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07-02-2002, 08:13 PM
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"How come people don't reply to my art and story topics?"

A question that plagues many an artist/writers mind, mine being no exception. Here are my thoughts on some of the major questions dealing with this issue...

Why do artists and writers bother to show off?
One is pride. They are truly happy with their work and want to share it with everyone (the 'show offs').
Others show their work to receive advance on how to improve their technices.
Or it could be a combo of both of the above reasons. (which is true in my case...though I am resistent to critics...sorry its the Leo in me...)

Why do artists and writers want them(replies) so bad?
IMO it has to do with self-esteem. The self-esteem reason is a reasonable one, especially for beginner artists who are not confindent in their work (this is the case with many more experienced artists as well, myself included). To them those replies give them the motifation to continue on working on their art and stories, and improve on them.
Pride and Ego are other reasons...but not so much in a possitive way IMHO. The reason I think this is because when someone does reply negitively...the artist/writer feels angry and/or upset (I'll admit this has happened to me a few times...), and unmotivated to continue.
When people don't take the time to give their thoughts on a piece of work, the artist/writer wonders if they liked it or not...if they even cared (yep...the self-esteem bit). They feel envy and jealousy when other artists/writers get more replies then they do and they wonder if they should even bother showing off their pride and joy.
But then some that are too 'prideful' about their work...(the 'my work is better then everyone elses' types, not mentioning any names but I know of two of them). These's are ones that purposely put down other artists they percive as 'bad'. I hate these types with a passion, as they don't 'see' that everyone is different...they believe 'their way' is the 'only way', when the rest of us know that is not the case.

Why don't people reply more often to these kinds of topics?
The answer varies.
For some they don't want to just say the boring old answer 'that's good!', 'Nice!', etc type of posts. Which I admit is one of the reasons I tend not to reply to such topics myself.
Another is that they are afraid of insulting or hurting the artist/writer when they want to reply critically. One reason is possibly due to this: in the past they were attacked/flamed by the artist/writer who took their 'helpful' critisms in a negitive way (Confession...I have been on both sides of the fence with this one....merp), and therefore are now afraid of helping them improve by criticing their work.
Now there is 'bad' critism...like someone saying 'you suck' or 'that's terrible' (if you are only going to say that, better not to reply at all IMO), that doesn't help the artist improve. When one crititics they have to remember the style of the one they are criticing (everyones style is different), the part that 'bugs you' about a piece could just be their style...and when you attack a persons style it can get down right violent. (Any one remember the time when one of the more infequent posters said that one of my pieces weren't that good because it lacked shading and detail? Boy did he get chewed out...and wasn't just by me either. (as I recently said in my art topic here it is very rare for me to go into great detail and the type of pic I did then I felt didn't 'need' shading.)) The thing is (and this speaks to artists and non-artists alike) is that everyone has different tastes...different opinions as to what they precive as 'good'.
Then there are the ones that truly don't really care either way. (I admit this one to...and believe me I hate it with a passion...I wish I wasn't so 'neutral')

Why do people reply more to some artists/writers and not others when the others are just as important?
Again could be many reasons. One being that the 'left out' artist/writer had a history of responding negitively to critism on their work and therefore the 'repliers' no longer want to give 'them' the time of day. (I think this happened to me a couple times...)
Another (and I could get flamed for this) is that they are 'brown nosing'. In other words, appealing to a 'high ranking' individual (such as a mod or admin) so they wouldn't get as harsh a punishment when they do something wrong elsewhere. (now I am not 'accusing' anyone of this and I have never done this myself) This is not only pathitic...but just plain wrong!
And lastly, they only care about the 'well known' artists, ones that they 'know' do good art/stories (depending on their tastes of course), so they ignore the 'underdogs'. My problem with this one is that those 'underdogs' can become just as well known/famous if people would give them a chance. (heck they could be the next Michealanglo ro Precoso! So give them the attention they need/deserve!)

