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08-22-2001, 08:48 PM
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Discovery. . .

*It is early evening in the great forest. Amber sunlight shines through the trees, after a warm day. Blue is up a tall tree, gathering the last batch of fruit for the day before going home. Just then, she thinks she hears some voices in the distance, so she stops and listens very hard, but she can't hear anything. Ignoring it, she carries on picking fruit, until she thinks she can hear the voices again. Listening very hard, she looks down at the ground in the direction of the voices, and spots something brown, square, and large on the forest floor. Climbling down from the tree, she notices that there is a hut on the other side of a very large forest lake. Carefully, she runs up to the bank, and slips into the water, trying not to get noticed. Being a very good swimmer, she reaches the other bank very quickley, and slips out of the water quietly. After ringing out her hair, she sneaks up to the hut, and looks through a hole in the wall.*

*Inside the hut, Blue sees who she thinks is Spider, lying on the floor, knocked out. A blind mudokon is kneeling down next to him, tying his hands behind his back with a peice of old rope. A mean looking, very scarred, grey Big Bro Slig is standing near the door.*

BBS: "I need ter get back ter the village. Stay here and look after Spider while I am gone."

Blind Mudokon: "I will."

*With that, the BBS moves out of the hut. Quickley, Blue darts behind a bush, and watches the BBS slink away down a path leading away into the forest. Knowing better then to enter the hut and confront the blind mudokon, she decides to follow the BBS. Keeping a safe distance, she silently stalks behind him, keeping him in her sight, untl she loses him round a tight bend in the path. Running queitly, she sees that the path leads to a small clearing, the BBS gone. After some quick thinking, she decides to take a look around to try and find where he went. . .*

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08-22-2001, 10:44 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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(ooc: If I am off on this let me know and ill edit...)

Spider groaned as he regained consciousness. He could tell he was overdue for the next shoot of antitoxins from how weak he felt. He tried to move and found that his hands were tied behind his back and that reminded him of what happened earlier:
A gray Big Bro has broke into the surgery hunt, Spider had never seen him before…but he knew a bounty hunter when he saw him. Spider had tried to get away, but he was too weak and the BBS had quickly grabbed him and knocked him out before he could call for help.
Spider looked up weakly and saw a blind mudokon. It took him a moment to recognize him as Teb
“Teb…” Spider said weakly, “What are yer doin’ here?
“Looking after you.” Teb answered turning his head in Spider’s direction.
“Why…are yer…helpin’ the bounty?”
“Because he said he was doing the right thing.”
Spider couldn’t help but laugh.
“Kid…yer are the most naïve mud I have ever met. The only reason he is doin’ this is ter net all the money I’m worth.”
“He probably needs the money.” Teb shrugged.
“Is that money worth takin’ away someone’s freedom? Is that money worth the torment the Cartel and their lackies will put me through once they get their hands on me? Is all the money worth them taking my life?”
"But he said..."
"But he said what? That I'm a freak that needs to stay in a labratory? That I'm a danger to everyone? Tell me kid, what did yer hear from all the other villagers that proves those things?"
Teb was quiet a moment, "I...don't remember hearing anything bad about you, not in recent times. But he said that you were a cannibal."
"I was a cannibal, but that was back when I had little other choice. Since I escaped I haven't eaten any slig. Quite frankly I don' think I could stomach it now."
Spider suddenly felt sheering pain through his body. He let out a short painful cry as he doubled over.
"What's wrong?" he heard Teb asked, concerned.
"I'm...dyin' kid." Spider panted as the pain left him for the moment, "I was poisoned in a recent fight and the only thing that is keepin' me alive is a shot of anti-toxin every two hours...and I'm way overdue."
"There is no cure?"
"Have ter find the creature that did this ter get a pure sample of the poison, Olm was workin' on that. Yer 'buddy' probably went ter the village ter get him ter keep me alive long enough so he could get his precious money."
"And after that?"
"Most likely...I'll end up dead."

(ooc: your go Rett, I am not about to guess how Teb will react to that.)
(ooc: Edit: went ahead and added to it)

[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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08-30-2001, 06:48 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Teb cocked his head to one side. "Why?"

"Well, because once yer friend's clients've finished with me, they'll want me dead."


Spider lifted his head weakly. "I kinda killed a few guys there."

Teb paused for a second, his head not moving. "Why?"

Spider sighed. "It int easy to explain."

"Could you try, please?"

