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03-16-2002, 12:44 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Oddworld My new story Oddworld Congquest of The Lost Continent

Well since I finnished Blargs Oddyssey I have a bran new story on the mind. It is called Oddworld Congquest of The Lost Continent. Here is a sneak preview of my story. I still have to write my first chapter but that will be soon. Good chance my first chapter will be written in a day or two. So have a look at my preview and tell me what I can do for ideas.

How would you like if you were two Mudokin fisherman cought in a big storm at sea? And then the storm destroys your boat and leaves you a float in the middle of the sea. No land for miles and preditors every where. But then you find land and you swim to it. But this land is no ordinary place. Thousands of miles awey from Mudos. Lost and nobody around to help you. But then you meet a new breed of Mudokin that don't take kindly to strangers. Well then meet Kluna and his friend Zin. They are lost on a unusial continent that they never even herd of. What makes things worse is the inhabitants. For are friends have drifted half way across Oddworld to discover that they just drifted onto a dreaded continent. Will Kluna and Zin ever find there way back to Mudos? Will they survive journey? Time will only tell. Oddworld: Congquest of The Lost Continent. Being lost is only half the adventure!

Last edited by paramiteabe; 03-16-2002 at 04:52 AM..
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03-16-2002, 01:51 PM
: Mar 2002
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~MuDoKoN~hAwKEr  (10)

i dont know about that. How about Blarg and munch meet then mucnch'es home is attaked by Slogs or something and they have to stop it from happening
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03-17-2002, 01:45 AM
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Well I guess I could use My very first character in this story. But I don't quite know how I would use Blarg in this. I will see what I can do ok? Also Blarg and Munch did meet in my last story.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 03-16-2002 at 05:54 PM..
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03-17-2002, 02:51 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Seems interesting can't wait for chapter 1!
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03-17-2002, 02:55 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Oddworld: The Conquest of the Lost Continent

Chapter 1 A normal Day

It was late afternoon on the shores of Mudos. The sun shone bright and a school of gabbits were playing in the sea. The water was calm and there were a lot of fishing boats everywhere. Mudokins were casting nets over to catch worry fish. Back on land in a small dock with two mudokins Kluna and Zin were sitting there fixing their fishing boat and reading a news paper on recient events.

"Wow do you believe this Zin?"
"It says here that Abe was tragically killed in an ordeal with Molluck the Glukken and Harry the Vykker." "It also explanes that during the great explosion of Dark Island the five heros saved Oddworld from certain doom with the help of a mysterous creature who calls him self Blarg."

"I herd that on the news Kluna the other day."

"That happened way up north." "I remember that day very well." "I was doing my laundry when I saw the whole sky grow dark then I ran into my home thinking there was a storm." "But then I collapsed and woke up with a third eye." "But before I could blink a strange presence came over me and changed me back to normal." "That must of been that Blarg character." "Wounder what happen to him." Zin explaned.

"Anyway I think our ship is almost finnished Kluna."

"I hope so Zin because I am getting hungry!" "We need to go fishing."

"I think we will be abel to go fishing tomarrow, But now we can enjoy some left over fish from the other night." "Its getting late lets go."

"What ever Zin but first thing tomarrow morning I want to be out there."


Oh don't worry this is only the first chapter nothing is supose to happen. Wait till chapter two and the rest it's going to be very interesting and thrilling. I wanted this story to take place right after the events of Blarg. So I can give that alive feel in my stories. like Blarg happen in the same time just before this happened. Kind of like haveing all my stories combined as one you know.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 03-16-2002 at 07:14 PM..
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03-17-2002, 12:38 PM
: Mar 2002
: NeW jErsEy
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~MuDoKoN~hAwKEr  (10)

hey parimite cool chapter i like how you took dark island from your last story to here nice chapter
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03-17-2002, 02:04 PM
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Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 2 The Storm of Destruction!

The next day Kluna and his friend Zin were going to go fishing. But they were stopped by one of the elders of the village.

"Where are you two headed?" "Don't you know there is a storm comeing?" Said the Elder.

"Well yea but we need more fish." Said Zin. "We are almost out." "We are not going out too far."

"Suit your self, I for one won't go out there but if you want, be my guest." Said the elder.

"Comeon lets go, don't listen to him he doesant know what he is talking about." Said Kluna.

