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02-26-2004, 10:40 PM
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The Results of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards!!!

Wolfpac: The time has come to announce the winners of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards. Mini-hobo 2, can I have the envelope.

Mini-hobo 2 comes out just as Alcar comes up behind him and shoots him dead

Alcar: Bwa Ha Ha Ha, This may be the end of the show but this award ceremony can still be mine.

Wolfpac: Geez, How did you escape?

Alcar: Well there is a good story behind that. You see…

Wolfpac: Seargentbig, Could you shut this guy up?

Seargentbig: Sure Thing Boss. But remember, it’s the The Macho Latin Amigo

Wolfpac: Anyway onto the results. But first I must thank all of those who voted.

Voters: oddguy, hobo, GrigtheSlig, Majic, Xavier, SeaRex, Al the Vykker, AlphaScrab, Alcar, sligslinger, The Red Muse, Esus, Khanzumer, Wolfpac, atusiya@, Joshy

Wolfpac: And the Winners are…

The Oddworld Forums New Comer of the Year:
1 - Vanillakillah
1 - beserker slig
1 - Joe the Glukkon
1 - Ferill
2 - Alf's_Assistant
2 - Esus
And the winners of the Oddworld Forums New Comer of the Year Award on 3 votes are RavenMM and Death
This is Death's 1st award of the night.
This is RavenMM's 1st award of the night.
Congratulations RavenMM and Death, you are joint winners of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: The Red Muse
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums New Comer of the Year... 14

The Oddworld Forums Official Mascot:
1 - Oddguy
1 - Max the Mug
2 - atusiya@
2 - Abe Babe
2 - hobo
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Official Mascot on 8 votes is Alcar
This is Alcar 's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Alcar, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: atusiya@
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Official Mascot... 16

The Oddworld Forums Best Role Player:
1 - Dripik
1 - L.o.
1 - Dave
1 - Abeguy
And the winners of the Oddworld Forums Best Role Player Award on 4 votes are hobo and The Red Muse
This is The Red Muse 's 1st award of the night.
This is hobo 's 1st award of the night.
Congratulations The Red Muse and hobo, you are joint winners of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: The Red Muse
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Best Role Player... 12

The Oddworld Forums Best Artist:
½ - TheKhanzumer
1 - The Red Muse
1 - Oddys
1 - Teal
1½ - sligslinger
1½ - Searex
2 - Canned Gabbiar
2 - VaniLLaKiLLah
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Best Artist Award on votes is Paramiteabe.
This is Paramiteabe's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Paramiteabe, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Alector
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Best Artist... 15

The Oddworld Forums Best Writer:
1 - Dave
1 - The Red Muse
1 - Splat
2 - Jacob
2 - TheKhanzumer
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Best Writer Award on 3 votes is sligslinger
This is sligslinger 's 1st award of the night. Congratulations sligslinger, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Jacob
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Best Writer... 10

The Oddworld Forums Most Annoying:
½ - Abe 16
½ - Paramud
1 - Jacob
1 - ferill
1 - Abe 16
1 - bananafleech
1 - Inktomi Spider
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Annoying Award on 6 votes is Death
This is Death's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Death, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: lindsey
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Annoying... 12

The Oddworld Forums Funniest Poster:
½ - Jacob
½ - Lucipher
1 - Wolfpac
1 - Oddguy
2 - Joshy
2 - Jacob
3 - Majic
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Funniest Poster Award on 4 votes is hobo
This is hobo's 2nd award of the night. Congratulations hobo, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Jacob
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Funniest Poster... 14

The Oddworld Forums Insane Poster:
1 - Majic
1 - Lucipher
1 - Sligslinger
1 - Joe the Glukkon
1 - Oddguy
1 - Lindsey
1 - Jacob
1 - Paramiteabe
1 - ferill
2 - Stattik HDM
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Insane Poster Award on 3 votes is Joshy
This is Joshy 's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Joshy, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Jacob
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Insane Poster... 14

The Oddworld Forums Best Topic Creator:
1 - Ferill
1 - Statikk HDM
1 - Joshy
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Best Topic Creator Award on 11 votes is Wolfpac
This is Wolfpac's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Wolfpac, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Wolfpac
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Best Topic Creator... 14

The Oddworld Forums Best Advice Giver:
1 - Alphascrab
1 - Jacob
1 - atusiya@
2 - Al the Vykker
2 - Xavier
2 - sligslinger
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Best Advice Giver Award on 5 votes is Max the Mug
This is Max the Mug's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Max the Mug, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Xavier
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Best Advice Giver... 14

