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Fun fact:

Posted 01-31-2009 at 12:56 PM by Nemo
Spiders do not suck the juices from their prey.

The catch their prey, wrap them up in silk, and, after the insect dies, the spider then vomits digestive acid all over them. After chewing the remains, the spider eats the now liquified insect.

However, there are some very small spiders that chew a hole in their victim, and then fill them with digestive acid. Then, once the inside of the insect is nothing but liquid organs and such, they do suck the liquid out.
Most spiders are actually harmless. They'll rarely attack something larger than what they can eat.
Total Comments 30


Posted 01-31-2009 at 01:25 PM by Malloy

Jordan's Avatar
More fucking reasons to hate spiders.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 01:44 PM by Jordan

OANST's Avatar
As if we needed them. They are the spawn of Satan.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 02:07 PM by OANST

Eco-system people.

they do their part to keep the balance in the eco-system to ensure our survival.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 02:09 PM by Malloy

Exactly. Most spiders are harmless and beneficial to you, and killing them really isn't helping at all.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 02:16 PM by Nemo

OANST's Avatar
No matter what, some asshole is always going to stop by a conversation like this and say "They're necessary". Yes, yes. So nice of you to stop by. The punch is in the other room. Help yourself to as much as you want.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 02:17 PM by OANST

was making a relevant point, didnt want ignorant people just assuming that spiders were useless without any research or logical conclusion to their existance.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 02:35 PM by Malloy
Updated 01-31-2009 at 02:35 PM by Malloy (typo yayer.)

Jordan's Avatar
No, they pretty much are useless.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 02:54 PM by Jordan

No.... You're pretty much ignorant and stupid.

Evidense of the above statement in comparison to yours
Posted 01-31-2009 at 03:11 PM by Malloy

Jordan's Avatar
Yeah sure, they eat annoying insects, but what else? Oh, and by the way, search "Brown Recluse spider bite" on Youtube.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 03:30 PM by Jordan

Yeh , Already know about the Violin Carrier its bite leaves a scar for life. Its a good defense as it installs fear after a previous encounter.

Killing it just makes you a piece of shit.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 03:40 PM by Malloy

Jordan's Avatar
I never said you should kill all spiders, but something that does that kind of damage needs sorting out, even if it does attack in self-defense.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 03:50 PM by Jordan

but something that does that kind of damage needs sorting out
sounds like you just summed up America...

but you were going there with the spiders.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 03:55 PM by Malloy

mitsur's Avatar
Yeah, Jordan! I'm with you!

Let's kill all those goddamed mosquitos and wasps, too, just to punish all those goddamn useless bugs.

Just because you don't know what they're good for dosen't mean they're not good somewhere, smart guy.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 04:04 PM by mitsur

Spiders are useful, in the big picture.

Stepping on a butterfly, and all that.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 04:06 PM by Nemo

Im trying to decide if Mitsur was being sarcastic with his opinion sway or hes got split personality :P
Posted 01-31-2009 at 04:15 PM by Malloy

Venks's Avatar
Blah blah blah spiders are necessary to ecosystem.
Blah blah blah some of them are harmful to humans.
Blah blah blah who cares.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 04:36 PM by Venks

True that.

+50 stokens
Posted 01-31-2009 at 04:43 PM by Malloy

OANST's Avatar
Venks' post is more or less what I was getting at. No one was having a serious discussion, so the need for a spiders only PETA organization had not arisen. Sometimes, some people suck the life out of light hearted conversations with statements like "But guys...Don't you see what would happen? The fucking consequences, guys! THE FUCKING CONSEQUENCES!". Balls to you, sir. Balls.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 05:40 PM by OANST

Consequences are serious business.

Stepping on a blutterfy, and all that.
Posted 01-31-2009 at 06:42 PM by Nemo

scrab queen's Avatar
I found the corpse of my local house spider underneath the counter the other day. I'm going to miss freaking people out with him.

@Malloy: Never take anybody seriously here.
Posted 02-01-2009 at 01:09 AM by scrab queen

used:)'s Avatar
Fuck you all. Spiders are awesome.
Posted 02-01-2009 at 09:45 AM by used:)

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
To consider oneself above the reaches and effects of our fellow inhabitants of the natural world is the height of arrogance.

And to those who ever advocate cullings of wild native species 9not that you guys are doing it, but it plays into the importance of their place in the ecosystem): prepare for unforeseen consequences.
Posted 02-01-2009 at 10:51 AM by Bullet Magnet

shaman's Avatar
i once heard that if there was nothing to eat the insects en masse they insects would eventually cause widespread eco - system damage.

save the spiders!
Posted 02-01-2009 at 11:55 AM by shaman

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
If any species or group of species suddenly lost a significant source of their mortality then they would cause widespread damage to the ecosystem.

Darwinism 101: #1. Species have the ability to produce more offspring than is necessary to replace themselves (superfecundity)
#2. There is a finite pool of resources that is smaller than necessary to allow all offspring to survive.
Posted 02-01-2009 at 01:04 PM by Bullet Magnet

The only thing fucking it now is the rediculous rate of humans being born over humans dying. Nothing's killing us apart from our lifestyles. Disease only sets in from lifestyle, how damaged your immune system is from the lack of nutrients and shit diet. Before we had medicine and hygiene our immune system would only prohibit disease upto the age of 40 or so then it'd be caput. Thus a shitload more people dying than being born. The whole world should do what the Chinese were doing but not kill the females babies.

Cannot wait until the world crumbles because theres not enough resources on the planet to support the human race. Yayer!
Posted 02-01-2009 at 01:18 PM by Malloy

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Malloy, you really need to understand that much as being assertive is good, don't throw such a bitch-fit over goddamn spiders.

Venks was making a joke, Venks makes jokes. He's the token black guy. We need him. We don't need more British gay dudes. Learn your place on the totem pole for fucks sake.
Posted 02-01-2009 at 02:30 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 02-01-2009 at 02:30 PM by Mac Sirloin (Oh yeah, and fuck yeah, spiders.)

Cry some more.
Posted 02-01-2009 at 02:58 PM by Malloy

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Believe it or not, I was trying to be helpful in my traditional caustic way.
EDIT: Aw shit, SYE is down.
Posted 02-01-2009 at 03:06 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 02-01-2009 at 03:08 PM by Mac Sirloin

More of your time wasted the better
Posted 02-01-2009 at 03:09 PM by Malloy


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