"Yea what ever!" Said Zin.

Then Kluna and Zin jumped into their boat and set sail. The sky was gray and dark but Kluna and Zin dident seem to care. They were not going out too far. Just behind the break wall of the mudokin harbor.

"Mann, do you believe that elder?" Asked Kluna.

"No, he is just senial and old." "He doesn't know that we are expierience fishing muds and that if we were in trouble we would know what to do." "Hehe, everything will be just fine."

As the boat was entering the enterance to the sea, the wind started to pick up a little. Zin was beginning to get scared because as he looked out to sea, the sea was dark and black. Without hesitation Zin asked Kluna we should go back.

"You know Kluna, I don't think this is such a good idea." Said Zin.

"Comeon Zin, are you being like a frighten Elum." "You are starting to act like that elder." "We will be fine, we are just going on the other side of the wall." "Besides we are not going to be out for a long time." "So don't worry!"

"Alright I guess." Said Zin. "But first sign of trouble we are heading back."

Then as the boat made it past the break wall, the wind began to pick up a little bit more. Then thunder and lightening cracked in the dark sky over the sea. Zin wanted to get out of there right now.

"Comeon I sense trouble." "We have to go back". Said Zin.

"We are not going back at this moment." "I want fish!" "So just shut up!"

"Ooh!" cried Zin

Suddenly lightening hit the break wall and closed the large gate way to the harbor. Kluna and Zin were stuck on the sea side of the wall. The wall was 70 ft high and 2 miles long. Now they could not go anywhere for they were stuck at sea.

"Oh great, look at that!" "The gate closed on us because of the lightening." "Now we are stuck." "This would of never happen if you dident choose to come out here in this weather!" "You are an idiot." Yelled Zin.

"Im the idiot?" "Look at you, yesturday you wanted to get fish too." "So don't call me the idiot!"

Suddenly the wind began to get stronger and stronger. Lightening flashed and thunder crackled. Out in the distance the waves were beginning to tower. The little mudokin ship was getting tossed around and thrown everywhere.

"We have to do something, this ship will not last through this!" Yelled Kluna.

"Hang on!" "Big wave dead ahead!" SWOOSH! "Ahahahah, hang on Zin!"

"The little mudokin fishing boat was being thrown everywhere. Kluna and Zin were also being tossed about on their boat.

"Hang on, we need to get through this!" SWOOSH!

"You don't think I know that Kluna!?" SWOOSH!
Replied Zin.

As the lightening flashed and the thunder crashed a towering wall of water began to form in the distance.

"What is that?" Said Zin.

"I don't know, it's too dark." Replied Kluna.

Then lightening flashed again and revieled a 150 ft wall of surging water towering over the little boat.

"Oh my odd!, it's a tidal wave!" "Hang on!" "We are going down!" Yelled Zin.

Then suddenly the wave picked up the small boat and destroyd it in one big SWOOSH!

Is Kluna and Zin ok or did they too go down with the ship? Time will only tell.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 03-17-2002 at 06:14 AM..
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03-17-2002, 02:45 PM
: Mar 2002
: NeW jErsEy
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~MuDoKoN~hAwKEr  (10)

awsome great chapter. I cant wait until chapter 3. And i sended you a PM parimite
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03-17-2002, 06:39 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Great chapter PAramite ABe keep up the good work!
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03-18-2002, 12:28 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Chapter 3 Lost

After the massive wave hit Kluna and Zins boat the two mudokins seem to have gone down. But there was a bunch of dibree floating everywhere. Kluna and Zin were laying on a small raft size piece of wood. Just big enough to fit both of them. The storm began to subside and end. Our friends began to wake up from this terrible ordeal.

"What happen!?" "My head!" Cried Kluna.

"Oh mann are boat, it's gone." Said Zin. "That wave must of destroyed it." "Now what do we do?"

"I don't know, but I think we should paddle are way back to the village." Said Kluna.

Just as Kluna and Zin sat up to start paddleing, they notice they were in the middle of nowhere.

"What village?" Said Zin.

"Our village you schmuck!" Replied Kluna.

"Like I said, what village?"

"What are you talking about Zin?" "You know our village right over....WHAT!?" "I can't believe my eyes, it's gone."

"Or maybe we are gone Kluna." "We are lost at sea." Explaned Zin.

