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09-14-2005, 09:05 PM
Dino's Avatar
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Docuthread - The Proliferation of Pedophilia...

Foreword - The beginnings of it all:

It was roughly three weeks ago that, in my infinite boredom, I decided to embark upon certain personal research. Little did I know at the time, that the results would shock me beyond belief, but I was too intrigued with the question I posed myself to give any thought to how the answer to that question would affect the way I view the internet. As things progressed and I began making notes, it became clear to me that this was becoming a much bigger thing, and would need publication somewhere. So I settled on here, and decided to produce my research in a docuthread format (a kind of documentary/journalistic article style). So, here goes nothing. Be sure to read all of it right though, I promise you it won't be a waste of your time.

The Question:

How easy is it to get Pedophilia (child porn) on the internet? And in what quantity is it available?

The Research:

To begin with I didn't know where to start. I had no idea where pedophiles might "go" in order to get porn - a few possibilities ran through my mind; chatrooms, secret sites via spam emails, and google. Google proved to be a dead end, either by lack of my knowledge of the intricasies of what exactly a pedo would type in to get what he wants, or by Google somehow screening out the sort of explicit content that would provide search results for queries like "preteen rape video" and "naked children". Chatrooms was another dead end, as I didn't know quite what would happen if I waltzed into a chatroom announcing that I was a pedo with a hardon who wanted to see some action.

The spam emails however, I was already aware of as being a good lead...

I had gotten a number of emails in the past that advertised pedophilia related paysites. To begin with, I explored (clicked the link) the emails out of my own curiosity, just to see if it was really what it said it was. A few showed what can only be described as horrific scenes of child abuse - in the worst cases, babies and toddlers being forced to perform fellatio. The first time I saw these images, I literally threw up. But for some reason I felt compelled to keep on checking the links, like a kind of sense of duty - and eventually got into the habit of reporting them to various authorities. These sites would usually get taken down within a fortnight, and many would already be dead by the time you got around to clicking the link. But no matter how many I reported, more always cropped up in my inbox. And unfortunately, the time it took to get the sites down was often long enough for all or most of the content to be downloaded by plenty of people - usually a week, more than enough time to download a couple gigabytes or more. (I've downloaded the same amount in movies, music, and programs in under a week.)

So, I'd already exposed one avenue a pedophile might go down in order to get his fix. But I felt like that didn't really answer my question fully. I was sure that it was just one of the many front lines in the war against pedophiles. There HAD to be more out there. And there HAD to be something that would give me an indication of just how much pedophilia was out there. And the only thing that would do that is something that could give me search results.

That was when it hit me - the one thing other than a search engine that would give search results was a P2P filesharing network. The potential answer to my question was sitting right under my nose, that little limewire client patiently waiting on my taskbar. So, with an air of apprehension, intrigue, and curiousity, I opened it up, and stared blankly into the search box, trying to get my brain in gear. The little black line blinking away, as though it was counting down to the moment when I would make my next keystroke. My mind came to, and I typed in "preteen underage incest", attempting to make my seach as broad as my imagination would allow.

I hit enter.

Limewire took a moment to open up the search, then there was a brief moment where nothing happened. I began to think it wouldn't turn up anything, when suddenly... I was flooded with a HUGE list of results that immediately scrolled right down and continued to grow rapidly as the search continued. The scrollbar had already become tiny and it was only a third of the way into the search. By the time the search had finished, I was left with just under a hundred results at peak time. Some of the results were in the posession of over a hundred limewire users.

I sat back, mouth open in shock. I suddenly began to realise that, there weren't just two or three pedophiles - the odd freaks here and there - there were literally hundreds, maybe thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of pedophiles out there.

As my racing mind began to settle down, I started thinking along the lines of my research once again. I'd gotten this far, but I had no way of telling whether any of the results I'd recieved were actual child porn, rather than just some young *looking* woman (or even men) on a renamed video file, perhaps put on the limewire network in an attempt to satisfy the hungry pedos while helping cut down on the demand for scenes of actual child abuse (my mind musing). So, there was only one thing for it; download, and watch, at least 3 videos.

I chose the three that looked the most "promising" from the titles. Two of them were labelled "R@ygold" (which I would later find out is a secret pedo porn keyword on P2P clients). One ran out of sources (guilty party on the other end of the line cancelling my upload) so I had to choose another, which was also labelled "R@ygold" - I now had three with this keyword.