The Oddworld Forums Best Old Dude:
1 - Old And Not So Tasty
1 - hobo
2 - paramiteabe
5 - Xavier
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Best Old Dude Award on 6 votes is Max the Mug
This is Max the Mug's 2nd award of the night. Congratulations Max the Mug, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Xavier
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Best Old Dude... 15

The Oddworld Forums Best Couple:
1 - Alcar and Death
1 - Death and Lucipher
1 - Reese and Fourth Concept
1 - Lucipher and Ferill
2 - Max the Mug and Xavier
And the winners of the Oddworld Forums Best Couple Award on 4 votes are ferill and hobo
This is hobo's 3rd award of the night.
This is ferill 's 1st award of the night.
Congratulations hobo and ferill, you are joint winners of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winners: Disgruntled Intern and lindsey
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Best Couple... 10

The Oddworld Forums Member Who'd Make a Good Moderator:
½ - The Red Muse
1 - Death
1 - Majic
2 - Wolfpac
2 - Oddsville
4 - SeaRex
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Member Who'd Make a Good Moderator Award on votes is Oddguy
This is Oddguy's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Oddguy, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winners: Jacob, Paramiteabe and SeaRex
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Member Who'd Make a Good Moderator... 15

The Oddworld Forums Most Under Rated Poster:
½ - Adder
1 - Joshy
1 - The Red Muse
1 - Oddguy
1 - Lucipher
1 - Abe 16
1 - Death
1 - Al the Vykker
1 - hobo
1 - Abe's son
1 - Disgruntled Intern
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Under Rated Poster Award on votes is Oddsville
This is Oddsville's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Oddsville, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards Last Years Winners: Jacob and Oddsville
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Under Rated Poster... 12

The Oddworld Forums Most Eccentric:
1 - Max the Mug
1 - Al the Vykker
1 - Ferill
1 - Statikk
1 - Joshy
2 - Death
3 - hobo
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Eccentric Award on 6 votes is Jacob
This is Jacob's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Jacob, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Jacob
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Eccentric... 16

The Oddworld Forums Most Liked:
½ - Wolfpac
1 - Majic
1 - SeaRex
1½ - Xavier
1½ - Abe Babe
2 - Al the Vykker
2½ - Max The Mug
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Liked Award on 5 votes is autisya@
This is autisya@'s 1st award of the night. Congratulations autisya@, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Xavier and atusiya@
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Liked... 15

The Oddworld Forums Dearly Missed Member:
1 - Mac the Janitor
1 - Max the Mug
1 - Tybie_odd
And the winners of the Oddworld Forums Dearly Missed Member Award on 2 votes are old and not so tasty, TheKhanzumer and Sydney
This is Sydney's 1st award of the night.
This is TheKhanzumer's 1st award of the night.
This is old and not so tasty's 1st award of the night.
Congratulations old and not so tasty, TheKhanzumer and Sydney you are joint winners of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Dearly Missed Member... 9

The Oddworld Forums Most Respected Poster:
1 - Jacob
1 - autisya@
2 - Max the Mug
5 - Alf
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Respected Poster Award on 7 votes is Xavier
This is Xavier's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Xavier, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Alf
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Respected Poster... 16

The Oddworld Forums Most Meaningful Poster:
1 - Majic
1 - Abe Babe
1 - hobo
1 - Statikk HDM
1 - Xavier
2 - Death
And the winners of the Oddworld Forums Most Meaningful Poster Award on 3 votes are Al the Vykker and Max the Mug
This is Al the Vykker 's 1st award of the night.
This is Max the Mug's 3rd award of the night.
Congratulations Max the Mug and Al the Vykker, you are joint winners of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Al the Vykker
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Meaningful Poster... 13

The Oddworld Forums Most Dedicated Member:
½ - Xavier
1 - Pilot
1 - Al the Vykker
1 - hobo
1 - Silversnow
1 - Disgruntled Intern
1½ - Max the Mug
3 - Abe Babe
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Dedicated Member Award on 5 votes is Alcar
This is Alcar's 2nd award of the night. Congratulations Alcar, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Alcar
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Dedicated Member... 15

The Oddworld Forums Member With The Best Oddworld Knowledge
1 - Alf
1 - Oddsville
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Member With The Best Oddworld Knowledge Award on 14 votes is Max the Mug
This is Max the Mug's 4th award of the night. Congratulations Max the Mug, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Max the Mug
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Member With The Best Oddworld Knowledge... 16