As our two friends looked out, there was no sign of land anywhere. From North to South to East to West, nothing.

"What are we going to do?!" Cried Kluna.

"You know, this would of never happen if you were not such a selfish mud wanting all the fish right now." Explaned Zin.

"Im selfish?" "Look at you, you wanted to come out here too." "So don't call me a schmuck and blame everything on me." Said Kluna. "We are both in this together." "We are both the schmucks." "We should of listen to that elder." Cried Kluna.

"Hmm, I guess we both got into this predicament." "Sorry Kluna for calling you a schmuck and a selfish mud." "We are both un wise on our own parts.

"Haha, were both schmucks lost at sea!" Laughed Zin. "Oh odd, what are we going to do?" Cried both of them.


Now Kluna and Zin are lost at sea drifting on a small broken raft size piece of wood of there precious boat. And there is nothing but open sea in all directions. Or is there?
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03-18-2002, 07:09 PM
: Mar 2002
: NeW jErsEy
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~MuDoKoN~hAwKEr  (10)

holy s*** what a nice chapter
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03-19-2002, 01:29 PM
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Chapter 4 The Water Spout!

As our friends were paddleing across the vast sea sea of Oddworld, they were beginning to get hungry and thirsty. For Kluna and Zin havent eaten in a day. The weather was starting to get hot and muggy and unbarible. There was an eerie green glow throughout the horizon.

"Im hungry." Said Kluna. "We need to find food." "Were fisher muds, we can catch our food."

"Yea Kluna, but we lost all of our supplies in that storm." Said Zin. "We are just floating on this piece of drift wood and we have nothing to catch our fish."

"Oh mann, we are going to starve!" Replied Kluna.

A few hours past and Kluna and Zin still were drifting. The sky still had a green glow to it. Now Kluna and Zin were tired and trying to figure out where they were.

"You know Kluna, we've been out here for a long time." "I don't think I can paddle anymore." "You would think we would be back on land by now." Explaned Zin.

"I don't think I can paddle eathier." "My hands are getting tired."

"Lets take a rest." Said Zin.

Then the drift wood stoped in the middle of nowhere.

"Ok, we have been drifting for a few hours, and we havent touched Mudos yet." "We should be going North."

"Right, unless...Oh my odd!" Cried Kluna.

"What is it?" Asked Zin.

"I think we have been going in circles."

"How do you know?"

"See that piece of drift wood floating over there, well we past it like 10 times." "We must be going in circles." Explaned Kluna.

"I guess we should keep paddleing." Said Zin.

A few more hours past and something was about to happen.

"Do you feel that?" Asked Kluna.
"Yea I do." Said Zin. "What could it be?"

"Shish!" "Listen, do you here that?"

"Yea, What is it?"

Then suddenly a hissing and screaching noise filled the area in which our two friends were. For it was a massive water spout makeing its way across the sea.

"LOOK, a water spout!" Yelled Zin. "Paddle quick!"

But before they were abel to get awey, the water spout picked them up and blew them further awey across the sea.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Where will they end up?

Last edited by paramiteabe; 03-19-2002 at 09:46 AM..
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03-19-2002, 08:57 PM
: Mar 2002
: NeW jErsEy
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~MuDoKoN~hAwKEr  (10)

oh i like this is my favorte chapter soo far
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03-21-2002, 01:24 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 5 The New Land!

As the water spout was carrying Kluna and Zin across the
vast sea, the water spout began to break up. As it was
breaking up, our friends came falling from the sky.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, ooh ah eeh ooh!" Yelled Kluna.

First Kluna fell out of the sky onto dry land.

"Oh odd that hurt!" "Zin? Now where is he?"

"Ahhhhhhhh, BANG!" Yelled Zin. Then Zin followed.

"Get off me Zin, get off!"

"Sorry!" "Wow what a fall." "My head is killing me!"

"Hey Zin, you know what this is?" Asked Kluna. "It's solid ground."
Explaned Kluna.

"Yay, no more drifting!" "We made it back to Mudos!" Cried Zin.

As Kluna and Zin were celeabrating, something strange was happening down the beach. A glukken without a suit was running for his life from huge metal balls that were 20 ft in size. Each ball had spikes sticking out of the sides.

"Help, help, anyone please help!" Yelled the glukken.