Spider hung his head, partly in shame and partly in exhaustion. "It was just instinct. I was an animal back then."

Teb nodded, as if it all made sense. "Couldn't you just say sorry?"

Spider looked up at Teb as if he'd gone mad. "Say Sorry? We're talking about Vykkers here!"


"Well, yer don't just apologise to Vykkers! They're evil!"

Teb cocked his head again. "What makes you say that?"

Spider spluttered for a second. "Well, they mess around with people's bodies! They mix and match animals, creating new kinds of things, they..."

Teb seemed to understand something then. "Like you?"

Spider sighed. "Like me..."

Teb sat down opposite Spider. "So these people created you?"

Spider nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"So don't you owe them any kind of gratitude? Without them, you wouldn't exist..."

Spider looked at Teb and shook his head. "Yer think I don't know that? Yer think I don't remind myself of that every ****ing day? I know, and I hate it! They made me! The made me! In one of their laboratories! I'm not normal! They created me so I could kill for them. That's my purpose in life!" He paused, gasping for breath. "And then when I do start to kill, they decide they don't want me any more, and dispose of me..."

Teb's face remained expressionless. "So I suppose you won't want to go back there?"

Spider smiled, despite himself. "Yer bet I don't! Yer've got a lot to learn, kid, but in the meantime, how 'bout untying some o' these ropes?"

"Don't listen to him, Teb!"

Spider and Teb turned to see the huge figure of Lanar framed in the doorway, with the smaller figure of Olm over his back.

"He's a freak and a killer, and he's just trying to corrupt you. If he gets free, he'll probably kill all of us. Fortunately, the good doctor here is going to give him a sedative, aren't you, doctor?"

Spider could see that Olm was terrified as Lanar set him down on the floor, with his hand over his mouth, but Teb was blind, and couldn't see the knife Lanar held to Olm's throat as he released his mouth.

Olm shivered. "Yes, okay..." With shaking hands, he pulled out a syringe, and filled it with a liquid from one of his bottles. Shuddering, he advanced slowly on Spider, looking over his shoulder at Lanar all the time. When he reached Spider, he gritted his teeth, and pressed the syringe into the flesh of his neck. As the sedative began to course through Spider's veins, his muscles began to relax, and his body sagged forward against his bonds.

"Excellent. Now, if the good doctor would be as good as to cure our friend here of whatever is wrong with him?" He smiled. "If we let him die on us now, we'd be as bad as him now, wouldn't we?"

Olm glanced up at Teb, who was nodding, thoughtfully. He wanted to cry out to Teb that Lanar was lying. He wanted to tell Teb the truth, but he knew he wouldn't get the chance; Lanar would kill him the moment he opened his lips. So he filled the syringe with antitoxins, and proceeded to administer them to the still form before him. When he was finished, he sidled up to Lanar.

"You do realise that this is only temporary. What we really need to do is find the creature that scratched Spider and develop a cure!"

"This will suffice."

Olm frowned. "But we don't know what side-effects the antitoxins might have in the long-term! They were only meant as a short-term-" Lanar's hand clamped across Olm's face.

"I think it's about time you were leaving, doctor, don't you?"

Oh Shit, he's going to kill me! Olm though, as he was carried from the room. But wait, he can't, can he? He needs me. Unless he knows what antitoxins to use...

He almost sighed with relief when Lanar simply opened a small trapdoor in the floor, and flung him down it.

"Don't think about trying to escape. This place is harder to get out of than that last place you were in, and it took me to get you out of that..." Laughing, he closed the hatch, and the only light came from the bars in the tiny window near the ceiling.

Shit, he thought, [/i]Out of the Frying Pan, as they say...[/i]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-05-2001, 04:01 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
: Apr 2001
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Danny  (11)

[OOC: this post was a collaboration between myself, Drag, BD, and DH. i did very little; i'm not sure who did most of it. all i know is that those three passed it between themselves to write bits, then sent it to me to add the finishing touches. i added the end bit, basically. i thought that BD would have posted it, but it doesn't look like she is, so i may as well...

oh yeah, umm, don't mind the spelling mistakes...]

Hunter followed the scent of Lanar to the forest's edge. There, he stopped, sniffing the air and looking around. The Wyvern gave him a questioning look.

"If my nose is right, which it almost always is, Lanar went into the woods recently," Hunter said, not taking his eyes off of the woods.

The Wyvern raised his snout and sniffed the air. It gave a short squawk and nodded its head in a mechanical fashion. The questioning look returned to its face.