One by one, the downloads finished, and I prepared myself for the worst before previewing the files. The first one was a dud - just some fully grown women as I had expected. The second one though, was shocking. When I saw a naked boy and girl, probably no older than 13 or 14, having sex on the video, I immediately closed it. Two thoughts went through my mind, one was that I've obviously found something, the other was the realisation that if the third video was similar in nature, then I could be sure that there were more genuine pedo videos somewhere in that list of search results. I previewed the third file - it was a businessman and a 14 year old "prostitute" boy in a "hotel room" according to the file name, and that is exactly what was on the video. The businessman began to have sex with the boy, and I closed the window.

I decided to give it a rest for a bit - what I'd uncovered so far was pretty shocking and I was getting worried that I was possibly working my way too deep into this underground culture of pedophiles. I didn't want to end up with police busting through my door and having to explain in court that it was for research purposes. So, I vowed to delete the files when I next returned to the PC - for now though, I was going to go watch TV for a bit.

I didn't realise this at the time, but going to watch TV before deleting the files would add something to my research that would truly answer my question. The files were all still sat in my shared folder, collecting hits on searches and being uploaded by other pedos. When I returned to my computer I went straight to the shared media tab of my limewire client, and was disgusted with what I found.

While I'd been away (about 6 hours) I'd gathered 75 hits, and 25 uploads on just one of the files. It had during that time become the most downloaded and most often hit file out of all the files in my shared folder, some of which had been there for over 4 weeks and still hadn't recieved any more than 20 hits and 4 uploads at most. I worked out, that at that rate, by the end of the week, that one file would've gathered 2100 hits, and 700 downloads. Even though I'd gotten the answer to my question I was shocked and extremely angry that my computer and internet connection had aided a pedophile. I deleted the files, went outside, and kicked the gate in rage.

After composing myself and coming back inside, I added the findings to my research notes, and added a conclusion note.

The Conclusion:

Pedophilia is as prolific and numerous as the pedophiles that download it. It's VERY easy to get hold of genuine videos, and the more people download the files, the more sources there'll be. Not only that, but pedophiles aren't isolated cases - there may be millions of them all over the world. The majority of whom are most likely totally unknown, and have never been to prison.

So how does this change things? Well, it certainly doesn't make me paranoid. But I'm more aware and more conscious than I was. Not only about the number of pedos but the nature of the whole thing. This thing is real, it's disgusting, and it's all over the place - realising this is key to changing your attitude toward it. I'm sure half the problem is bad parents who leave their kids in situations where they're vulnerable to sexual predators - so when the time comes for me to raise a family, I'll be making sure that I do a good job of keeping my kids out of the reach of pedos - not stifling them, just being AWARE and acting on that awareness.


Sorry for the poor quality of wording, I rushed it a bit. Hopefully it opens everyone's eyes though. It certainly opened mine. Feel free to discuss/debate.
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09-14-2005, 09:21 PM
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A very odd question to start with indeed. I certainly wouldn't have the courage to download one of them videos.

This whole docuthread leads us to another topic: If there are so many pedophiles, how is it caused? Why would anyone want to watch/**** children? The answer is completely beyond me. O.o

Pedo's are so, so weird. Nice 'research'.

Also, where have you been Pablo honey?

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09-14-2005, 09:42 PM
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My theory is that paedophiles had a screwed up childhood so they want to relive it by 'loving' a vicarious replacement. But what do I know, I'm just an engineer.

I did once have a conversation with a prison psychologist and she said one thing that stuck in my mind. If you take a few paedophiles and put them in a room with kids, they'll all head towards the same one. It's like they're wired up to spot the kids who can be exploited and (for want of a better word) seduced.

I did once stumble across a kiddie porn site, I don't remember how. It was just plain creepy, thinking what must have been done to convince these boys to strip off in front of a camera. And when I saw an adult (...) with a kid that couldn't have been older than six, I just felt ill. What made it worse is that the kid had a huge grin on his face, as if it were all one big game.

I closed the browser straight away and deleted everything from my Temporary Internet Files folder. I was terrified that I could have been tracked and one day I'd get a knock on the door from the cops with a warrant for my hard drive. To make it worse, about a year later I ran an undelete program that searched my hard drive for any deleted jpgs (long story) and it came up with those same pics, still hiding back there after all that time.