"You hear that Kluna?" "Someones calling for help." "Lets go check it out and see whats wrong." Said Zin.

But when they ran up the dune on the beach, they were surprised. For what they saw was a glukken with out a suit, running in his akward way from the round, spiked vehicals that were chaseing him. What are those round vehicals? And why is that glukken without a suit running for his life? Most importantly where did Kluna and Zin land?
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03-21-2002, 07:49 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Great so far! Check my latest chapter
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03-22-2002, 09:58 PM
VykerSawBones's Avatar
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oh this is a good 1 keep it up
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03-24-2002, 02:26 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Chapter 6 Fear of the Mudokins!

When the naked glukken was running towards the dunes a loud horn sounded and the glukken stopped right in front of Kluna and Zin frighten to death of the sight of them.

"Please don't hurt me I dident do anything!" Cried the glukken.
"I will give you all I have if you let me go." Explaned the glukken.

"We don't want to hurt you." "We just want to know why are you so scarred and why don't you have any suit?" Asked Zin.

"Please let me go don't kill me!" Cried the glukken.

"Zin come here, Why is he so frighten of us?" Asked Kluna.

"I don't know?" "It's almost as if we are threatening him."

"What do you want to do?"

"Well we should just let him go."

"Alright." Said Kluna.

"Hey Glukken, we will let you go." Explaned Kluna.

"Oh thankyou, thankyou so much!"

Then as the glukken ran past Kluna and Zin up the dune, One of those round spiked vehicals rolled right up on the dune and a hatch opened up. Out came a Mudokin, but this Mudokin was no ordenary Mud, his skin color was not green or blue. He was black and purple with white stripes on his back. Instead of a pony tail he had a spike in place of the pony tail and he had glowing eyes. He was carrying a strange looking weapon with him. He then ordered the glukken to stop and kneel before him.

"Glukken, surender yourself now!" Ordered the Mudokin.

"Please don't kill me!" "I dident do anything!" Cried the glukken.

"You pitiful excuse for glukken slave like your selve!" Replied the Mudokin. "I am going to give you 5 seconds to get out of my sight or I will blow your glukken entrails all over the beach!" "One, two, three, four, five!" "I warned you, now I must kill you."

"Noooooooo!" Cried the naked glukken.

But suddenly Kluna and Zin interupted the ordeal.

"Hey Mud we will take him." Explaned Zin.

"Who are you?" "You don't look like one of us." Replied the Mud.

"Well yea but we are from the north of here and we want this glukken." "Our master told us to find a glukken slave and here we are." Explaned Zin.

Then Kluna wispered in Zins ear.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?" "It's not like everyday you see this."whispered Kluna.

"Sure I do. we will take this glukken and find whats going on here." "He will be abel to explan this." Said Zin. "It will be ok he seems to be harmless." "And by the looks of everything, It doesant look like we are in Mudos." Whispered Zin.

"Very well muds take him, hes yours!" Explaned the strange Mud.

Then the the mud got back into his spiked ball vehical and rolled awey.

"Thankyou so much!" Said the glukken. " I don't know how to re pay you." "I will serve you no matter what." Explaned the naked glukken."

The the glukken kneeled before Kluna and Zin and they were deeply puzzeled by this. Why is a glukken a slave and what are those odd looking Mudokins that seem to be nasty? Time will only tell.
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03-25-2002, 10:51 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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tommorrow I'll update my story, but your stories are getting even better!
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03-27-2002, 12:00 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
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Chapter 7 The Jungle!

When all of the spiked vehicals that belonged to the dark muds left the beach, Kluna and Zin and the glukken slave made their way into the jungle. This jungle was no ordinary jungle. It was very dense and filled with all kinds of strange wild life. The sounds in the jungle were loud filled with the buzzing of meetles and mugs and the screeching and hissing of leens jumping throughout the canopy of the trees. There were these funny looking furry creatures crawling up the tree trunks catching the leens that were jumping through the canopy. There were large mammals that were eating plant life and there were paramites and scrabs eating their catch of wild Elums. and there were actually meeches running through the jungle as well. The jungle was filled with so much wild life activity that our friends had to watch their step. The jungle was a large biosphere of new and old wild life. Our friends came to a small opening in the jungle and rested. They started to talk to the glukken of the recient events.

