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07-07-2007, 07:00 PM
Marvak's Avatar
Bola Blast
: May 2007
: Inside your head.
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Marvak  (12)

Enjoy if you still read this.
Ah doooooo! XP Poor Agent, I wonder what gonna happen next?

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07-08-2007, 03:25 PM
LadySlig's Avatar
: Apr 2007
: In a dishwasher
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LadySlig  (10)

nice, well writen Zozo!
"Named & nameless, all live in us;
One & all, they lead us yet:
Every pain to count for nothing,
Every sorrow to forget."

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07-09-2007, 12:32 AM
Dracula’s Ex's Avatar
Dracula’s Ex
: May 2007
: Transylvania
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Dracula’s Ex  (10)

hmm, nice. Hehe, made me laugh though.
"You are about to enter the realms of human beings. Be prepared for cruelty and kindnes, for friendship and hatred. people are made of all possibilities and conditions."
"Warlock, your words are no comfort."
"No. They are a warning."

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07-09-2007, 02:25 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
Outlaw Cutter
: Oct 2006
: Scotland, Aberdeen
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

Ah doooooo! XP Poor Agent, I wonder what gonna happen next?
I praise your soul....Yay page two...And wook! http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/59410299/ I drew Fluffy!....Well I made a right pig's ear of the colouring, but I wanted to submit it quickly so....Yah. Pigs ears.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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07-15-2007, 08:12 AM
Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Zozo the Zrilufet
Outlaw Cutter
: Oct 2006
: Scotland, Aberdeen
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Zozo the Zrilufet  (34)

Ug... I am an evil person, haha.

Q) Do Sligs have beady black eyes or glowing red eyes under their masks?
A)They have eyes like that of house flies. They are dark but textured and highly segmented. The red glow around the eyes that you see in their masks is a result of their infrared installed helmet vision.

Q) Is Skillya the only Slig queen alive?
A)No. There are several and all run different security companies that compete with one another as well as other species that run security service companies. The Slig Queens lease out their children (Sligs) for security services.

Q) Were the old Slig queens caring and loving for their children?
A) Never. In fact, birthing was so painful for them that they resented their little runts and would actually eat the more unfortunate ones at birth.

Q) How does a Slig get by without pants in the wildlife?
A) They evolved from swampy conditions and tend to live in mud or very damp places. They can dry out pretty easily, kind of like slugs.

Q) Do Sligs share a common ancestor with Paramites?
A) No.

Q) Is their any chance their will be a Oddworld game staring a kind Slig?
A) Possibly. One game about Sligs was presented in the past but publishers thought that Sligs were too ugly to be the heroes of a game. We disagreed, but they choose to pay for the game production or not, so it was never made.

Q) By chance are Sligs any good at crafting/engineering? Or are their hands just inept for that kind of business?
A) They are crappy manufacturers and horrible at any type of skilled labor. They have no real talents and are lazy and have very short attention spans, which is why they make good oppressors and security guards. They are naturally envious of other species and so they love to feel superior by being sadistic over laborers while working for the wealthier industrialist families.
Hope this has been helpful,

Matt Lee
(Makes falling whistling noise)

Well....In my defense for Fluffy, I say since she's a subspecies of slig....I can make up whatever I like about her! Ha! Well anyway, time for update, yay....Warning, contains naked mudokon singing. You have been warned.


Kico sat and listened while Fluffy paused in between speaking, telling her story. A small group of baby slig larva had climbed onto his bare lap and were sleeping silently. He stroked one’s tiny delicate head while he looked up at her. As his eyes were more adjusted to the dark, he could see more of her body. Past her arms that held her babies were lumps. Large saggy lumps. The lumps ran from below her neck, to the bottom of her torso. Under her body on her egg sack was a gap, like a slot that lead to a large space below her belly. A loud annoyed snort from Fluffy woke up Kico from gawping at her.

“I’d prefer it if you didn’t stare at those…” Fluffy hissed in an irritated tone. The mudokon slig hybrid scratched his head sheepishly.
“Uhh, sorry…” He looked at her again. “Why not?”
She refrained from giving him a darker glare than the look she was already giving him.
“It’s a monotremallian slig thing, you won’t understand.” She answered. A slig larva crawled out from the gap under her raised body, sniffing the air. He saw Kico and squealed, before dashing back under like a remote control car.

Kico sniffed in a humoured way as Fluffy knelt down to peer under her, speaking to her young.
“Shhhh, its okay Munchkin, the scaywy mudokon won’t hurt you…” She cooed. “Mummy’s here…” She leant back up to see Kico laughing loudly, waking up the young on his lap. With an annoyed grunt, she glared not too harshly at him.
“I’d like to see you try think of different names for all your kids, when you lay ten eggs every two months. Now do some math and try to figure out how much that is in a year, then consider my age.”