Dino, you did the right thing reporting the sites to the police. I've found out since that it's actually a law in Australia that you have to report any paedophilia site you find but I'd be buggered if I knew who to report it to.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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09-14-2005, 09:50 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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I quite liked the journalistic approach of this, though i am baffled by why you would choose it as something to research.

I've thought about how many Paedophiles there are in the world, but i would never trundle through such sites in a vile effort to find out how many there actually are.

I suppose you also have to bare in mind who's actually downloading. A 14 year old kid wanting to see another 14 year old kid have sex with someone of their age could hardly be seen as a paedophile, even if the content is used for such purposes.

I'm also quite intrigued with your fascination of the subject, but meh.

'If there are so many pedophiles, how is it caused? Why would anyone want to watch/**** children?'

This is another plus point of England being under my rule. I'd have medical experiments done on paedos/child molesters to find out what actually causes this malfunction in their Brain. Potentially painful? Yes. Potentially deadly? Yes. Educational? Yes. Would it lead to a cure? Possibly.


'If you take a few paedophiles and put them in a room with kids, they'll all head towards the same one.'

They do say that Paedophiles are immensely clever, and so picking up tell tale signs must be a part of their development or something. It's an interesting bit of info though.
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Last edited by Jacob; 09-14-2005 at 09:54 PM..
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09-14-2005, 10:17 PM
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I somehow knew you'd be wondering that Jacob, because of that child sex thread I did. The reason I did this is actually BECAUSE of that - the comment you made to me "if you admit you want to have sex with a toddler then I'll admit I want to have sex with Hitler" (or something along those lines) is what sparked it off. I started wondering "why the hell AM I supporting it?" and decided to do something that would prove once and for all my motives, as well as allieviate boredom.

Children are so easily manipulated as Nate's experience of child porn demonstrates, so for their own safety they really shouldn't ever be in a situation where they have sex with anyone. It's just too risky. I've never really liked the idea that children don't know what they're doing and aren't wise enough to make decisions, but really they clearly aren't.

I just really hope that none of the kids I saw grow up with psychological problems...
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09-15-2005, 11:30 AM
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I just really hope that none of the kids I saw grow up with psychological problems...
Of course they bloody will, they wern't doing this volentarily i'm sure. Anyway, i'm sure MI5 are running to your house with large shiny guns (Fez's department with the whole naming shit) to waste you. Oh wait, you have the multi million pound security system don't you? Where the SWAT team can arrive in seconds. And you live with your parents while having 6 degrees and despising education.

God i'm bastardy tonight
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09-15-2005, 11:33 AM
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God i'm bastardy tonight
Indeed. Indeed you are

Man, pedophilia pisses me off. If I were one I would get chemicle castration, I would rather live a life of being steril then being a threat to society.

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09-15-2005, 01:45 PM
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Does chemical castration actually stop you getting horny, or just kills sperm? You'd probably still be attracted to children so it wouldn't really help - you'd still be able to touch them up even if you got nothing out of the deal (so to speak).

Children are so easily manipulated as Nate's experience of child porn demonstrates.
Am I the only person who thinks that this sentence could be taken REALLY badly out of context?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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09-15-2005, 04:26 PM
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Am I the only person who thinks that this sentence could be taken REALLY badly out of context?
Hush your innuendo-hole.

God i'm bastardy tonight
You're also spammy. The first sentence of your post was the only part of it that had anything whatsoever to do with this thread or subject, and even that didn't manage to make the grade of "content". The rest of it was a totally unnecessary character attack, followed by what looks to me like a celebration of your utter contempt for the rules. Go you! You're a man on a mission, and your pointless bitching demonstrates the steadfast depth of your resolve!

A very odd question to start with indeed. I certainly wouldn't have the courage to download one of them videos.

This whole docuthread leads us to another topic: If there are so many pedophiles, how is it caused? Why would anyone want to watch/**** children? The answer is completely beyond me. O.o

Pedo's are so, so weird. Nice 'research'.

Also, where have you been Pablo honey?
Yes, an odd question but an interesting one I think. I've certainly changed the way I think about pedophiles by seeing some of the things they fantasise/aspire to.

Your question interests me too - it would certainly make for some gripping TV if anyone did a documentary on the motives of the pedophile, what makes them tick.

And to answer your question about where I've been; I got banned for spamming.
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09-15-2005, 09:25 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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'I've certainly changed the way I think about pedophiles by seeing some of the things they fantasise/aspire to.'

