Got diagnosed as being immunocompromised a year before everything went global, so I've been shielding since March. I've left the house only to go to my local shop, to the hospital for monthly treatment, and twice to the pharmacy for unrelated meds. At least I get to keep my job by working from home, but having no separation between work and home is not exactly my favourite.
Damn dude, that sucks. I hope that everything goes well for you.
As I said other times I've finished Art School this year and I've been home most of the time. Things are probably getting better regarding the virus but our government didn't help us much, people lost their jobs (myself included) and even their houses too. We're now in some sort of lockdown which gets more or less restricted depending in which region you live. I really hope I can make it to UNI next year to start studying agricultural science (and I also hope that I'll be able to find a job with the covid shit already gone that time).
Also yeah we've all been hanging out on the owf discord server in the voice chat. Me and roz played some Halo MCC too, it was fun