Kico just smirked.
“And what is your age, if you’re near dying age then, huh? Grandma?” He laughed again as she emitted a low growl.
“I’ll get you for that later, boy…” She leant closer to him, and sniffed him curiously as she noticed something familiar. He shuffled away nervously as she did, before her eyes widened behind her mask. She was still yet shivering as she recognised a familiar scent upon Kico’s slig parts. Eerie silence fell in the metal lair.

Kico felt fear, as he wondered what about him made her so… Negative. He thought desperately. Had he done something wrong to a slig in his life, and now she knew it? He thought back to the time Tiro possessed that female slig, but that had been indirect – he just hadn’t stopped him, and no one died from it. He tensed up even more as he remembered what she had said about near dying – she had produced another queen about four years ago, who had been taken away, like so many of her offspring.

Something about the mood told him she refrained herself from bursting into tears or screaming her head off. Her eyes were frantic as she stared at him, like he’d shot someone right in front of her face.
“Kechi?” She choked out. “You combined yourself with Kechi?!”


Fluffy grumbled to herself as she crawled towards the weak croaky voice. The voice kept on raising itself as she furiously gripped the ground and pulled herself along faster. She was almost there, a secluded place centred among some old thick trees. The trees rose high and thick above the canopy of dozens of other plant species, blocking out most of the daylight. She slipped across the wet grass and through the trees before finding the source of the voice.

A huge slig queen was the one calling out to her. Her large egg sack was placed in the middle of the surrounding trees, on harder ground that refrained her from sinking. Her wrinkled body at the front of her egg sack strained to look over at her with ageing black eyes, surrounded by saggy bags. She growled casually as Fluffy crawled closer to her, looking up at her mother’s head.
“Alright mom, what is it?” Fluffy spoke in an annoyed tone. “I’ve been out 15 minutes and already you want me back!”

The larger female refrained from telling off her daughter, and cut to the chase.
“Bed. Now.” She predicted the outrage before seeing the look on Fluffy’s face.
“Fluffy, its getting dark outside, I don’t want you to be eaten because I fell asleep!” She ordered.
“But mom!-”
“Get to bed, or so help me I’ll ground you for a week and you won’t see daylight for a while!” Was her final command. Having lost the battle, Fluffy reluctantly crawled up to her, muttering to herself as she squeezed through the slit underneath her body.

She crawled quickly through her pouch, nudging other sligs along the way. They groaned and moaned at her as she disturbed their sleep, but she kept on going until she got there in the dark, feeling soft skin around her. She curled up against a desolate corner away from everyone else, apart from some batches of eggs, and feel asleep there. More moaning ensued from her brothers as she snored loudly like a lawnmower.


Luckily for Kico, his conscience and his friends, nobody was killed or fired. They found out Agent 80085 had in fact been possessed, and so she wasn’t to blame for distracting others while working by pole dancing, threatening to have someone eaten by harmless sloggies, assaulting a glukkon and his valet and declaring mudokons the supreme race on Oddworld. The catch was, the mudokons were blamed. Natzo demanded that the perpetrator be found out. And so, the mudokons were all interviewed by sligs. They were scared, manipulated, almost tortured into a false confession – but then word got out about recent Abe sightings, and Abe was put to blame. Since no one could find Abe, the situation was basically forgotten and the case closed. Kico and the rest of the mudokons thanked Odd for their luck.

Anger grew at Tiro though. He was the main person responsible for the chaos, and so the others began to resent him. Kico pitied him at times because they all hated him, but also shared the negative feeling. His older friend had been upset about it and wanting to set things right. So he had told Kico his plan. It was a crazy plan, and Tiro doubted it would work at all, just cause more trouble. He doubted he would take out such a ridiculous idea. But he did.

That day, they were scrubbing indoors, with no sligs around. So they kept on scrubbing but talked quietly. Sunlight streamed in through a paned window up high, with just the occasional word from the mudokon kids and the rubbing of cloths against metal. Lido smiled as he saw his face in a cleaned patch of floor, then spoke to Mudancha.

“Where’s Tiro gone?” He whispered too loud in confidence. The female sterile teenage mudokon scrubbed the floor harder, then turned her head to him.
“He’s around here somewhere, just…Not here…” She ended that sentence with a sad sigh.
“I think we were too hard on him…” She whispered more quietly. She flinched in anger as Riko sniffed.
“He possessed a slig and broke a rule that could of gotten him shot, he deserves it…” He muttered harshly. A scornful glare from Mudancha was his reply.
“We didn’t stop him and he regrets it.” She hissed at the one eyed mudokon. “I think he’s been punished enough.”