What did you initially think of them?!

'God i'm bastardy tonight'

Hee-Hee!! You Wallaby Polishers amuse me!

'If I were one I would get chemicle castration, I would rather live a life of being steril then being a threat to society.'

I'd probably top myself. Reminds me of that 'Brass eye' episode "I killed the Paedophile in me, now i'll kill the Paedophile in you!" ...or something like that.

If anybody's seen 'Happiness', that's has a plotline about Paedophilia, but the way it tackles it makes you really sympathetic to him, even when he eventually rapes the child who he's in love with.

Really bizarre and challenges the social norms pretty well.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

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09-16-2005, 01:23 AM
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You're also spammy. The first sentence of your post was the only part of it that had anything whatsoever to do with this thread or subject, and even that didn't manage to make the grade of "content". The rest of it was a totally unnecessary character attack, followed by what looks to me like a celebration of your utter contempt for the rules. Go you! You're a man on a mission, and your pointless bitching demonstrates the steadfast depth of your resolve!
That's my business as a SMOD, and none of your concern. If my crime was as severe as you make out i'm sure i'll be punished by the rest of the leadership team.
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09-16-2005, 06:43 AM
Howler Punk
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soulstice  (10)

None of this surprises me. I've travelled the world and the amount of child prostitution you see in Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America is horrifiying. I went to Bolyai, Cluj in Romania with my friends last year and you see father's seling the 'services' of their sons and daughters to adults...it's very disturbing. Basically, child pornography and paedophilia is extremely prevalent in Eastern European, Thai and South American society (to name a few). It'll always be there, so I guess there's nothing we can do about it. We need to realise that this is the world we live in. I'd rather concentrate my energy into myself because we can never stop these attrocities. After all, it's never going to stop, so don't be shocked. Sexual child exploitation has been around for a long time, and we all know about it.
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09-16-2005, 10:18 AM
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Out of curiosity, does any other country than Oz have a law that if you commit paedophilia overseas (say, in a country where it isn't illegal) that you can be convicted once you return home?
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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09-16-2005, 11:02 AM
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Interesting research. I'm surprised at how readily available that porn is, having never come even close to it (or emails about it) myself.
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09-16-2005, 12:18 PM
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I've never come into contact with it either. Maybe downloaded stuff like that by accident once or twice while browsing Kazaa ^^.
It's nothing I didn't already know. Everything you want is up for grasps, not only child pornography. You can just as easily get a gun, a knife, drugs or deadly chemicals. It's not the same as this ofcourse, but it's the same idea.

But the reason why everyone thinks that pedophelia is not as big of an issue, is becouse there is a very big border between downloading and actualy doing. People raping children are a lot more likely to get caught then the guys sitting behind their computer screen all day, downloading the stuff. The chances of the FBI pounding in is almost zero unless your stupid enough to keep thousands of files on your computer. And as said, most real pedophiles are smart, which is why the lurkers barely get caught. And ofcourse you have to teenages who download it every once in a while to see, and the 20 - 30 year olds who never got laid and will pretty much get off on everything that has a hole in it.

Just like everything it has more then one side, more then two sides even. But no matter how many sides a subject like this has, not one of them will ever help justify a pedophile's act. Children should not be used as a sex object, not even if the child says he/she is ok with it. Children at that age are not in any condition to make decisions like that.
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09-16-2005, 09:30 PM
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'I've certainly changed the way I think about pedophiles by seeing some of the things they fantasise/aspire to.'

What did you initially think of them?!
Not a lot, I didn't really "think" at all. It was like when you hear about a murder on the news - you don't really empathise with it or even pay much attention, you just idly think "mmm that's bad" and then get on with your life. In fact I don't think I ever realised the seriousness of it until I properly looked into it.
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09-17-2005, 03:58 PM
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Haven't had time to read the entire post, but I will do at some point. Just had a loosely related aspect to add...

The furry community (yeah, already a hotbed of WTFery) has a subset of perverts calling themselves "babyfurs" - it's similar to "adult babies", but rather than just dress like babies and wear nappies and whatnot, they dress as baby animals in nappies and blablabla. Fairly self-explanatory. Still.