Now...why do I bother? I bother because I have pride in my work and want to show it off to everyone under the sun. I do want advice/critism, even though my reactions to it sometimes is aggressive/borderline hostile (so don't let that deter you...its the Leo in me and I can't help it.). When no one replies to a particular post...I just shrug and keep displaying them. I don't let the possible reasons why I am not getting any replies get to me (though I can't help but to be curious). The so called 'bad' critism I take with a grain of salt and don't let it bother me.

Ok...enough of my ranting...what do you think/feel about this issue?

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07-02-2002, 08:33 PM
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Alright, I'll give my two cents despite my being half asleep.

Bothering to Post
The only reason I actually bother to post is because I want replies and I want people to see my art. I spend a lot of time on every piece, and I want to show my accomplishments. I enjoy compliments and any pointers, but I'm like you, Rach: I'm resistant to critics.

I like a decent amount of replies to show that people actually BOTHER to look at my work. It kinda shows how good people think you are... if a lot of people respond, it can mean that you've got some real talent. Just having the same person respond shows that they seem to be the only ones that give a damn. (*Waves small flag that says "Anna" on it*) Go Anna!

Not Replying
For me, personally, it is usually because I don't... have something to say. If I don't feel I can pick out something specific to comment on, then I don't want to waste the artist's time. But usually, I am able to find something.

Here's the part that gripes me. I'll probably get flamed for this, but I personally feel that there's a lot of brown-nosing going on. If you look at the number of views and replies, you'll notice that (no offense to any of them) mods and admins get the most of both. I really think that is a factor with the way people post in here, and it burns me up. Alright, enough on that.
-Black Dragon

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07-03-2002, 12:30 AM
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Artists post their work for feedback and comments, usually in an effort to improve their skills, or sometimes just to show how skilled they are. Feedback is usually either constructive criticism, letting the artist know how he or she can improve their work. Other comments usually give the artist confidence, allowing their future works to be less restrained by feelings like "I'm not a great enough artist to pull this off."

We want replies because that's the purpose of this forum. We display our work for feedback. This forum isn't special in that respect - each of the other forums involve a member posting ideas, and they hope their topic will generate many replies.

Speaking for myself, I don't reply to a topic if I have nothing interesting to say, or if what I would have said has already been said by another member. Dragadon, I had no idea you were so sensitive when it comes to people looking at your work.

Also, I don't agree with you that high ranking members get more posts than regular members. I'm the highest ranking member of Oddworld Forums, yet the number of replies to my posts in the Member Art and Literature forums are actually in the lower numbers compaired to other people's topics.

Finally, I think there is such a thing as good and bad art. Excusing bad art as simply being of a different style doesn't hide the fact that it was executed with carelessness, shows poor composition and needs more work. There are many different styles of art, and within each style the potential exists for an artwork to be good or bad.
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07-03-2002, 08:54 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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Aye Syd I can be rather sensitive about my works, especially my art. When a poster stops posting replies in my topics after I replied to their critism I often wonder if I was too harsh or snobbish (of course me being a paranoid type doesn't help...).
Oh and another possible reason for someone not to reply I believe would be time. Some only have a limited amount of time to be on the net and they can't reply to everything. (like for me in the mornings on weekdays) Thing is...if you don't reply right then the chances that you'll forget to reply when you do have the time is good...(happened to me a couple times....merk)
I would say more...but I am out of (you guessed it) time...

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07-09-2002, 07:35 AM
abe22's Avatar
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Well, I can only say something to the "Not Replying" one and the "Favourite."

Not Replying:
The reason I don't relpy to alot of art topics is that I don't want to keep on repeating myself. Like saying "I like them" and "they are good." Also, if I see something that I think is really cool in a pic I would normally reply, but then I read the other replies and they say stuff about the thing I think is cool and I don't want to seem like I am getting that something off the person who said it. And probably the person who actually did the art doesn't want to hear the same replies. It sounds odd but that's what I think.