"Ok, now who are you?" Asked Zin. "And why are you so scarred of us?"

"My name is Silak and I was born a slave here." "I obey only one leader and his name is... Ccccclorn?" Explaned Silak.

"Whos Clorn?" Asked Kluna.

"He is an evil god of this Continent."

"Is he a Mudokin like those other muds we dealed with on the beach?" Said Zin.

"No, Clorn is something ive never seen before." "A thousand years ago the prime race of this Continent was us the glukkens." "We lived in harmony with the land and the wild life." "Those Mudokins you saw were another race that were not as pieceful as us glukkens." "They killed are children and hunted them for game." "They were barbarek and ruthless enamys to us." "That is why I fear you."

"But if you say they are primative, then why in odds name do they travel in those metal spiked spheres?" Asked Zin.

"When Clorn took over this land, He loved the ruithless behavior of the primitive Mudokins." "So she saw how we feared them." "He took it upon himself to train them as her minions." "When that happen my entire race was turned into slaves." "You see those mudokins are Clorns army aganst us."

"Now it is your turn my friend." "What brings you here?" Asked Silak.

"Well we come from place called Mudos." "We are fishing Muds that got caught up in a big storm at sea and here we are trying to figure out how to get home." Explaned Kluna.

"This Mudos you talk about are there glukkens there too?" Asked Silak.

"Why yes but they are not slaves, they belong to an organization called the Magog Cartel." "We were inslaved by them to work in their factories." "Up until five heros came and brought an end to it." Explaned Zin

"Oh my I am so sorry." Said Silak.

"Oh don't worry you are obvieously not part of that." "We want to be your friend." "Silak We will not hurt you." "Mudokins from Mudos are pieceful like you." "If only Glukkens were like you Silak where we come from, but unfortainitly they are not." Explaned Kluna.

"Yea they just ware suits and smoke all day long, ordering us around." "They are greedy and they want nothing but moolah." Explaned Zin.

"Wow, I did not realise there were pieceful muds and evil Gluks in this world."

"Well whats important is that we are safe at the moment." "We need to find a place to sleep for the night because they will reliese a beast to patrol the jungles and beaches." "If your caught by the Rorm Beast, you will not survive." "They love to eat us glukkens." Said Silak. "And probbally won't have a problem eating you."

"Ok lets go then." Said Zin.

"But where?" Asked Kluna.

"Follow me, I know a safe place." "It is a cave where some of us escaped gluks live." Explaned Silak.

"Alright lets go." Replied Zin.

And they were off.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-21-2002 at 01:45 PM..
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03-28-2002, 01:28 PM
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Chapter 8 Night hike!

The sun was begining to set and Kluna and Zin were following Silak to the cave. But suddenly they herd a loud roar in the distance.

"What is that?" Said Kluna.

"It's the Rorm Beast, we must hurry!" Yelled Silak. "They must of reliesed it out early tonight." "You know what that means?" "It means that they could be on to us." Explaned Silak.

"Lets go!" Yelled Zin.

But as they were getting closer to the cave the loud roar of the Rorm Beast was getting closer.

"How far is it Silak?" Asked Zin "it sounds like the Rorm beast is getting closer."

"Not too far my friend, just around the corner we will be there soon." Explaned Silak.

Then Kluna whispered into Zins ear.

"Zin, are you sure about this."

"Yes Kluna, we know all about him now." "He's friendly." "Don't worry." Explaned Zin.

"It's not Silak I am worried about." "It is this Conntinent." It's the inhabitants." Explaned Kluna. It's not like every day we end up on a mysterous conntinent where the Muds are evil and the Gluks are good you know?"

I agree, it is very strange but Silak is our only hope of getting us home." Explaned Zin. "Your just going to have to trust me."


As the three aproached the corner near the cave wierd shadow figures appeared before them. Kluna, Zin, and Silak were now sorounded by these wierd shadowed figures. But Kluna and Zin couldent make them out. until one of the shadows jumped out.


