The Oddworld Forums New Comer of the Year: Vanillakillah[sp]
The Oddworld Forums Official Mascot: Alcar
The Oddworld Forums Best Role Player: The Red Muse
The Oddworld Forums Best Artist: Very tough. We have so many great artists! I’m torn between Canned Gabbiar, Vanilla, and Khanz. *flips coin… no joke* Gabbiar.
The Oddworld Forums Best Writer: Jacob
The Oddworld Forums Most Annoying: [omit]
The Oddworld Forums Funniest Poster: Another tough choice. Erm… hobo, I suppose.
The Oddworld Forums Insane Poster: Stattik HDM
The Oddworld Forums Best Topic Creator: Wolfpac
The Oddworld Forums Best Advice Giver: Xavier
The Oddworld Forums Best Old Dude: Max
The Oddworld Forums Best Couple: Death and Lucipher
The Oddworld Forums Member Who'd Make a Good Moderator: Wolfpac
The Oddworld Forums Most Under Rated Poster: Oddguy
The Oddworld Forums Most Eccentric: Joshy ^_^
The Oddworld Forums Most Liked: Majic
The Oddworld Forums Dearly Missed Member: You’re kidding right?

I can’t choose between Old, Max, Mac, and DI. [omit]
The Oddworld Forums Most Respected Poster: Xavier
The Oddworld Forums Most Meaningful Poster: Max
The Oddworld Forums Most Dedicated Member: Alcar
The Oddworld Forums Member With The Best Oddworld Knowledge: Max
The Oddworld Forums Administrator/Moderator of the Year: C’mon now. Majic!
The Oddworld Forums Most Valuable Poster (MVP): Max