Well, I think that people reply to one persons topics more then others because they want to win brownie points with them and/or become friends with that person instead of the other one. Or it could just be because they think that the first one is better and more popular and if they are nicer to that person they could become popular too.
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07-09-2002, 08:29 PM
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Or how about the 'artists' who spends more time replying to replies in her orignal topic, rather than replying to others?

I've noticed a couple of people *ahem* that only seem to reply to their own topics, and others who draw the same stuff as them. Interesting, don't you think?

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07-09-2002, 08:54 PM
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The reason for that is most likely already covered in what I posted at the start. They most likely can't think of anything other then the 'That's good' generic response...I know thats the reason in my case. The other reason is the 'I don't want to hurt their feelings by saying their art could use...improvement' (I am using nicer terms in this case...and I am not saying anyone's art sucks...opps...dang it I said it anyway...)bit .

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07-09-2002, 09:39 PM
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Yes, well, at the same time, the quality of one's art is often a matter of opinion.

I have yet to be dazzled by anything you draw, but I seem to remember to replying to a few of your topics, because there were SOME things I did like. I'm not saying people should fake sincerity, but I mean come on, what the hell kind of statement was this:[?]

"their art could use...improvement' (I am using nicer terms in this case...and I am not saying anyone's art sucks...opps...dang it I said it anyway...)"

Pretty arrogant statement to make rach.

I see tons of people who draw exactly what you draw. What makes you so unique?

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07-09-2002, 10:09 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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I wasn't meaning to be arrogant, I was simply stating a possible reason for your observation. I am actually sensitive toward others feelings, so I tend to try to put things in a gentle way if I can. If I feel I can't...then normally I don't say anything at all, for I don't like hurting anyone. (unless they purposely do something to piss me off)

Unique? Everyone is unique in their own way and I respect that. Yes I know a lot of people draw similar things to what I draw...but that in on itself is not what makes me 'unique'. It is my style and my characters that I protray in my drawings. I try not to consider myself better then anyone else, for yes as you said, its a matter of ones opinion. What is most important...is that the artist is happy with his/her work...not so much what others think of it.

Edit: one more thing...that statement I was meaning it as a possible reason others don't reply, not a reason I don't reply.

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Last edited by Sl'askia; 07-09-2002 at 02:13 PM..
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08-03-2002, 09:15 PM
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Which artist isn’t proud of his own art? And who doesn’t want to be admired?
Imprivisation is the most important term of an artist’s work. We build up our improvisation by looking at one’s other art or by getting compliments because we want to show them more. We want to offer new art for the people to look at. The reason I bother to show my art is that I want to know what people and fellow artists think of it. I was never sure about the quality of my drawings, and my classmates were too stupid to tell me what they thought (except for that, they always wanted that I draw something for them – so I swore to stop showing my pictures to someone in RL.) That’s the reason why I wanted to show it, and why I still do it…

What is a topic without replies? An empty box with a saddened autor who sits in front of the screen, waiting for posters because no one is interested to say something about the drawings. “Maybe they look at it and only say that they are good because they disport with them…” – are the thoughts of the artist. Must that be? I think that replies are important to art topics, especially for the ‘beginners’. It’s even very worthwile to say one good word (for the beginner, I meant) . For example “Oh that picture is great, post more”. But you noticed that you need more day by day. You see this sentence that you liked so much at the beginning as a spam and begin to label this person as a brown-nose (please don’t think that I do that, that was a generally speaking.). You’ll begin to wish more to read about your drawings, even criticism or funny comments. The more you see criticism, the more you want to better your artwork. And when you see funny comments, it is fun to post more drawings. “Maybe they’ll say more funny things. I’m going to post a sad picture” – You are going to try something new. You unconditionally want to build up your self-esteem. The style you used so long has been discarded. The new style will caress the eyes of poster. And the artist is happy about his admirer. And they even change their style of drawing absolutely unconsciously! Isn’t a reply advantageous?