Suddenly, a loud banging of metal against metal made them jump and sent chills down their spines. As Kico dared look, he saw Agent 80085 again, recognising her instantly by her bulky figure and black top. She was holding her small dark shiny gun in her hand, which she had banged against the nearby wall. The children and teenagers stared up at her with wide eyes from their leaning positions, fearing the thought of what would happen next.

“Unless you like getting shot, I suggest you all shut up and keep on working!” She snapped like a furious slog. “I should of shot you by now, but I didn’t, so be grateful I didn’t shoot every one of you for what happened last month that could of got me eaten!”
“Eaten?” Kico would of asked the kinder Mudancha if he didn’t mind being shot. He just carried on scrubbing at the hard surface as he kneeled down, on his hand and knees. He did pity the female slig, for her public humiliation and the interrogation she must of suffered, but feared and resented her for how she had been ever since – holding a grudge against whatever mudokon she came across, and ridiculously grouchy. He wondered when it would end.

They carried on cleaning in the eerie silence while she stalked around them in a huff, not really looking at them. The familiar squeaking sound of a mudokon sneaking drew the attention of Kico’s ears. He turned his head slightly to see Tiro sneaking up to them and panicked at the thought of the female slig catching him standing up and not cleaning.

“Tiro!” He half-mouthed half-hissed. “Get down and scrub, she’ll see you!”
Tiro looked over at the female slig carelessly, then back at his friend.
“I’m gonna do it.” He whispered softly. “I’m gonna do it so that they’ll forgive me.”
Kico’s mind was desperate, like he had to convince someone not to commit suicide.
“No! You said if you got caught you would! You didn’t get caught!” He pleaded. He was too panicked to notice he was raising his voice. The female slig stood still and swivelled her eyes in Kico’s direction, as she thought she heard a hissing voice.
“I said if I got caught and lived.” Tiro’s voice raised near to normal speaking tone. “And I kinda got us all caught.”

Kico’s heart was in his mouth for his friend. He knew what he was going to do. It would draw attention from the slig, and near definitely get him shot. That was the problem with Tiro – he took life threatening risks, without thinking about how close to death he was in doing so. He felt the worst peril he had in a while, knowing Tiro would probably be shot and die.

He watched in horror as Tiro remained standing, watching the female slig. She stood by stairs that lead downwards, listening for the sounds of more voices so she could turn swiftly and catch them in the act of breaking rules. Then, Tiro did it. Kico’s eyes widened, before he shielded them with a three fingered hand.

That uncontrollable cry brought the attention of the other mudokons and the slig. A brown loincloth was tossed to the scrubbed metal floor as more mudokons shielded their eyes. Then Tiro ran around his peers, singing at the top of his voice.
“I’m so happy, we’re so happy. What a happy place!
All the fun we’ll be having is gonna be so ace!
With puppet palls, cheery lands and no danger like I said!
We’ll be happy happy happy until the day we all drop dead!

The mudokons recoiled at seeing Tiro’s butt, laughed their heads off at his unexplained act of indecent exposure, or were just plain scared at the fact that he would be shot. Riko didn’t know whenever to laugh or cry, Mudancha was disgusted and the slig’s reaction was shock. Frantic yells and laughs filled the desolate room.
“Mother of Odd Tiro, I didn’t want to see your butt!” Mudancha scolded, covering her eyes. Kico remained fearful as he wondered what the female slig’s reaction would be. Shooting him until he was left in ribbons, he predicted.

The female slig saw the sterile naked boy, and covered her red electronic eyes with her hands. As she flailed backwards, she fell – down the stairs. Some of them that weren’t laughing or in disgust saw her wobble and wave unbalanced on one robotic foot, before she slipped and went down. She yelped as she tumbled and thudded step after step for what seemed like five minutes, before a final distant crash was heard and then silence.

Tiro stopped running as they all listened. Not another sound from her from down below the dark stairs. They began to panic as they had a dark thought – what if they had killed her? Tiro stood there fearfully as he came to the realisation that he might of cost Agent her life again. Mudancha decided to do something about it and break the awkward silence.
“Well don’t just stand there; get your loincloth on!” Mudancha ordered. “We’re gonna go see if she’s alive or not!”

They were scared for their lives yet again. Tiro felt guilt and fear yet again. They knew there would be sligs down there somewhere, and so they tiptoed slowly down the dark stairs. There were no windows or lights down the pitch black metal tunnel, just the sound of their squeaky bare feet sneaking down. Kico and Lido looked ahead, since they were at the front, but couldn’t see anything. Just darkness that didn’t make a difference whenever they closed their eyes or not. Eventually they could make out a faint light at the end of the stairs, leading to another windowless room.