One of these babyfurs recently posted photographs he'd taken of kids at the beach in his Livejournal. Not HIS kids. Someone ELSE'S kids. For his own sexual gratification. His comments ran thus:

We went to one of the beaches there to swim and sunbathe. It was very relaxing. Something that I really enjoyed about it was that a family was there with their children. Two of the boys looked to be about three years old, and they were both wearing pull-ups under their swim trunks, as their trunks would sag a little as they moved, and I could see the waistband and about half of the pull-up showing on both of them. I managed to get a nice shot of one of them with my digital camera. I felt all stalker-ish, but nothing bad was going on, so I guess there wasn't anything wrong with it.
Then he got home and saw the neighbour's (male) dogs humping in the back garden, and got all flustered over that too. I'm not sure if he was hopelessly naive in thinking that what he's doing isn't wrong, or just a hopelessly creepy fucktard. And even if it's not "official" there's always places to go to satisfy your kinks.

(Must confess I didn't see it myself, but there was a post made in "Drama is Awesome!", a LJ community)

Dino, I admire your guts for looking into it. I wouldn't have dared - big brother is watching you, and all that, especially after reading about that author whose entire computer system was confiscated when the FBI caught her researching terror cells and explosives for a novel she was writing. *twitch*
Now also known as "Keaalu".
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09-18-2005, 02:14 AM
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Good point Teal. I forgot about baby furries and whatever. There are a lot of pedo's hiding behind furryness becouse they think they can use that as an excuse to jack off on kids or something. Running around in a fursuit attracts kids better then anything, so being a 'fursuiter' is almost like a dream come true for guys like that.
There is also a sort of subset of people that are into cubby art. Cubby, in this instance referring to baby animals ranging from real life cub pictures to fictive characters such as youngh Simba or youngh Nala from The Lion King.
Thoughts about these people are scatterd but most furs see it as just another form of pedophilia. For that reason, most fur sites don't allow content that envolves pictures of cub sex.
The problem is, that becouse these people are attracted to animal cubs instead of human babies, they thing their not a pedo. But the line is so thin, and the guy in Teal's post pretty much proves that.
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09-18-2005, 04:17 AM
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That "moderator" who was "dealing" with the pawz baby fur guy was clearly out of his duresdiction and perhaps therefore speaking with an imagined air of authority (which irritated me somewhat). But he did make an excellent point about the fact that, this pawz person made it clear what his motives were. I'd agree that anyone who posts video clips of dogs playing dominance games and photographs of other people's babies in the same posting should have their mental health and sexual motives questioned.

The whole online "furry" community concerns me very much. It attracts a lot of kids, mainly young, vulnerable teenage girls and a few boys - but it also attracts a lot of very perverted, mentally screwed up men, who manipulate and prey on these vunerable kids, sometimes by pretending to be kids themselves. It's a pedophile attack waiting to happen, and probably already has happened.

I've not seen a lot of the material, I've just been to the sites and seen the potential and the kind of demographic that visit them. And I must say it's alarming.
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09-19-2005, 01:27 AM
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'It attracts a lot of kids, mainly young, vulnerable teenage girls and a few boys - but it also attracts a lot of very perverted, mentally screwed up men, who manipulate and prey on these vunerable kids, sometimes by pretending to be kids themselves.'

Have you done research into this? If not, i suggest you don't make random generalisations before you do.
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09-19-2005, 02:07 AM
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*Agree's with Jacob*

What you just said, Dino, seems to be the overall thought about it. Which is a shame cuz it's giving it a bad name. Ofcourse there are always idiots among the furry's who are indeed a lot older then they let know. But you find the same problems in your local chucky cheese restaurant where a convicted pedophile is working in that chucky cheese costume.

However, it does attract a lot of teens. I've noted that myself indeed. I've also noted that 'most' furs are actualy a fur becouse they are either not accepted in real society, or becouse they are so desprate for some love that they will go online to find it.
Furry fandom has a lot of diffrent layers, but the biggest two are the one's I just mentioned.

Anyway... isn't it getting somewhat off topic? Or are we going to discuss furry's now?
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09-19-2005, 03:43 AM
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'It attracts a lot of kids, mainly young, vulnerable teenage girls and a few boys - but it also attracts a lot of very perverted, mentally screwed up men, who manipulate and prey on these vunerable kids, sometimes by pretending to be kids themselves.'

Have you done research into this? If not, i suggest you don't make random generalisations before you do.
It's not a generalisation, I've done my research into it and I've seen a LOT of the furry community. I've a few friends who're into it, and they'd all echo the stuff that I said. I think any furry would, really, it doesn't take a genius to work out the majority demographic.

