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It's a lie I'm not a ghost
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How lucky

Posted 02-22-2009 at 08:10 PM by Slog Bait
Awhile ago I saw Cradle of Filth live, they were really good. Before the show I ran into them at Zia Records, coincedently. Confused, I walked up to them and asked what they were up to. Dave said they were getting ready to perform. Of course, I had no idea they were going to perform, so I was a bit shocked. If there was time I would have gone home and bought a ticket, but there wasn't.

So, instead of rushing home, I wished them luck and began to walk away, looking for the cd I had originally entered the store to get. Then, Dani told me to wait, and held his hand out. Obviously this confused me (yet again) and I turned around to see what he wanted. He gave me a free ticket to their show.

I couldn't dare pass up the opportunity, so I took the ticket from him, thanked him, then went to leave again, but then this time, Dave walked up to me and gave me the cd Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder, signed by all the band members.

Again I took it, thanked them and told them how grateful I was, yadda yadda, and finally I left the store. What that was all about, I'm not sure, but hey, free cd, free concert, I'm not complaining.

Total Comments 4


Pilot's Avatar
Posted 02-22-2009 at 08:24 PM by Pilot

Oddey's Avatar
Didn't your mom ever tell not to talk to strangers?

Sorry I don't take band stuff seriosly.
Posted 02-23-2009 at 08:08 AM by Oddey

Wings of Fire's Avatar
How normal does Dani Filth look without make up?
Posted 02-23-2009 at 08:14 AM by Wings of Fire

Slog Bait's Avatar
Unbelievably normal actually. It was a little creepy. o_o;
Posted 02-23-2009 at 03:22 PM by Slog Bait


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