The Oddworld Forums Administrator/Moderator of the Year:
1 - Majic
2 - Max the Mug
3 - Alcar
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Administrator/Moderator of the Year Award on 7 votes is Abe Babe
This is Abe Babe's 1st award of the night. Congratulations Abe Babe, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards
Last Years Winner: Alcar
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Administrator/Moderator of the Year... 13

The Oddworld Forums Most Valuable Poster (MVP):
1 - Alcar
1 - Xavier
1 - Al the Vykker
2 - Alf
4 - Max The Mug
And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Valuable Poster (MVP) Award on 5 votes is Oddguy
This is Oddguy's 2nd award of the night. Congratulations Oddguy, you are a winner of the 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards Last Years Winner: Alf
Total Votes for Oddworld Forums Most Valuable Poster (MVP)... 14

Wolfpac: Well that’s it. The 2nd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards are over for another year. Thanks again to those who voted and a big Congratulations to everyone who won something. A special shout out must go out to Oddguy, for winning the Oddworld Forums MVP. He has now joined the company of Alf. So Thank You and Good Night

Alcar: Bwa Ha Ha Ha. These Awards will still belong to me.

Wolfpac: Geez give it up already Peter, the night’s over
Good Night Everyone. See You Next Year for the 3rd Annual Oddworld Forums Poster Awards.
When if doubt, stop and think... "What would Warney do?"

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02-26-2004, 10:57 PM
Joshy's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Wow i finally won something ^^, well congratulations to everyone who won awards and a big "You Suck" :to those that didn't win onJust joking ^^, we are all equal infront of God.

God= Joshy
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

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02-27-2004, 12:52 AM
Codek's Avatar
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And the winner of the Oddworld Forums Most Annoying Award on 6 votes is Death
Oh so I wasn't just randomly rambling incoherantly, and in a paranoid fashion. The mods really DO have it in for me.

Alcar. Abe Babe. Xavier. Hobo. Max the Mug. Alpha Scrab. That's 6 votes already. :P
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02-27-2004, 02:32 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Wow thanks guys for voteing for me as best artist.

I really don't know what to say. I wasn't even expecting an award that was a big surprise for me. Thanks!


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02-27-2004, 03:48 AM
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Yay 3 awards, I'm not as useless as I thought.

*wanders off again*
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02-27-2004, 06:37 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Wow! Member who'd make a good moderator, and MVP! Thanks guys!

*Holds up both of his golden statues of slig at computer*


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02-27-2004, 09:42 AM
Esus's Avatar
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yay, I almost came 2nd on The Oddworld Forums New Comer of the Year award!... yeah.

Congrats all!

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02-27-2004, 09:52 AM
Majic's Avatar
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Oh so I wasn't just randomly rambling incoherantly, and in a paranoid fashion. The mods really DO have it in for me.
We better with it guys, he's on to us. *hides cyanide pills*

Good job to those who one And a happy new year to all.

Last edited by Majic; 03-02-2004 at 01:20 PM..
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02-27-2004, 10:13 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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I lost by a half-vote. Revenge shall be mine... you will rue the day you became a half-vote better potential moderator than I, Oddguy. Go on, start ruing!!!

I kid, I kid. Congrats to everyone that won.
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02-27-2004, 10:54 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Wow! I didnt even imagine that I was going to win an award again this year, but I am quite pleased, especially since it was the same award I won last year. Thanks again for the people who voted for me I really am pleased!
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02-27-2004, 11:06 AM
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Congratulations to everyone that one an award

(And yes, the will all be mine... MWHAHAHAHAH...)

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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02-28-2004, 02:32 AM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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ok, two complaints:
1. Not one nomination? Not one???
2. The Macho Latin Amigo. I'm thirteen and shorter than my eleven-year old sister. Im Australian. And im no-ones Amigo! Got it???
Ok, so Im not really that annoyed. But, seriously, The Macho Latin Amigo?
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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02-28-2004, 06:23 AM
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Alcar. Abe Babe. Xavier. Hobo. Max the Mug. Alpha Scrab. That's 6 votes already.
I didn't even submit a single nomination and I'm already getting jumped on. BTW, sorry about that, Wolfpac. Would have, but couldn't.

Congratulations to everyone who won an award! I suppose that means I get four times more congratulations than most others, but what the hey. Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I never realised I was so beloved.

