Hey guys,
I have exciting news for those who would like to contribute to the Oddworld Library.
I’d always wanted to make the Library available in more than just English. For the last few months I’ve been working with Stranger90 to translate a number of Encyclopædia articles into Italian, and during that time I’ve been putting together what I hope will turn out to be a fairly robust wiki-like system for editing articles and their translations. Although I’ve not completed it yet, it is about time that I start seeking out new translators. That’s right: if you are interested in translating the Library into another language, your opportunity has finally come.
Another thing I’d like to see is a prettier Oddworld Library. Now I worked hard to design a site that was largely image-free, easy on the eyes, and easy to navigate, and I’m very proud of what I managed. I know other people also like the site’s simplicity. But graphic design is not my expertise, and I’d like to invite those with a bit more experience/skill to lend the Library a hand in beautifying itself. Understanding of CSS and web accessibility will be a big bonus for those that are interested. It won’t just be giving existing pages a facelift, either—there are whole new sections I’d like designs for.
So then, I’m looking for translators and designers to apply. No matter if you’re busy and can’t contribute something at the snap of a finger. I’ve not much in the way of free time myself, so this will be a very slow-paced collaboration.
Somehow I’ll need to pick the best people for the job (designers especially; it would be great to let users select the layout they like best for browsing TOL, but multiple appearances dramatically complicates things, so I don’t see there being more than one final design per section), which means at some point I’ll be asking applicants to submit work. Details of that will follow. For now I’m looking to see who’s interested in either translating or designing. Let me know here, or PM me/email me/use TOL’s contact form if you’d like to apply non-publicly.
I have to say I’m really looking forward to this.