Whats going to happen next? And what are those shadows?
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03-28-2002, 03:54 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Doing great! Can't wait to hear more. Check my story I've updated three new chapters.
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03-28-2002, 04:12 PM
MunchOnThis's Avatar
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Great story paramiteabe, keep up the good work......
*[Jill Valentine]*
"I will torture his groin" ~ Policeman in HNB

"Won't somebody testify, kick a hole right in the sky..
Testify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Slap a liar in his eye, kick a hole right in the sky
Tesify, testify kick a hole right in the sky
Johnny, Johnny Johnny..."
~ RHCP, Johnny kick a hole in the sky

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03-28-2002, 04:25 PM
kleeng's Avatar
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I like it.

I thinks it's better then your first fic oddworld blargs oddesy.
I gues I just like the supject more.

keep it up

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03-29-2002, 12:53 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 9 The meech pack!

Suddenly the shadowed figure jumped out of the darkness and Kluna and Zin were frozen in shock. For they knew what this creature was but they never saw one before, for they were extinct on Mudos.

"Look at that!" "It's a meech!"

Then the meech made an errie scream like it was very hungry. Then the rest of the meeches jumped out of the darkness and began to gang up on Kluna and Zin. Now they were surounded by 15 meeches. Meanwhile Silak was a little ahead of them when he notice they were not following him.

"Kluna, Zin where are you?

"Help Silak Help!"

Then Silak ran back and was in horror to see the meech pack ganging up on the two. The meeches began to laugh like Hyenas and one was getting ready to jump. But Silak kicked up some dust to distract the meeches.

"Kluna, Zin quick run like hell!" Explaned Silak.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me I will be fine!" "Just run!"

As Kluna Zin ran out of there, Silak began to confuse the meeches to follow him. Silak had to lead them awey from the area. Silak started to run but he then triped over a branch. One of the meeches pined him to the ground and was about to rip him apart. When suddenly the Rorm Beast interupted the ordeal. The beast picked up the meech and began to devour it whole. The rest of the meech pack began to attack the creature with full force. Silak mannage to get himself up and out of there before he was to become desert for the Rorm.

"Kluna, Zin where are you?" Yelled Silak. "Oh great, now I am in trouble!"

Then the Rorm made a loud snarl at Silak. It turned it's head and there was a leg of a meech hanging out of beasts mouth. The Rorm then slurped it up. Other meeches started to come into the area to attack the beast. Then Silak started to run out of there to escape certain death of the Rorm.
Silak was running through the thick dark brush and there were meeches everywhere. The Rorm was chaseing after him but it couldent catch up because the meeches were keeping it busy. Suddenly he ran into Kluna and Zin.

"Thank odd I found you." "The Rorm is on our tail lets get to the cave."

"What about the meeches?" Asked Zin.

"They are keeping the Rorm busy." "I lost the beast so I think were safe." "But I forgot to tell you about meeches." "They are everywhere on the conntinent and they are very smart preditors." "Not only we have to worry about the Rorm but meeches as well." "Since they have our sent they will be close." "We must be very careful." "That is why I kicked up the dust." "Meeches hate dust because their eyes are very sensitive."

"Thanks for saveing us back there." Said Kluna. "Lets go!"

And they were off.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 03-28-2002 at 05:08 PM..
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03-29-2002, 11:24 AM
VykerSawBones's Avatar
: Mar 2002
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VykerSawBones  (10)

oh cool..............Ummmmmmm GREAT STORY SO FAR KEE IT upy!
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03-29-2002, 03:01 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Excellent how you tie in your theories with your fanfics! Keep it up buddy!
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03-30-2002, 02:41 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 10 A Mudokin Spy!

Meanwhile as our friends were headed to the cave, High up on a mountain a spiked sphere was situated on a cliff. the dark mudokin was standing there watching what was going on down below with the event of the meeches. He then pulled out a small radio device to call his master.

"Master, I have found that glukken we were persueing on the beach." Said the dark Mudokin.

"Well then catch him!" Yelled the master.

"I don't think we should at this moment Clorn." "I will follow him and see where he lives." "This way we can find the glukken hide out."

"The glukken Hide out?" "Yes, Perfect what is your name mud?" Asked Clorn.

"It is commander Trilas." "Why do you ask?"

"To reward you for your well thought plan."

"I see but master, When we were chaseing the glukken we came across 2 muds that were different." "They said they were from the north and there master wanted a glukken slave." I will investigate more."

"Very well." "Report back to me as soon as possible." Said Clorn.

"Yes master over and out."

