Oh on another note I figured out what the title of this first contest is going to be and that is "The winter and school year annual OWF Art Show." All the Oddworld and non Oddworld art in this show is all from what we did all winter long and the school year. In June we are going to begin the Summer Annual art contest and its going to be called "The Summer Annual OWF Art Show."
That goes all the way up to August and September and then we go back to the winter stuff. The idea here for these contest is for like several months we submit work to the contest threads at random and then at the end of that season we do a thread like this posting all the work we randomly posted on the forums over the months and weeks spent being quiet about it. Now its time to see those results and its going to be put in a gallery. This how a professional art commision works. People submit work months on end and then a gallery is made. The difference here is its online. Oddguy I am going PM you on how we are going to base our final decision on the winner. Remember the person with the most votes doesn't really mean he or she is going to win. It means he is in the final 4. After that Oddguy and myself will look at your work and make our final answer or dicision as you can say.
Also any of you who want to be a judge like Oddguy and myself send me a list of your artistic skills via PM and we will hire you on the OWF art team. And even better you can still enter your artwork into the contests even if you are a judge. This is for everybody and if your work doesn't get picked this time maybe next time.