Extra special kudos must go to the people who nominated me for the most eccentric (yeah, thanks), the most dearly missed (I've not exactly departed forever - you should have voted for Anna, like I would have) and - most bemusing of all - mod of the year, when I haven't actually done anything.

Ah, the all-important before I get lynched.

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02-28-2004, 09:01 AM
Codek's Avatar
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I nearly got voted for most meaningful poster. Well at least, someone voted for me there.

What was the other one I won? Newcomer of the year?

So far, I'm the most annoying newcomer of the year. Thanks guys, you're something special. Really, you are.

1 - Alcar and Death
1 - Death and Lucipher

Well looks like someone thought that I would make a good moderator too, thankyou to whoever that was.

Last edited by Codek; 02-28-2004 at 09:03 AM..
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02-29-2004, 08:28 AM
Fez's Avatar
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wow, i won something! woohoo!

Well done to everyone else who got something too!

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03-02-2004, 10:35 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
Statikk HDM
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I was snubbed, just like Bill Murray! I shall sulk away to get drunk on Suntory and practice my acceptance speeches.(I was a Cinderella story from out of nowhere!) Also, voting for myself would have helped.
Edit: The Care Bears suck. And blow. For Free. Like your mother.

Last edited by Statikk HDM; 03-18-2004 at 11:50 AM..
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03-02-2004, 10:47 AM
Codek's Avatar
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I was snubbed, just like Bill Murray! I shall sulk away to get drunk on Suntory and practice my acceptance speeches.(I was a Cinderella story from out of nowhere!) Also, voting for myself would have helped.
What the **** are you babbling incoherantly about?

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	bear[1].jpeg
Views:	545
Size:	49.4 
ID:	1586  
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03-02-2004, 01:31 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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You might understand part of what he was talking about if you watched The Academy Awards.

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03-02-2004, 01:38 PM
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In our good ol' day and time, award shows mean nothing. Too many of them. And they're all stupid, to top it off. And the truly good stuff doesn't win enough...
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03-02-2004, 01:45 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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I'm looking into a carrer in the movie industry, so I pay attention to the award shows. I do agree with you that today we have way too many award shows. Though, The Academy Awards have to be the most important in the industry, so I actually watch that one.


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03-05-2004, 01:32 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
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Hey... I was mentioned! Hooray!
Yeah, I'm not dedicated at all, just addicted to this forum.

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03-05-2004, 11:59 PM
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1 - Reese and Fourth Concept
I love who ever voted that pair, you really made me laugh out loud
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03-06-2004, 10:54 AM
Codek's Avatar
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I love who ever voted that pair, you really made me laugh out loud
I can barely just remember Reese, and I have no idea who fourth concept is/was.

I remember using Reese as an example cause people were giving me shit.

Thank god I'm not treated like that anymore. (Also, thank god Disgruntled Intern left)
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03-06-2004, 11:06 AM
Esus's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
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Wasn't Reece planning to make a new 2d Oddworld game using the same engine as OWI for AO/AE?

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03-06-2004, 11:08 AM
Codek's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Wasn't Reece planning to make a new 2d Oddworld game using the same engine as OWI for AO/AE?
I haven't a ****ing clue. I barely even know who he is.
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03-06-2004, 01:01 PM
Joshy's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Joshy  (20)

Thank god I'm not treated like that anymore. (Also, thank god Disgruntled Intern left)
DI didnt leave, his still here but in invis mode.
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

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03-06-2004, 01:06 PM
Codek's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Codek  (10)

DI didnt leave, his still here but in invis mode.
Well, he has either stopped posting, or stopped posting in places I visit most often.

Just looking back through his post history makes me wonder why he was made a mod in the first place. His general attitude is bitter and resentful. He just isn't a nice person.

Also, one minute he is a 17/18 year old student, next minute he is a fully grown adult who owns a house, a car, and has been on jury duty. It's not that I don't trust him, it's that I just don't trust him. :P
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03-06-2004, 01:10 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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It's not that I don't trust him, it's that I just don't trust him.
That doesn't make any sense at all.

So, how come DI doesn't post any longer?


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03-06-2004, 01:11 PM
Codek's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Codek  (10)

So, how come DI doesn't post any longer?

Whatever the reason, I'm glad of it, he was an asshole.
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03-06-2004, 01:13 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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oddguy  (10)

I remember people not liking him, but as I recall, he never bugged me.

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