Then Trilas put his device into his pocket and jumped back into his sphere and rolled off.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 09-21-2002 at 01:48 PM..
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03-30-2002, 10:15 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
Resident Psychologist
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Al the Vykker  (20)

Well done again! CHeck back soon for my next fan fic
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03-31-2002, 08:13 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

Chapter 11 Glukken City!

Back down below Kluna, Zin, and Silak were entering the cave that was the hide out and city to the glukken slaves.

"Ok Kluna, Zin this is it." "The glukkens might start panicing because they will think you are the enemy." "So I will explain to them on who you are and where you come from and that your a friend." "Lets go." Explained Silak.

Then the three walked right into the cave. the enterance opened to a large chamber that looked sort of like Necrum mines but smaller. There were glukkens everywhere. Some of them were glukken children and others were glukken elderly. They started to talk amoungst one anouther about Kluna and Zin.

"Get out of here you schmucks!" Cried a glukken.

"Yea we don't want you here!" "Leave now!" Yelled another glukken.

Then a glukken security officer rode up on an Elum next to Zin and took his long hands and picked up his spear and pointed it to his face.

"Read the sign lately!" Said the glukken officier. "It says no Muds aloud!" "If you don't leave now you will be killed!" Yelled the officier.

"Um Um we are good Muds!" Cried Zin.

"Yea right thats what they all say!"

"Officier stand down they are with me!" Yelled Silak.

"Oh my, Silak I dident see you there!" "I am sorry!"
"But why are you hanging around these muds?" Asked the glukken officier. "Don't you know they are evil?"

"Not these Muds." Said Silak. "They come from Mudos."

"Mudos?, Whats Mudos?" Asked the officier.

"It's conntinent that exists far awey." "These Muds are from there." "Mudokins that are from Mudos are pieceful like us here" "They were inslaved like us but glukkens from Mudos inslaved them."

"Ha, good for the glukkens!" Replied the officier. "I would inslave them too!"

"Now please officier we need to find someone who can help us out and a place to eat and sleep." Explained Silak.

Then as Silak was talking to the glukken officier about everything that was happening, a glukken child walked up to Kluna and Zin and started to make fun of Kluna.

"My daddy says he will kill a mudokin on sight." "And thats the truth!"

"Who is your daddy?" asked Kluna.

"Why should I tell you!" "Your nothing but a stranger!" Cried the child.

"I am a nice mud!" Said Kluna. "I come from a far awey place called Mudos." "We are nice Muds there." Explained Kluna.

"Ha, Take this!" BOOM!

"Aow!" "That glukken child kicked me!" Cried Kluna.

"Well you were being a stranger to a kid who thinks your the enemy!" Said Zin.

"So, it doesen't mean he has to kick me!" Replied Kluna.

"Haha, I kicked a Mudokin!" Laughed the glukken child.

"Why I otta!"

"Don't, he's just a kid!" Said Zin.

"Alright then." "But if I find him again he has some talking to." Explained Kluna.

"Yea ok what ever!" Laughed Zin.

Silak came back from talking to the officier and said that they will help.

"Guys I talked to the officier and he said he will help us out. He's going to announce on the PA that you are on our side and your problem." Explained Silak.

"Thanks Silak." Said Zin.

"Whats wrong with your friend Zin?" Asked Silak.

"Oh Kluna?" "Ah nothing, he just got kicked by a glukken kid."

"Oh, ok thats helarous!" "Hehehe!"

"Shut up Silak!"

"Lets go!" Laughed Silak
"Yea haha ok!" Laughed Zin.

"I am telling you shut up!" Yelled Kluna




"I give up!" Cried Kluna.


"Shut up!"

And the three were gone. As they were heading to Silaks sleeping quarters a strange hooded figure was standing among the hustle and bustle of the glukkens. He stood there just watching where our friends were going. Then he left the cave and jumped into a sphere. and rolled off. Then another security officer thought he saw something.

"Who was that?" Asked a security officier.

"Who are you talking about?" Asked the other officier.

"That guy right over...hmm I thought a saw someone."

"Your just seeing things!" "Lets go and eat, I am hungry!"


Our friends are safe for now, but for how long?
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03-31-2002, 08:49 PM
VykerSawBones's Avatar
: Mar 2002
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VykerSawBones  (10)

good job......ummmmmm great story........Great job..........ummmmm........uhhhhhhhhhh........good bye
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