What you just said, Dino, seems to be the overall thought about it. Which is a shame cuz it's giving it a bad name.
Sorry, but you're just wrong. It's not an "overall thought", it's a fact. The majority demographic (the majority of people who do the furry thing) ARE young teenage girls, and a smaller percentage of that majority are teenage boys. The minority demographic are young adults. I don't see how that can be construed as any kind of insult or criticism, it's just a statistical fact.

And I don't see how noting the fact that the majority of them are innocent young teenagers gives it a bad name either. Like I said, it's a fact, and I don't think we should be afraid or defensive of facts here. The furry community IS an ideal target for pedophiles, and has proved itself to be such on numerous occasions that I have personally witnessed. Young and vulnerable kids get sucked in by the cute image at an age where they're sexually exploratory and therefore open to "cybering". Perfect preying territory for any pedophile in my opinion.
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09-19-2005, 05:35 AM
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I didn't mean the fact that it attracts a lot of teenagers, I agree with you there even though I believe there are more guys then girls in the furry community.

I was refering to the pedo's acting like a teenager. You made it sound like almost every fur is actualy a pedo, while that sorta stuff happends only very rarely.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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09-19-2005, 05:43 AM
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I didn't mean the fact that it attracts a lot of teenagers, I agree with you there even though I believe there are more guys then girls in the furry community.

I was refering to the pedo's acting like a teenager. You made it sound like almost every fur is actualy a pedo, while that sorta stuff happends only very rarely.
Rubbish. I said that the pedos SOMETIMES pretend to be teenagers. That's the most common and well known trick in the book.
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09-19-2005, 10:16 AM
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No offence, but please read the post :P.

In general, yes it happends a lot. Ofcourse. But I was talking about strictly the fur community. It's a rather close community to start with. Which in turn makes people look out for one another. So there might be a lot of those sicko's among them, but they are a lot less succesfull.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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09-20-2005, 03:01 AM
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No offence, but please read the post :P.

In general, yes it happends a lot. Ofcourse. But I was talking about strictly the fur community. It's a rather close community to start with. Which in turn makes people look out for one another. So there might be a lot of those sicko's among them, but they are a lot less succesfull.
You're talking rubbish.

Quote me where I said that all furs are pedophiles. Yes all furs could POTENTIALLY be a pedophile in disguise, but only an idiot would be stupid enough to think that I'm saying they ARE pedos. The fact is that anyone who has at least two neurons rubbing together can realise it wouldn't happen like that, because if they were all pedophiles, then there would be no real kids for them to prey on. The furry community is just an ideal target for pedos, some of whom are pretending to be teenage kids, and that's the way it is. So get over it already.

The fur community is not "rather close", it's just like any other community. You've got groups of people who know each other yeah, sure, and you've got groups of friends, but they're not all one big close knit family. Nor are they a bunch of expert detectives who can weed out sexual deviants like pedophiles who disguise themselves as innocent furry kids.
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09-20-2005, 06:19 AM
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I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm just saying you're making it sound worse then it actualy is. That's all.

And it is in fact a tight community. Everyone seems to know each other at least by name. In any case it's not 'just like any other community', I know that.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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09-20-2005, 06:34 AM
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I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm just saying you're making it sound worse then it actualy is. That's all.
I'm not making anything sound like anything, I'm just reporting it how it is. Putting your fingers in your ears and going LALALALALALA at the top of your voice just because you don't like what you're hearing doesn't fix anything or help you or anyone else in any way. It just makes you look like you're afraid of the truth and fear that by admitting to it you're some how conceding defeat to anti-furry people. You're not, everyone knows that the furry community attracts pedos and strange perverted men like a moth to the light. That doesn't make it bad, that just means that it could stand to be more vigilant about it.

And it is in fact a tight community. Everyone seems to know each other at least by name. In any case it's not 'just like any other community', I know that.
I'm not going to argue with you on this. Not only because it's irrellivent to the subject, but also because you appear to have a different opinion on what constitutes a "tight knit community".
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09-21-2005, 02:03 AM
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09-21-2005, 04:02 AM
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A furry is someone who likes to roleplay as an animal and/or anthropomorphic character. It can involve real life dress and role play, or just be done over the internet. It's roots are firmly grounded in the anime manga RPG fanfic community.
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