"I'd go right in...but he may have traps set up," Hunter continued, carefully advancing into the forest.

He walked in a slow, stalking matter, his eyes always shifting from side to side and the steady sniff from his nose. The Wyvern stayed close to him, copying his actions. Hunter stopped suddenly and sniffed the ground.

"Lanar... He's been here very recently; this trail is very fresh," Hunter stated. Suddenly he jerked his head up and sniffed the air.

"Someone. Coming?" the Wyvern asked.

"Yes... qucikly! Up that tree over there!" he growled quietly and pointed to a large oak tree to their right.

Hunter and the Wyvern hurled themselves up the tree and hid themselves in the thick mass of pine needles. What was approaching finally came into view: it was a blue female mudokon.

Blue was rushing to the village as fast as she could, when she thought she heard something up a nearby tree. She stopped and headed over to a large pine, her staff in hand, poised for battle if need be. As she edged closer to the tree, she caught a hin of a green hind claw of some kind, clenched to a large limb. Getting worried, she took aim with her staff, ready to fire a stun beam, when a large streak fell from the tree, landed with a large thud and moved to the right of the trunk. Blue took aim when a somewhat familiar voice shouted "Stop!" Blue turned to see the four-legged Big Bro Slig running towards her, followed by an odd winged-creature of a similar dark green.

Blue set her staff down.

"Hey, wait a minute, aren't you that strange guy that ran into me at Spider's banquet?"

Hunter nodded.

"Aye, I am. Speaking of Spider, you haven't seen him, perchance, have you?" Hunter replied.

"Yes, I have, and it's a good thing I met you. He's been kidnapped and being held in a small hut just over there..." Blue thrusted her paw in the direction that she came from, "...by a blind mudokon and a large grey Big Bro Slig. I tried to follow the grey BBS, but I lost track of him..."

Blue stopped at this point as she noticed a low rumble coming from somewhere. She soon figured out that it was coming from Hunter as it grew louder into a loud growl. Hunter's eyes shone blood red and he dug his claws into the ground.

"Lanar..." he hissed, "Come, you must take me to Spider!"

The Wvyern suddenly screeched. "Kin! Must. Save!"

"Uhm. . . yes, right. . . okay. Follow me."

Blue started running very fast in the direction she had come from. Soon a small clearing came into view. Near the edge, a small, weather-beaten hut came into view. Blue slowed down her pace

"This is where he is..." she whispered, taking out her staff. The blade tied securely to the end shone brightly in the forest light.

"Right," Hunter nodded, but suddenly, before either of them could stop him, the Wvyern screeched, "KIN!" and flew up into the air and dive straight through the roof the the hut.

Startled, Blue let out a cry.

"Augh, no!" Hunter snarled and looked at Blue. "Guess we have no choice."

"Okay, let's go, then!" Blue shouted. The two charged through the door, their strength combined breaking it off of its hinges.


"What the hell is this?!" Lanar growled, looking at the green Wyvern that had unexpectedly burst through the ceiling. The creature stood over Spider's body protectively, hissing and snapping it's sharp jaws.

"Why you little bas-"

A sudden crash echoed through the room. Lanar whirled around quickly to see the door thrown off of its hinges. Standing in the frame were Hunter and Blue, both with menacing faces on.

"Don't move a muscle or you won't have a head left," Hunter snarled in a bone-chilling voice.

Blue aimed her staff at both Teb, who was moving his head around wildly, and Lanar. The blade on the end of her staff began to glow a light green color.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't a little blue meat puppet and doggy-boy here to rescue their little freak friend," Lanar hissed, an oily smile crossing his face.

"Puh, I never saw a bigger freak than the fat oaf in front of me," Huner snapped.

"And don't call me a meat puppet, you jerk! I've seen sligs been sold for meat before. . ." Blue added.

The smile dropped form Lanar's face and transformed to a sneer.

"Well, I guess you two need to learn some manners," Lanar snarled, cocking his gun. "You wanna play that way? Fine."

Hunter rose on his hing legs and let out a wolfish howl, bringing his clawed hand in front of him in a fighting stance.

"Hurt. Kin." the Wyvern hissed, "You. DIE!"

Blue's face turned into one of deep anger and hatred. Her staff began to glow very brightly as little sparks of energy revolved around it, aimed at Lanar.

Then Lanar Struck; he aimed a gunshot at Blue, narrowly missing her shoulder by millimetres. The Wyvern screeched and jumped on Lanar's back, biting down hard.

