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help how do i pc

Posted 03-11-2014 at 05:53 AM by Manco
Updated 03-11-2014 at 10:43 AM by Manco
I built a PC over the weekend (with a LOT of help from a friend). As much as I love Macs I was getting sick of having to play games on mid-to-low settings all the time, so I figured it was high time I put together something a bit more capable.

Things haven’t been 100% smooth so far – we had some problems getting the main power cable mounted onto the motherboard properly, then I forgot to connect the hard drives to the power supply and had to open up the case again, THEN I had to figure out why Windows was refusing to install onto my SSD, THEN I accidentally wiped the 20-something GB of Steam games I’d copied over from my old installation, and finally I spent most of this morning chasing down a mysterious problem that was maxing out one of my processor cores and causing some performance issues and generally fucking things up.

God dammit I’m happy to have this PC but I hope that’s the last of it. I can only mess around with drivers for so long.

Anyway, at the moment I have a basic rig:
  • Intel i5-4440 3.1GHz CPU
  • 4GB RAM (I’ll be adding another 4GB sometime in the near future)
  • 430W Corsair Bronze PSU (I’m a cheapskate, so sue me)
  • 60GB SSD (OS)
  • 640GB HDD (games and data)

I’m looking for advice on a low-to-mid-end GPU along the following lines:
  • Nvidia (I generally trust their drivers more, but I’m open to ATI cards if there’s a big performance difference)
  • Relatively inexpensive (somewhere below $200, preferably below $150)
  • Can work with a 430W PSU
  • Has a VGA port
  • Decently playable performance on games (mostly Skyrim and similar-age/older games) around middle of the road settings.

I know not to expect much with those requirements, I’m just looking for an OK-ish card to last me for maybe a year or less, until I can afford a higher-wattage PSU and a beefy GPU to go together.

At the moment I’m looking at the Gigabyte GTX 650 1GB, which is comfortably in my price range and seems to be looked upon pretty favorably in user reviews.

Any advice?

UPDATE: I spotted a used Asus GTX 650 Ti 1GB on sale for a good price.
Total Comments 39


Manco's Avatar
I should add that despite the big complain-y paragraph I really enjoyed getting everything priced and sourced and putting it together! Stupid mistakes on my part and weird driver issues just bug me.
Posted 03-11-2014 at 05:55 AM by Manco

RoryF's Avatar
I've got an Asus GTX650, they're pretty good, though the most intensive game I play is the occasional GTA IV, which even when recording still gets a good framerate.
Posted 03-11-2014 at 11:46 AM by RoryF

Phylum's Avatar
about time
Posted 03-11-2014 at 01:38 PM by Phylum

Manco's Avatar
I've got an Asus GTX650, they're pretty good, though the most intensive game I play is the occasional GTA IV, which even when recording still gets a good framerate.
That’s really good to hear, especially since GTA IV is notoriously badly optimized. I had a lot of trouble getting it to a playable state on my iMac even at low settings, and that could run newer games somewhat reasonably well.

about time
If this all goes south I’m blaming OWF for making it sound like a good idea.
Posted 03-11-2014 at 01:56 PM by Manco

JayDee's Avatar
I was expecting some kind of laugh-worthy anecdote about political correctness.

Posted 03-11-2014 at 03:28 PM by JayDee

Manco's Avatar
“Political correctness” is a dumb term because it should be more than just politicians who should watch the way they speak.

ANYWAY I’ve just spent the past two days trying to figure out why one of my CPU cores was constantly maxed out and making the whole system jittery. Seems it had something to do with the Intel Graphics drivers – as soon as I uninstalled those the problem went away, and having reinstalled them via Windows Update the problem has yet to return. I think I might have ended up with the wrong driver for my CPU or something.

Posted 03-12-2014 at 01:47 AM by Manco

Nate's Avatar
“Political correctness” is a dumb term because it should be more than just politicians who should watch the way they speak.
You know, the word 'Politician' comes from 'Politic', not the other way round.
Posted 03-12-2014 at 02:32 AM by Nate

Manco's Avatar
Could that be considered a political correction then?
Posted 03-12-2014 at 10:17 AM by Manco

Manco's Avatar
This fucking CPU core issue keeps coming back and I hate everything.
Posted 03-13-2014 at 03:16 AM by Manco

Varrok's Avatar
Wasn't it connected to Intel Gpu, that you no longer have?
Posted 03-13-2014 at 03:43 AM by Varrok

Manco's Avatar
Wasn't it connected to Intel Gpu, that you no longer have?
My GPU is on order but hasn’t arrived yet, but in the meantime I honestly have no idea if it’s the Intel graphics drivers or not. I’ve had this processor problem since Sunday, and every time I think I’ve solved it it’ll crop up again.