Riko was first to advance through the group and step quietly off of the steps. He looked around in his three-dimensional vision with his unstitched eye in the room. A rectangular light covering was on the ceiling, protecting flickering lights bulbs. Pant vendors were dotted along the walls, and empty doorways lead to other dark unseen rooms. Lying at the foot of the stairs was the slig, unconscious and not moving. Her red visors glowed silently in the mostly darkness.

Tiro was next to follow. He looked around the metal place with a low ceiling to see if anyone else was there. He heard the mechanical sound of a slig’s pants coming through a doorway at the back of a room, and shot back up the stairs with the rest. They forgot to sneak in their panic.

The slig timidly poked his masked tentacled head through the dark doorway. His infra red installed helmet vision let him catch sight of the red and yellow body heated mudokons, running up cold metal purple stairs. He ran over to check out what was going on with his blunderbuss in hand, but tripped over something that someone had left lying on the floor. Before he could get up, a hand grabbed his throat and pulled his face to hers. She gave him a deathly glare, before throwing him to the floor and getting up. He would of gotten up to his feet and ran, but an aluminium foot pressed against his back and kept him on the floor.
“And what did you think you were doing?!” She demanded.

He gave an annoyed sigh as he swore he heard mudokon children giggling. He looked around the room, seeing no one else there.
“Well apparently you were sleeping on the floor and I tripped over you.” He answered, partly sarcastic. Her glare lessened as she recognised Dimitrio’s voice and took her foot off his back. She growled as she remembered what had happened. A naked mudokon singing. Falling down the stairs. Her eyes behind her red visors widened when she saw Kico watching the two on the stairs and not working. His eyes widened too when he saw that they saw he wasn’t working.
“You there!” She snapped.

He froze instead of running in fear as two sligs with guns came running closer to him. He didn’t think clearly in that moment. All he knew was that he needed to defend himself or do something. His peers watched helplessly as he did not run, but ‘attacked’.

When the female slig was close enough, he sprang out his three fingered hands towards her mask. For a moment, she was taken back in surprise and mentally unable to do something to him as he gripped at the back of her mask, and pulled hard. The female slig yelped as Kico yanked her mask off and she fell backwards down the stairs again.

He stood holding the metal mask in his hands in surprise. Dimitrio and Kico looked down at Agent 80085 down the cold metal dusty stairs, their eyes widening and their jaws dropping as they saw her real face.

She got up quickly to her feet, glaring up at them with two large shiny black eyes at each side of her head. Her tentacles flopped over her unseen mouth, a long tongue flickering out of it and around her drooping tentacles. Her Martian-like eyes glared more darkly as her eyelids came into view, and she hissed and flickered her tongue again.
“Get back to work now, or else…” She ordered. Her eyes widened as she felt around her bare face, then collapsed to the floor on her hands and knees.

The two stood and watched like babies as she coughed, gasped and squawked as she retched and gasped in her crawling position. The mudokons timidly crept down the stairs as they heard the strange noises and saw the slig’s strange face. They looked over at Kico in question, seeing he was holding her mask, before Tiro got another dumb idea.
“Cool, I wanna try that!”
Dimitrio didn’t have time to react as Tiro snatched his mask off his face. Silence and horror fell as they saw his face was different from hers. The two eyes on his head were like those of a house fly, dark, textured and highly segmented. They gawped at his face before screaming and shooting back up the stairs, leaving the two sligs alone.

Dimitrio saw his mask had been dropped to the floor by Tiro and slapped it back on his face in a flash, as the normal air started to irritate him. He looked nervously at Agent, who was lying on the floor on her side and squeaking as she struggled to breathe. He panicked as he picked up her mask that was lying on a step, and struggled to get it on her face as she kept squirming. She let out a long dry gasp as she was finally able to breathe properly, and collapsed into his arms as she carried on wheezing away like a mudokon in poisonous gas. She gazed up at his face before her black eyes closed and she passed out. There was silence as her chest lifted and she still breathed, before she snored deeply in her unconsciousness.

Kico watched at the stairs, before slowly making his way back up to carry on working.
I am a man. Do not call me otherwise, or you are doing it wrong. Times correctly guessed as a man: Patrick: 1, Mitsur: 1, Daxter king: 1, OANST: More than once, Nemo: 1, alf's brother's mate: 1, Nate: 1, Anonyman!: 1. The assumption everyone is male probably comes from the fact 90% of characters in Oddworld are male. The editpenis<a href=http://www.oddworldforums.net/signaturepics/sigpic4236_3.gif target=_blank>http://www.oddworldforums.net/signat...gpic4236_3.gif</a>

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07-17-2007, 05:03 AM
Marvak's Avatar
Bola Blast
: May 2007
: Inside your head.
: 439
Blog Entries: 18
Rep Power: 18
Marvak  (12)

Asthma! D:! Asthma always gets in the way of any job. Looking forward to the next instalment! *as long as I know it's there this time *

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