Oddworld Forums

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: Posts Made By: Kevin
: Oddworld Discussion 09-07-2009, 01:52 AM
: 26
: 3,379
Glukkons walk on their arms, their feat are very...

Glukkons walk on their arms, their feat are very small and limp.
: Oddworld RPG 11-14-2007, 01:22 AM
: 856
: 98,104
As Secaris stepped off the recently departed...

As Secaris stepped off the recently departed Train, he was lost for words (and breath) at the site of this magnificent factory. It was far bigger then Flub Fuels of Slig Barracks, and according to...
: Oddworld RPG 11-14-2007, 01:11 AM
: 138
: 27,649
Name: Secaris Gender: Male Species: Slig ...

Name: Secaris
Gender: Male
Species: Slig
Age: 13
Appearance: Secaris wears the usual metal pants that Sligs usually wear except his has a sticker on the right hand side that reads 'Wide Load.'...
: Fan Corner 11-14-2007, 12:58 AM
: 10
: 1,000
Mullock's Oddysee


As the dark black clouds of pollution that covered the skies above the menacing factory slowly began to clear, rays of sunlight beams down through the clearing clouds onto the still...


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