Basically, something causes one of the CPU cores to completely max out and slows the PC down pretty badly. It starts as soon as I log in, and makes it difficult to get anything done including disabling anything in the Device Manager or uninstalling things via the Control Panel.

If I start in Safe Mode, it stops. If I remove all my nonessential drivers (Intel graphics, wireless PCIe card, Realtek audio, etc) it goes away, and when I go back through and reinstall them all it doesn’t show up for maybe a day, but then it’s right back again.

Right now I’ve uninstalled all the drivers again, and I’m going to go back through and reinstall them one at a time (one a day, to make sure the problem doesn’t come back again since it likes to disappear for a while). So far I’ve only got the driver for my wireless card installed, and I haven’t seen anything yet.
Posted 03-13-2014 at 08:59 AM by Manco

moxco's Avatar
But Macs are PCs.
Posted 03-13-2014 at 11:44 PM by moxco

Manco's Avatar
Macs are to PCs as Lexus are to monster trucks. One is an expensive decently-performing all-rounder, while the other is horrendous to look at but has a ton of specialized power behind it.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 01:54 AM by Manco

moxco's Avatar
Yeah, but what do you mean by PC? An x86 machine? Hardware not assembled by Apple Incorporated? A computer running the Windows operating system?

I never know what Macfolk are talking about when they shit on about PCs, and I don't think they do either.

After all iMacs and MacBooks are Personal Computers.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 03:00 AM by moxco
Updated 03-14-2014 at 03:06 AM by moxco

Manco's Avatar
Are you trying to come off as funny or are you really just that anal?

Yes, PC stands for personal computer. Everyone knows this. When people make comparisons between “Mac and PC” they generally mean “Apple PC versus Windows PC”. Plenty of people say this, everyone knows what they mean, nobody really gives much of a shit that they’re not using the abbreviation the “intended” way. Chill the fuck out.

Next you’ll be getting irate over ATM machines.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 03:53 AM by Manco

moxco's Avatar
everyone knows what they mean
I don't.

People comparing Macs and "PCs" seem to both refer to software and hardware, so yeah I really have no idea what they mean.

I run Ubuntu, is my computer a PC? I've always considered it so.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 04:21 AM by moxco
Updated 03-14-2014 at 04:40 AM by moxco

Manco's Avatar
OK, so you are being intentionally obtuse over a commonly used abbreviation. Thanks for clarifying.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 05:19 AM by Manco

moxco's Avatar
I should win an award for most accidentally caused contention on these forums.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 05:42 AM by moxco

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Daily reminder that Manco gets a free iPad every time he plugs apple on this forum.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 08:53 AM by Wings of Fire

Manco's Avatar
But is an iPad a PC?
Posted 03-14-2014 at 09:03 AM by Manco

Wings of Fire's Avatar

Posted 03-14-2014 at 09:28 AM by Wings of Fire

RoryF's Avatar
Mac vs IBM Compatible x86-x64 Personal Computers, now you can stop being so anal.

Also Linux is overrated, it's good for some stuff, but it makes more sense for most of its users to stick to Windows.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 09:37 AM by RoryF

Manco's Avatar
oh buuurn

e: speedy shit
Posted 03-14-2014 at 09:37 AM by Manco

PC - Personal Computer.
Computer - something, that is able to compute.

Thematically, you could call everything, which is personal and is able to compute, a PC. So iPads, smartfones, etc. are by the definition types of PC.

Even a slave, who was taught to compute may be called a PC, as he is personal.

But there is a more narrow definition and a not presisionate one. The desktop computers, notebooks, ultrabooks and netbooks are most often gathered into this group.

Bitch, is not that fabulous, muthafucka?
Posted 03-14-2014 at 10:05 AM by gishygleb

Varrok's Avatar

Posted 03-14-2014 at 10:13 AM by Varrok

Ridg3's Avatar
PC stands for plastic cock.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 01:26 PM by Ridg3

moxco's Avatar
Mac vs IBM Compatible x86-x64 Personal Computers, now you can stop being so anal.
But Macs are IBM Compatible x86-x64 Personal Computers.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 03:22 PM by moxco

RoryF's Avatar
No, Macs are pretty clearly not under the IBM Compatible standard. Plain and simple, you're wrong.

Yes there are hackintoshes, this does not mean Macs are PCs, clue is in the name hack - ie. hack to get it to run on PCs.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 03:39 PM by RoryF

moxco's Avatar
I thought that as Macs now use Intel processors they are considered IBM Compatible, unless it has another meaning? I mean it's easy enough to install Windows on a Mac.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 04:05 PM by moxco

MeechMunchie's Avatar
What I really want to see is an open-platform tablet.

As long as it has a USB port or an optical drive, you could put any OS you like on it... You know, one that doesn't suck because it's been designed for a tablet.
Posted 03-14-2014 at 10:16 PM by MeechMunchie


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