"Why you little-!" Lanar roared and took out a dagger, aiming to stab the Wyvern. Hunter then lunged at Lanar, but this was what Lanar had expectd him to do: he aimed and fired.

Hunter let out a roar of pain as the bullet dug into his shoulder, spilling his blood everywhere. Hunter flashed his eyes at Lanar with a look of pure hatred.

Blue let out a cry of anger and fired a strong stun beam at Lanar, catching him in the arm as he leapt out of the way, and knocking him over.

"Augh," he muttered, and rolled over to get up, but found Hunter standing over him.

"You little pathetic piece of flesh you... you always kill... never stop... always causing pain," Hunter snarled in his face. "I rarely say this, but the world would be better off without you... you slimey diseased Slurg!"

Lanar snarled and shoved Hunter off, causing him to land on his injured arm. Hunter howled in pain and back away. With a swipe of his hand, Lanar knocked Blue staff away and with his dagger, he cut a net from the ceiling and it landed on the Wyvern. Lanar then advanced on them.

"Well, end of the line, goody-goodies. Too bad this is one tale you'll never get to tell," Lanar snarled, his gun aimed.

Suddenly, Lanar's expression of satisfaction turned to one of puzzlement, then to one of horror. His veins began to stand out on his skin, and he dropped his gun.

Lanar fell.

With shocked expressions, the trio saw a small figure revealed behind Lanar's toppling form. Teb stood there, turning the bloodied syringe around in his hands with a far-away look.

Hunter managed to find his tongue first. "Kid... What did yer just do?"

"I just used an empty syringe. I injected him with air..."

Hunter stared at him. "You killed him?"

"It..." Teb frowned for what seemed like the first time in his life. "It seemed necessary."

Hunter laughed, humourlessly. "Necessary? Is that all there is to it?"

Teb dropped the syringe. "He lied to me. He didn't seem like a very nice person."

Hunter stared at Teb for a second, then laughed and flung his arm around the small mudokon's shoulders. "Kid, there's hope fer you yet!"

[ September 06, 2001: Message edited by: Rettick ]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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09-05-2001, 06:14 PM
DarkHoodness's Avatar
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(OOC: Try replacing "gun" with "surringe". Sorry, we chaged that when we did it. . .)
- DH

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09-12-2001, 06:37 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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"Lets get out of here." Hunter said as he pulled the netting off of the

"Friend. Hurt." it squawked.

"I'll live. We need to get back to the village and cure Spider." Hunter said
as he picked up the still unconscious Spider.

"Wait." Teb said, "You need Olm for that right?"

"Oh crap that's right. He is still in jail."

"No...Lanar had brought him here. He is somewhere in here...."

"But where?" Blue said as she walked around looking, "I don't see....whoa!"

Suddenly the floor broke under Blue's feet and she fell.

"Whoa! You alright?" Hunter said as he ran to the hole.

"Yeah....I had a soft landing fortunately...." Blue groaned from below.

"Yeah...me..." a voice said under her, "would you be so kind as to get off?"

"Oop! Sorry." Blue said getting off a rather bruised Olm.

After Hunter helped Blue and Olm out of the hole, Olm took a look at
Hunter's wound.

"Hmm... the bullet is deep, but I can take it out," he said.

"Yer can der that once we get back ter the village." Hunter said as he
walked over to Spider and got down on all fours. He shifted and thew Spider
on top of his back and started towards the forest.

"Wait!" Olm held up his hand. "Lanar smashed up the lab, I don't think I
have the equipment to cure Spider there. If Jase was still working, I could
have him do it, but..." He paused.

"But what? What's Jase!" Hunter stepped closer, but Olm ignored him,
thinking. Then he turned back to the main room of the hut.

"Find something that has a Power Pack. A Cartel Power Pack."

Hunter stood still, puzzled, but then reached down to pick up Lanar's gun.
Breaking it open, he handed Olm the dull cylinder inside, which he recieved
gratefully. "Thanks. Now let's get back."

Hunter gritted his teeth and hoisted Spider onto his back again. We should keep a watch on the hut and Lanar's body in case a Cartel croony comes back to cover up the incident: this is valuable evidence of what Lanar really was."

"I'll stand guard," Blue offered, taking out her staff.

Hunter nodded in response. Olm served as Teb's guide as they left the hut.
"Alright," Hunter said, "Let's head home."

[ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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