoft Xbox. Completed MO, almost finished SW.

I really like the 3D graphics, and MO definitely feels like AE 3D. I like possessing Sligs, the taunting is quite funny.

As for other games, I've been playing Patapon 2 on my PSP, completing AE on my PSP (100% rescues), trying out Wii Fit, making a Slig race on Spore.

I've been writing stories as well. At first I wrote them in a word document and saved it each time, but sometimes I find it quite easy to just write the whole story into Quick Reply and then just post it straight away and change it later. The only downside to that method is that sometimes the page doesn't load and I lose all my info! That'll teach me for not backing up my stuff!

I've been reading and listening to some Oddworld audio fanfics lately. I convert them to a voice via a text-to-speech program. It's not microsoft sam, so it sounds reasonably good. It makes for good Slig voices anyway.

Finished reading the Sl'askia, Teal fanfics. I guess it's fun to escape from this world and just lose yourself in a good fanfic. I've read GlacierDragon and Munch's Master's fanfics and I can't wait to read the endings to them! I guess it really is possible for fanfics to be even better than the source material!

I decided to write my own fanfics to see what the experience was like from the other side of the writer/reader viewpoint.

What can I say? I guess I'm a bit of a writing addict when I want to be. I've barely been here for long and already I've started four fanfics! I'm still not sure what the endings will be, and I might even combine the four stories into one 'super story' which has all the characters.

Life isn't too bad at the moment. University is getting close to finishing now. I've been dabbling in 3D modelling and a few other programming related modules.

My Project is going alright, except for the fact that for some reason, my 3D Virtual Environment in Half Life takes up too much memory. It makes it laggy as heck and the lights stop working!

Maybe I can just merge some of the rooms so that it doesn't use up as much memory?

Anyway, looks like March is ending soon. For April I plan to revise and finish all of my assignments, continue with my fanfics...

I'll probably have finished Stranger's Wrath by next Tuesday... should be fun to see what happens at the end. I haven't even touched Fable, and I only completed one level on Halo 2!

Thanks for reading all of this.
Total Comments 4


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
MO definitely feels like AE 3D.
In the same way that liquid nitrogen tastes like ginger-ale, sure.
Posted 03-19-2009 at 09:15 AM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 03-19-2009 at 09:24 AM by Mac Sirloin

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Posted 03-19-2009 at 09:23 AM by Mac Sirloin

Wil's Avatar
the taunting is quite funny.
Yeah, that was the best thing GameSpeak could have been reduced to.
‘Hey, butt munch!’
‘Piss off!’
It’s a gameplay mechanic.

Ah, final year of university. Not looking forward to it. For no reason other than the worry about what’s going to happen next. Any ideas for yourself?

Is that an accidental double… err, comment you want deleted Kastere?
Posted 03-19-2009 at 09:35 AM by Wil

AlexFili's Avatar
Well yes, GameSpeak did take a bit of a knocking I'll give you that...
But to be honest, how often did a possessed Slig talk to a Slog? Or make noises for VoiceLocks?

Stranger's Wrath had the right idea with a generic 'action/talk' button. It would be more important if Slig/Glukkon mass command was needed like AE.
Posted 03-20-2009 at 04:16 PM by AlexFili


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