I rarely reply to other art topics, but I usually look at the artwork. I don’t go to the topic because I want to see if the person became a better artist than me, I look for very interesting characteristics on their pictures. Only when I found some, I can think of a reply. I don’t know how some people look at drawings. Maybe they just crisscross the topic with their eyes and look very short at the artwork. I hardly ever post to topics because I take me time to look at drawings. I look at every detail on an image and think of how the artist used to sketch/colour it. The same in Dragadon’s art topic : It’s longer than two pages now, and I replied once. I replied because I saw that her drawing style is in progress, which makes it more interseting (for example she looks for more detail, colours the drawings by hand and more.). In my opinion, when people want to say something to the drawings, they should say what they really mean, not only the usual words to charge their status!

I never noticed that there are people who love to reply more to their favorite artists. Every artist here gets more or less replies than another. But is that as bad? Maybe the one who has less replies can read more except for “Hey, your drawings are cool, keep them up!”
And the artist who is ‘rich’ of replies is offended because spammers crossed their way on this topic? Well, even when replies aren’t belong to me (in another art topic), I read them anyway. Sometimes I just can roll my eyes and click that thread away. But Teal’s replies are very good. She even can tell you what you should improve (on details). Sydney’s replies are very precise. And I miss Lampion’s replies anyway.
Beginners should be patient with their first art topic. Maybe there are some people who don’t dare to post the first reply in the topic and wait till someone did the first step…We never know. The same with my first topic : The drawings were too big, I even didn’t know what JPG is! And only a few forumer posted to it (among other things, a famous spammer). I was a bit depressed because I thought that my drawing skills were so bad that nobody dares to reply. But I never gave up and started the second topic…
Well, I think you can know about the results. I was happy and couldn’t stop to do it.
Now, I can’t post as much as I used to. The school began, and I want to reach my destination : The University of Leipzig. I have to go a very long way till I can study art. And I noticed that drawing Mudokons and other odd creatures I have drawn are peanuts. That’s the reason why I started to draw humans, landscapes, portraits, animals and architecture. Drawing Oddworld pics are just an interest I want to keep.
So, replying to art threads are too useful to overlook. They are wanted. They make that the artists are working autodidactical. Give them a change to read really worthwile things, and not only compliments.

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08-11-2003, 06:47 AM
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From an artist's point of view, you want to share your work and yes, you are most likely to take pride and would like to know that people appreciate it. You would also be curious to see what people's response are to it, many artists prefer constructive criticism whether they agree or disagree with it. At the same time, it would be great to have comfort in praising you work.. who wouldn't?!

From Viewer's point of view.... though it's a thread, you don't necessarily think about responding when you're looking at artwork, number of views in this case is probably more important than number of replies, despite the fact that this is a thread that should get replies. Like most people say, you tend to respond if you have something really worth saying, sometimes other people have summed it up, or you have a point that hasn't been mentioned before. Unless it has some sort of question behind the artwork, you need catalyst for replying alot!
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02-18-2004, 08:50 AM
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As an artist the key to being successful at what you do is to symply enjoy what you do best wether you get replies or not. Look at me I right stories and I do all kinds of Illustrations and I get very few replies but it never bothers me.

Being successful at art and writeing is just haveing fun with your work. If people don't reply to my work I post it doesn't bother me because I know that what I do is my own work and if people are intrested in my work they will let me know. Its just a natural thing. To be a great artist you can't rely on popularity because you won't evolve through your work. You must rely on your talent and what you want to do and what you can do best. So keep doing what your doing and you will find success because you enjoy what your doing. Do you see? Mainly what I am saying symply don't worry just enjoy your work. Thats where the success comes in to play.

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07-11-2004, 04:03 AM
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I get few replies on my thread. And people had better replie soon or I will have all your heads on pikes.
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